The US has elected an almost 80-year-old sexual predator, convicted felon (34 counts), traitor, sociopath, neo-Nazi, malignant narcissist, misogynist, racist, pathological liar, religious hypocrite, egomaniac with a two-year-old's temperament and a fourth-grader's vocabulary to the presidency despite his utter failure the first time when he became the only president ever to be impeached twice. And you're just now figuring out that people are stupid and horrible and incomprehensible? LOL
This guy is about three weeks from taking over despite being a combination of the worst traits humanity has to offer, despite publicly mocking the disabled, despite putting immigrant children in cages, despite saying his former VP deserved to be hanged because he upheld the Constitution, despite repeatedly calling service members "suckers" and "losers" and wondering "what's in it for them?" despite desecrating Arlington National Cemetery with a campaign stunt, despite openly declaring that he will not be a president, he'll be a dictator, despite stealing confidential and Top Secret documents when he left office the first time, despite saying Republican Liz Cheney and Gen. Milley should face a firing squad because they campaigned against him, despite saying he'll jail his political opponents like talk show hosts who mocked his idiocy and reporters who attacked his plans to destroy US democracy.
The guy should already be in prison. Instead, a slight majority of US voters have said, yah, let's send this guy back to the White House. Let's make this draft dodger who mocks the military commander in chief again. Let's give him the nuclear codes. Let's see how a dictator does it.
In terms of Iowa sports, sending this guy back to DC is like Iowa men's basketball firing Fran and rehiring Todd Lickliter. Maybe that will resonate with some of you, although those deep inside the MAGA cult cannot be saved.
US Democracy:
Born July 4, 1776 / Died Nov. 5, 2024