I will preface this by telling you I am not going to insult you or try and belittle your points. I am strictly going to ask some questions and present my side.
Let me ask this question. Prior to 2015, were ISPs threatening to start controlling and charging for sites?
Why would they now? How is it going to suddenly be different now?
In the time the internet was not under government control, we went from 1200 baud modems, to gigabit fiber lines. Do you honestly believe that had the government been controlling things the entire time this would have happened? I sure don't. This was do to free market and limited regulation. Do you guys remember phones up until the late 70s and early 80s (maybe not, probably before most of your times)? The government heavily regulated the industry. You couldn't even buy a phone - phones were all issued from the phone companies and all followed exact requirements. Can you imagine if that were the case today?
President Clinton and a Republican controlled Congress came together to purposely keep the internet free of government control to allow free market to drive things. That seemed to work pretty darn well up until things were changed in 2015 by President Obama. I got to hand it to him, he is a name-smith. Net Nuetrality, sounds like something we should all want. Affordable Health Care Act. Yup, why wouldn't we want affordable health care?
Folks, for those that don't follow history beyond the last 30 days, this is the same thing that has happened repeatedly throughout history in this country. Railroads in the 1800s. Automobiles in the early 20th century. Utilities in the 30s and 40s. Phone industry in the 60s and 70s. You have to start asking yourself this - why? Follow the money - who stands to profit?
While left leaning governments will always push for more government control, it is not always because they think they can protect the little guy. It is usually pushed by a company concerned THEIR bottom line will take a hit. Ford with Auto Industry. Bell with Telephones. In this case, Google helped draft Net Nuetrality, but again why? They say it is because they don't want monopolies to take over. However, just like every other large company that pushed for government regulation, it is because they fear that their EXISTING monopoly will now be subject to competition. Of course Ford, and Bell and Google want regulations. The field was/is already slanted in their favor and their companies were profiting from it. No one could change the game because of the fed govt. The Googles and Facebooks of this world fit nicely into the fed regs so no one could challenge them. I have never understood why people hate the Walmarts of the world yet LOVE Google. They are both large corporations focused on making as much money as they can. There is no difference between them. EXCEPT the Googles of the world are better at spinning their position, and putting a "caring" face on.
Follow the money. They present it because they "care" and create some fear that seems very plausible. "Cars won't be safe if we remove government control (i.e. have free competition)." "Phone call quality will go down if we remove government control (i.e. allow free competition)". "ISPs will start charging you to view sites or they will outright block sites they don't agree with if we remove government control (i.e. all free competition again, like there was 2 YEARS AGO)."
Do you guys honestly believe, in the day and age we live in, that if an ISP started blocking content or charging their customers for content, that customers would not look elsewhere? Competition is the very thing that prevents this. And to folks worried about the rural areas, again, I ask you were people paying for that stuff 2 years ago? No. Why would they now? And if they did, that is a helluva a business opportunity for someone else to come in and take advantage of. They could be the "hero" of the little guy. Those existing companies would change their tune pretty quickly.
The last thing I will say is this. I won't call you stupid or dumb for having your opinion on this. You are entitled to it. This is definitely a polarizing issue. However, I personally feel that those companies and politicians supporting Net Nuetrality are lying through their teeth to the public about it and trying to scare the bejesus out of everyone. In 2014, your internet was not the pit of misery they tell you it will become. What I find interesting is that the very thing they tell you (internet will be controlled and you will lose freedom), is ironically exactly what they are fighting to retain. I would rather allow a free market decide where an industry goes rather than a federal government. The government controlling it is NOT freedom. It is protecting the financial interests of their largest donors at best, and a tool for controlling the people at worst. Our leaders in the 90s from both parties knew this and allowed it to be free for a reason.