On the runway, boyz.

Been there - don’t forget to rehydrate.

Will do. Trying to decide whether to go out and move snow. I know there is more coming; and I have a history of falling on my ass in the middle of the night with air knocked out of me at my previous home (no drivers passed by bc it was edge of town. I think I should wait till daylight so some dog walker can spot me.

I'll OJ it up first.
We know what you really meant...
fashion runway model GIF
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Bring your slippers for the gout? I haven't had it in a LONG time, but the first time I had gout, I wanted to die
I’ve had a few flare ups over the decades. The last one was a few years ago and was so bad I bought a cane to hobble around on until it cleared. Went on allopurinol after that and nary a problem since. Csb.
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I’ve had a few flare ups over the decades. The last one was a few years ago and was so bad I bought a cane to hobble around on until it cleared. Went on allopurinol after that and nary a problem since. Csb.

I remember my predecessor as Magistrate showing up to Court with slippers on. I gave him shit, then I proceeded to a Sunday Night Football game in KC shortly thereafter. I ended up having to do the same. He laughed at me and said stay away from fish. He certainly didn't tell me to avoid the booze.

But he did his own thing. My kind of guy.
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In Hotlanta right now for my layover. Getting on in a few! Awesome thread! I’ll take a pic of the Annie’s Pretzel thing for Tenacious E.
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We were in Hatfuud last fall for several days. Had Frank Pepe’s three times and Sally’s once.
I remained in the gout free zone with clams, clams, and more clams.
Next time we get to Boston I’m going to insist we do a side trip for some of that good shit. Now I will probably get overruled, but that’s another matter.
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OP travels for pleasure?

Gonna need a full recap of all the loyalty points/miles you acquire over the weekend.
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Hartford residents don't talk like Bostonians. BDL is a nice little airport. Probably going to get slammed with snow, freezing rain, and wind soon, enjoy. /csb
On the ground at BDL. Snow starts in a couple hours. Heading to start drinking somewhere in a bit then jamming with a band all night. Rocking the keys and vocals, yo!

Purple Rain first song on my turn!
On the ground at BDL. Snow starts in a couple hours. Heading to start drinking somewhere in a bit then jamming with a band all night. Rocking the keys and vocals, yo!

Purple Rain first song on my turn!
You certainly seem to lead a very fruitful and busy life. Kudos to you.
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