Opinion: The Trump threat may soon get worse. Here’s the under-the-radar reason for it.


HR King
May 29, 2001
Opinion by Greg Sargent
Today at 11:20 a.m. EDT

The sunny reading of the threat posed by Donald Trump goes like this: Yes, Trump hatched multiple schemes to overturn the 2020 election, but their implausibility, his incompetence and the unwillingness of Republicans to play along suggest there’s little to fear from a rerun in 2024.

We should hope that’s true. But it would be folly to count on this without taking active steps to prevent the contrary outcome — and three political races in the Midwest that you’re probably not following illustrate the point with new urgency.
We’re talking about the 2022 gubernatorial races in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The New York Times reports that Democrats are quietly worried about these races, in part because GOP governors in those states will be able to dramatically ramp up the anti-democratic tactics.

In all three states there are GOP-controlled legislatures, and if any of the three Democratic governors in them — Tony Evers (Wis.), Tom Wolf (Pa.) and Gretchen Whitmer (Mich.) — are replaced with a Republican, it will mean unified GOP control.
Most obviously, that will mean ramped up voter suppression and other anti-majoritarian tactics. Indeed, as the Times notes, GOP lawmakers and candidates for governor in these places are pushing more such proposals, making these Democratic governors bulwarks against more deeply entrenched minority rule.
But perhaps more important is what this means for future election subversion. In these states, Republicans are pushing various efforts to “audit” or “recount” the 2020 voting, which should be seen as dry runs for manufacturing pretexts for subverting future outcomes.

GOP governors would make it easier for Republicans to do just that, by, say, overturning a 2024 presidential loss in their state. As the Times notes, a GOP governor could refuse to certify a slate of electors for a Democratic winner of the popular vote, or send rogue electors for the GOP candidate, in defiance of the popular vote, for Congress to count.
This would require cooperation with the state legislature, but unified GOP control makes that more likely. And while this might not survive court challenge, in theory it could. What then?
Well, a GOP-controlled House of Representatives could count the rogue electors. A Democratic Senate might refuse to count them, but the Electoral Count Act of 1887 stipulates that both chambers must invalidate them, or they do, in fact, count. A GOP-controlled House and Senate could both count the rogue electors, an even worse scenario.

“Although it would require many guardrails to fail,” Genevieve Nadeau, counsel at Protect Democracy, told me, “it is theoretically possible that a governor, with the support of a legislature of the same party, could certify a result contrary to the popular vote and that Congress would then count those electoral votes.”
All of which requires reform, at two levels. The first is the state certification process, which could address the above scenario: Democratic lawyer Marc Elias suggests Congress should remove control of certification of electors from officials such as governors and place it in the hands of less partisan actors, such as state justices.
The second level would be revisions to the Electoral Count Act. Richard L. Hasen’s blueprint recommends making it harder in various ways for Congress to invalidate the correct electors or count the wrong ones in situations where multiple slates are sent. Others call for clarifying the vice president’s role in counting electors as purely ceremonial.

These would close off other pathways, some of which Trump did try with plenty of GOP support. He tried to get states to send alternate rogue electors, pressured congressional Republicans to toss out the correct electors, and pushed his vice president to refuse to count them.
All this does in some ways seem far-fetched, and some observers continue to suggest that Trump’s incompetence and failed schemes are at least partial causes for reassurance. But such schemes might be attempted even if Trump himself isn’t the 2024 nominee.
What’s more, any discussion of this is incomplete without noting that other Republicans are running on versions of Trump’s “big lie” about 2020, or even on an open vow that future losses should be subject to overturning. More such Republicans will be in key positions in 2024.

Indeed, these gubernatorial contests will help test how worried we should be about the threat. The media should hound the living heck out of GOP candidates in those races until they unequivocally renounce any intention of certifying electors in defiance of the popular vote.
It may fall on Democrats to force this issue to the fore, to get the media focused on it. “Democratic candidates should — and will — keep this fight front and center,” Ben Wiker, the Democratic Party chair in Wisconsin, tells me.
Democratic voters in those states should focus on this as well. Wikler points to early positive signs, noting that the issue is “already galvanizing volunteers and activists in a way I wouldn’t have thought possible in a midterm.”

Here’s a prediction: If GOP gubernatorial candidates are pressed in this regard, some will fudge their answers. To keep the Trump rump happy, they will say something like: “If the 2024 election is conducted with integrity and with no signs of fraud, then of course I would certify the proper electors.”
That’s a dodge, and they shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. And if they do say this, then perhaps those who are sanguine about the continuing threat might rethink matters.

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JFC gotta keep that guy front and center, right?
Yeah, you and your ilk might want to work on that since y’all dumb mutha f#ckers thought it was a great idea to vote for the 🤡. Twice.

But, yeah, you keep thinking it’s the libturds who have the Trump problem. JFC to you, nasty woman.

Oh, yeah, I’ll let you know what I really think when I’m on beer ten. Give me ten minutes. 🙄
Yeah, you and your ilk might want to work on that since y’all dumb mutha f#ckers thought it was a great idea to vote for the 🤡. Twice.

But, yeah, you keep thinking it’s the libturds who have the Trump problem. JFC to you, nasty woman.

Oh, yeah, I’ll let you know what I really think when I’m on beer ten. Give me ten minutes. 🙄
I'm sure you can definitely quote one single post or thread from our ilk that is about Trump in support of him. Should be easy.

The libs are the ones who have a Trump problem.
I'm sure you can definitely quote one single post or thread from our ilk that is about Trump in support of him. Should be easy.

The libs are the ones who have a Trump problem.

Yeah, I’m just making shit up.
I'm sure you can definitely quote one single post or thread from our ilk that is about Trump in support of him. Should be easy.

The libs are the ones who have a Trump problem.
53% percent of Iowans support the guy who tried to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. That means that 53% of Iowans harbor severe anti-democratic tendencies, and a democratic system of government is not sustainable under such conditions.
Yeah, the OP is a world class MAGAT, alright. Shame on Ciggy.

As I've said before, an actor won't play to an empty house. Trump has to sue Twitter because his avenues for "stayin' alive" are shrinking. In fact, if it weren't for the left mentioning him every day, he'd almost be a faded memory by now.

It's almost as if the lefties need to prop him up so we don't notice the disaster the current Vegetable in Chief is presiding over.
Yeah, the OP is a world class MAGAT, alright. Shame on Ciggy.

As I've said before, an actor won't play to an empty house. Trump has to sue Twitter because his avenues for "stayin' alive" are shrinking. In fact, if it weren't for the left mentioning him every day, he'd almost be a faded memory by now.

It's almost as if the lefties need to prop him up so we don't notice the disaster the current Vegetable in Chief is presiding over.
See Nikki Haley yesterday? How can you be this willfully ignorant while pretending to be intelligent? It is embarrassing.
Yeah, the OP is a world class MAGAT, alright. Shame on Ciggy.

As I've said before, an actor won't play to an empty house. Trump has to sue Twitter because his avenues for "stayin' alive" are shrinking. In fact, if it weren't for the left mentioning him every day, he'd almost be a faded memory by now.

It's almost as if the lefties need to prop him up so we don't notice the disaster the current Vegetable in Chief is presiding over.
It's not the lefties all over my area that fly Trump flags, sweetie. It's not lefties buying his clothing and going to his rallies.
It's not the lefties all over my area that fly Trump flags, sweetie. It's not lefties buying his clothing and going to his rallies.

I don't know where you live. I don't see that.
Am I your sweetie? Wow. Someone out kicked their coverage for sure!!
I don't know where you live. I don't see that.
Am I your sweetie? Wow. Someone out kicked their coverage for sure!!
Seriously? Look at the Grimes, Iowa thread on this site. At least here in Iowa, his flags are still flying high and proud. Also he is still holding tons of rallies.

Here is a clip from a rally he did in Sarasota, FLA this summer. That's not that far from you.

Yeah, the OP is a world class MAGAT, alright. Shame on Ciggy.

As I've said before, an actor won't play to an empty house. Trump has to sue Twitter because his avenues for "stayin' alive" are shrinking. In fact, if it weren't for the left mentioning him every day, he'd almost be a faded memory by now.

It's almost as if the lefties need to prop him up so we don't notice the disaster the current Vegetable in Chief is presiding over.
This doesn't help you. Biden is doing a phenomenal job compared to the last 4 years....and you'd vote for the guys who tried to overturn the election results. Anything is better than we just went through and STILL you shred Biden...and would vote for seditionists like Ted Cruz or even Trump. It is night and day between the work ethic of Joe and Trump. There isn't a single thing I have seen from Republicans in years that would make me want to vote for them.

You are embracing authoritarianism. You refuse to realize it.
Yeah, the OP is a world class MAGAT, alright. Shame on Ciggy.

As I've said before, an actor won't play to an empty house. Trump has to sue Twitter because his avenues for "stayin' alive" are shrinking. In fact, if it weren't for the left mentioning him every day, he'd almost be a faded memory by now.

It's almost as if the lefties need to prop him up so we don't notice the disaster the current Vegetable in Chief is presiding over.
The fact you actually believe that is a significant part of the problem. I just can’t imagine reaching the age of seventy-something like you have and still not having a perspective greater than the realm of my anal crevice. The fact you wear it as a badge of honor is all anyone needs to know of your integrity or lack there of.

Lol. You’re ridiculous.
Why are you worried about voter suppression? Did you see all the people who showed up for Biden’s appearance in Michigan yesterday? 🤣🤣
Yeah, you and your ilk might want to work on that since y’all dumb mutha f#ckers thought it was a great idea to vote for the 🤡. Twice.

But, yeah, you keep thinking it’s the libturds who have the Trump problem. JFC to you, nasty woman.

Oh, yeah, I’ll let you know what I really think when I’m on beer ten. Give me ten minutes. 🙄
Goldy is itching to vote for Trump a third time.

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