That's where you are wrong. Football is still a good bit different from basketball. There is a lot of reading and reacting that needs to be done that often requires guys to be true "students of the game." That level of sophistication is pretty rare to find among high-school age kids. Consequently, it's more likely to be something that manifests and develops more within young people who are more college-aged.
Thus, to go solely be a talent-acquisition model would be missing out on the majority of the talented guys out there.
Nebraska, at least historically, has had quite a good track-record as it relates to developing guys. For instance, places like Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska have had some very proud walk-on traditions. Anyhow, whenever the environment of a place feels like family ... and you see yourself improve by such leaps and bounds ... guys tend to stick around just as long as they feel appreciated. Thus, even at a place like Iowa, where we don't have a ridiculous NIL system - our guys still get compensated and feel appreciated. If you look at Iowa ... attrition among our very top players has usually been quite rare. Now, where you HAVE seen that at Iowa has been in Iowa's WR-room in the past ... however, that is because Iowa's O was seemingly broken and the WRs weren't feeling appreciated.
Anyhow, still leaning upon being developmental is still more sustainable than going "all-in" on the current incarnation of NCAA-football's free-agent system.