OT If you are a Pats fan...


HB Heisman
Dec 3, 2008
113 have to love this. Even if you're not and you don't like him, you have to admire this independence.

BTW I felt empowered to post something OT because this time of year, there is little Hawkeye football news of note.

According to a profile of the coach published
in 2012 by Yahoo! Sports columnist Dan Wetzel, Belichick began wearing a
hooded sweatshirt when the NFL signed a clothing deal with Reebok that
required coaches to wear approved clothing during games. Miffed that he
was being told how to dress by a sponsor, Belichick chose the least
stylish option available, a grey hooded sweatshirt.

When asked about his fashion
choice, he replied, "It's comfortable. I carry my stuff in my pouch."
Belichick also decided to make the sweatshirt even less attractive by
cutting off the sleeves. Why would he do that? "Because I have short
arms," Belichick explained to Linda Holliday, the host of the StyleBoston television show. "I cut them off to have a little more comfort. It's all there is to it."

Coach Belichick
I want the Pats to win simply because the whole "deflatgate" thing is one of the most retarded non-stories ever.
Originally posted by like-woahh:
I want the Pats to win simply because the whole "deflatgate" thing is one of the most retarded non-stories ever.
Why is it a non-story?
To me its entertainment, i dont have anything invested besides time watching so i could care less. They're all overpaid whiners and egotistical .......
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Oh nooo the footballs were less inflated! Bring out the pitchforks!

It's a non story because it's just stupid. It's completely stupid.

I don't give a flying *bleep so I don't get banned* about under inflated footballs. It's just dumb.


Asinine sports media is making sports less enjoyable. Fortunately, I can ignore it and enjoy watching a game without the drama mongering media pimping every non-story so they have something to talk about.

To reiterate my point. I don't give two shits about under inflated footballs.
Originally posted by like-woahh:
Oh nooo the footballs were less inflated! Bring out the pitchforks!

It's a non story because it's just stupid. It's completely stupid.

I don't give a flying *bleep so I don't get banned* about under inflated footballs. It's just dumb.


Asinine sports media is making sports less enjoyable. Fortunately, I can ignore it and enjoy watching a game without the drama mongering media pimping every non-story so they have something to talk about.

To reiterate my point. I don't give two shits about under inflated footballs.
Oh ok, because you don't give two shits, it's a non-story.

If its not a big deal, why it there is a specific requirement for air pressure in the footballs? If it's not a big deal, then why have numerous QB's come out and say that it is advantageous to have under-inflated footballs?

They've been 'convicted' of cheating before, which makes this absolutely a story...even if you 'could care less'...
Originally posted by steelhawkeye:

Originally posted by like-woahh:
Oh nooo the footballs were less inflated! Bring out the pitchforks!

It's a non story because it's just stupid. It's completely stupid.

I don't give a flying *bleep so I don't get banned* about under inflated footballs. It's just dumb.


Asinine sports media is making sports less enjoyable. Fortunately, I can ignore it and enjoy watching a game without the drama mongering media pimping every non-story so they have something to talk about.

To reiterate my point. I don't give two shits about under inflated footballs.
Oh ok, because you don't give two shits, it's a non-story.

If its not a big deal, why it there is a specific requirement for air pressure in the footballs? If it's not a big deal, then why have numerous QB's come out and say that it is advantageous to have under-inflated footballs?

They've been 'convicted' of cheating before, which makes this absolutely a story...even if you 'could care less'...

Yes, the Patriots are in the Superbowl because their footballs are were less inflated. Yeah dude, that's a breaking story.

It's a story because r-tards like you lap up the media coverage so they talk about it non-stop. Get all bent out of shape about it, talk about it ad nauseum blah blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

It's a stupid echo chamber that people latch onto. Then they have to post their stupid opinion on facebook, twitter, uuuuuuuuuuuugh.

At least 50+% of the league is on roids, but under inflated footballs everyone! That's the story! Oh my god, their footballs were slightly less inflated! Oh boy let's a big deal out of it so the dipshit public can drive our ratings!

Give me a break. Give me the days of NFL Crunch Course over this wussy under inflated football nonsense. It's only a story because you idiots buy into it.
So the rules are just suggested, not it...

What other rules can be violated by your Patriots in the name of 'its just football'.

If both teams played with the same footballs, you may have an argument...but they don't.

Drew Brees, Mark Brunell, Jerome Bettis, Hines Ward...all players that say it is advantageous to have under-inflated its not a media-derived conspiracy theory...
Originally posted by like-woahh:
Originally posted by steelhawkeye:

Originally posted by like-woahh:

Oh nooo the footballs were less inflated! Bring out the pitchforks!

It's a non story because it's just stupid. It's completely stupid.

I don't give a flying *bleep so I don't get banned* about under inflated footballs. It's just dumb.


Asinine sports media is making sports less enjoyable. Fortunately, I can ignore it and enjoy watching a game without the drama mongering media pimping every non-story so they have something to talk about.

To reiterate my point. I don't give two shits about under inflated footballs.
Oh ok, because you don't give two shits, it's a non-story.

If its not a big deal, why it there is a specific requirement for air pressure in the footballs? If it's not a big deal, then why have numerous QB's come out and say that it is advantageous to have under-inflated footballs?

They've been 'convicted' of cheating before, which makes this absolutely a story...even if you 'could care less'...

Yes, the Patriots are in the Superbowl because their footballs are were less inflated. Yeah dude, that's a breaking story.

It's a story because r-tards like you lap up the media coverage so they talk about it non-stop. Get all bent out of shape about it, talk about it ad nauseum blah blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

It's a stupid echo chamber that people latch onto. Then they have to post their stupid opinion on facebook, twitter, uuuuuuuuuuuugh.

At least 50+% of the league is on roids, but under inflated footballs everyone! That's the story! Oh my god, their footballs were slightly less inflated! Oh boy let's a big deal out of it so the dipshit public can drive our ratings!

Give me a break. Give me the days of NFL Crunch Course over this wussy under inflated football nonsense. It's only a story because you idiots buy into it.
Kind of agree here. America continues to keep getting softer. Not sure who to blame. The internet?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by steelhawkeye:
So the rules are just suggested, not it...

What other rules can be violated by your Patriots in the name of 'its just football'.

If both teams played with the same footballs, you may have an argument...but they don't.

Drew Brees, Mark Brunell, Jerome Bettis, Hines Ward...all players that say it is advantageous to have under-inflated its not a media-derived conspiracy theory...
Well then, case is settled. The Patriots got to the Super Bowl because they used under inflated footballs against the Indianapolis Colts.

I hate the Patriots, I cannot stand them, but read that sentence back to yourself. Do you honestly think that teams don't do things far more egregious than slightly deflating a football to win? Honestly, you're hearing what you want to hear, because the radio shows I've been listening to with former NFL players say these things go on ALL THE TIME IN EVERY ORGANIZATION IN THE LEAGUE.

I'm so tired of it, it's a friggin non story that gets blown out of proportion for ratings. Over and over and over and over. All those guys you mentioned? Guess what, THEY GET PAID TO TALK ABOUT IT. To counter your Drew Brees argument, Aaron Rodgers stated he would like to be able to inflate the football more! Wow! NFL quarterbacks differ! Amazing revelation everyone!

It's a stupid story.
I LOL at the tought of people getting bent out of shape over this. It's entertainment. How does it affect you personally? If not at all, why does it matter what other people's opinions are?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I never said that got to the super bowl because of under-inflated footballs...I said they are cheaters. 'Proven' cheaters, which makes this NOT a 'non-story' as you suggested.

FYI, Aaron Rodgers is the only person who has come out and said that he prefers the football over-inflated. Stupid argument.
Originally posted by steelhawkeye:
I never said that got to the super bowl because of under-inflated footballs...I said they are cheaters. 'Proven' cheaters, which makes this NOT a 'non-story' as you suggested.

FYI, Aaron Rodgers is the only person who has come out and said that he prefers the football over-inflated. Stupid argument.
By your criteria every goddamn team in the league are cheaters then. You're an absolute moron if you don't think every team in the league fudges things as arbitrary as the air pressure of the football. Blinders on, complete idiot.

That's all I have to say in this conversation, I'm done.
Originally posted by steelhawkeye:

Originally posted by MepoDawg#:
Because it allowed them to win 45-7?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How many other games did they cheat?

Cheating is cheating and NE are proven cheaters...It's not a 'non-story' just because they won 45-7.
Cheating is one knew the outcome of the game prior to making an unfair advantage...
Nice...get worked in the argument and resort to calling me a retard and an idiot...Congrats!

No other team has been fined half a mil and a first round draft pick for cheating. Nice try...
Originally posted by MadDogC:

Originally posted by steelhawkeye:

Originally posted by MepoDawg#:
Because it allowed them to win 45-7?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How many other games did they cheat?

Cheating is cheating and NE are proven cheaters...It's not a 'non-story' just because they won 45-7.
Cheating is one knew the outcome of the game prior to making an unfair advantage...
What is your argument?
The Atlanta Falcons are being investigated for pumping artificial noise in, i don't see anyone talking about that. The Saints had players and coaches suspended and lost draft picks for bountygate, that is a form of cheating. Every team gets penalties called on them for cheating in games.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Stupid freaking Patriots. Awful play call by the Seahawks. Patriots better get in some trouble. Broadcast barely talked about their cheating at all. The NFL sucks.
There's plenty to criticize about Iowa offensively.
BUT, I just witnessed the stupidest play called in the history of the NFL!
What could the seahawks offensive coordinator possibly have been thinking.
That was an incredible blunder that will live in NFL infamy.
Dumbest play call in a Super Bowl ever. You got a guy who is made to score from the 1 and you try and get cute.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yeah rules be damned - so what if they cheat, rules are for breaking not following. Good thing most of society doesn't agree with you on this.

*Patriots win - will be in the books (with the asterisk)
Originally posted by MepoDawg#:
The Atlanta Falcons are being investigated for pumping artificial noise in, i don't see anyone talking about that. The Saints had players and coaches suspended and lost draft picks for bountygate, that is a form of cheating. Every team gets penalties called on them for cheating in games.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Ok, you're right. Every team is cheating because they get called for penalties. With that stupid logic, why even have rules?

BTW, what rule did the Saints break?
I saw that there's some new information coming out that 10 of the 11 deflated balls were only just barely under the 12.5 psi limit and only 1 of the balls was 2 psi under the limit. To me, it sounds like it wasn't really purposeful. I'm assuming that Brady likes his footballs near the bottom limit of 12.5 psi. During the course of the game, the footballs are likely to lose air pressure (just from normal usage combined with cooler temperatures). The one really low football seems like an outlier.
SteelHawkeye, are you kidding? The Saints were paying bonuses for purposefully injuring players and for misconduct during games, those are specifically against NFL rules. They are non-contract bonuses against specific players.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The haters are going to hate hard now, latching on to deflated footballs as the reason the Pats win. Deflategate was a total non-story that was blown out of proportion in typical Super Bowl week hype. First off, every team does things that skirt on the edge of the rules in order to give themselves an advantage. Problem is, 1) the balls could have fallen under the min PSI limit due to cold temps and game use, i.e. this wasn't intentional, and 2) did it really give the Pats an advantage? We've heard from countless QB's that have said air pressure is kinda personal preference. Some like the balls infalted more, some less. In the end it doesn't really matter as the Pats haters are just going to keep hating rather than giving them credit for accomplishing something great.

There should really be less talk about PSI and more talk about what happened during the final kneeldown of that game. Why am I not shocked the Slick Pete Carroll put together a collection of absolute thugs for his football team? The thugs from Seattle's true character came out during the final seconds there, the game was over and they had lost so they had to resort to starting an onfield brawl. It was ugly, real ugly. Show some class Seattle, you lost, the better team won.
I agree about a non-story. Do not the refs catch and hold the ball before and after every single play. Should not they have noticed if it was such a big deal. I find it ironic that Pete Carroll is a coach in the game, but everyone talks about the Pats cheating.
Originally posted by like-woahh:

Originally posted by steelhawkeye:
So the rules are just suggested, not it...

What other rules can be violated by your Patriots in the name of 'its just football'.

If both teams played with the same footballs, you may have an argument...but they don't.

Drew Brees, Mark Brunell, Jerome Bettis, Hines Ward...all players that say it is advantageous to have under-inflated its not a media-derived conspiracy theory...
Well then, case is settled. The Patriots got to the Super Bowl because they used under inflated footballs against the Indianapolis Colts.

I hate the Patriots, I cannot stand them, but read that sentence back to yourself. Do you honestly think that teams don't do things far more egregious than slightly deflating a football to win? Honestly, you're hearing what you want to hear, because the radio shows I've been listening to with former NFL players say these things go on ALL THE TIME IN EVERY ORGANIZATION IN THE LEAGUE.

I'm so tired of it, it's a friggin non story that gets blown out of proportion for ratings. Over and over and over and over. All those guys you mentioned? Guess what, THEY GET PAID TO TALK ABOUT IT. To counter your Drew Brees argument, Aaron Rodgers stated he would like to be able to inflate the football more! Wow! NFL quarterbacks differ! Amazing revelation everyone!

It's a stupid story.
Well I think you missed the point. It was a story because one team had 11 of 12 under inflated balls and one team didn't. Did it decide the outcome of the game, no, but that doesn't make it a non-story.

Is it safe to say as long as it don't affect the outcome that it's okay to do whatever and that it will be a non-story? Lets say Indianapolis spiked New England's Gatorade and New England got really sick but still won, no harm no foul? Not a story.

It's cheating whether you want it to be or don't. It's cheating whether you think its a big deal or not. It's a story because it was a story. The fact that you are here telling us how stupid it is pretty much validates the story by your own words.
Originally posted by MepoDawg#:
SteelHawkeye, are you kidding? The Saints were paying bonuses for purposefully injuring players and for misconduct during games, those are specifically against NFL rules. They are non-contract bonuses against specific players.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Rule book reference please...Don't need a reference to late hits/personal foul penalties, that is not the argument.

What the saints did was morally one can argue that. I'm not even opposed to the penalties given out to Payton and the saints.

11 out of 12 balls (from one team, and none from the other) were outside of the rules. That is not a coincidence, and no matter how hard people try and justify it, is not just an effect from changes in weather.

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