Who the hell is Adam Character?
OP constantly scouring the news wires and message boards for all things Nebraska. Then like a cat that caught the mouse, he drags the carcass over here for all to see. .This is a clinical obsession. Nebraska this, Nebraska that. If you think I'm exaggerating, take a look at his posting history and tell me if there is another HR poster who has published even 1/4th the number of threads pertaining to the University of Nebraska.
A reasonable case can be made that OP is a Nebraska troll posing as an Iowa fan and a lot of HR posters have been punked for some time now. How else do you explain the dozen taunting threads initiated after each loss? Then, during the week leading up to the next game, here come the dire predictions, usually accompanied by a negative stat to support his position, with a backhanded swipe at a coach or a player to boot. In his world, the "easy money" is always with the bet against Iowa.
Win or lose tomorrow, there will be multiple post-game threads created by OP slanted to find the most negative aspect about the game, the players, or the coaches. In the alternative, if Iowa wins convincingly, instead of recognizing the feat the OP will seek to put the performance in a broader context and will likely include a smartass comment about Ferentz or some other coach whether warranted or not. Is there any doubt that this guy burns effigies of Kirk Ferentz in his basement in accordance with some weird ritual which he developed soon after Iowa extended his contract the first time?
It is my suggestion that HR create a new message board. Name it "All Things Nebraska" or something similar and have IHFBnBB4L host and moderate it. Give this guy a place to feed his obsession.