wow. he just had back surgery and was hoping to play in this year's Masters
Sucks he just had back surgery and was hoping to play in this year's Masters
my gawd, this last year has just been brutal
Sucks man.
Crazy. Sounds like it's non-life threatening, but obviously a ton of healing time with broken bones (if true).
Seems odd that it is at fairly high speed and no skid marks. Can't tell where he was driving on that video of the road. Was he on the straight away of the nearby road in the shot or some road up that hill/cliff?
Tiger Woods in hospital after 7am crash in L.A.
Tiger Woods was driving form the five-star Terranea Resort in Palos Verdes, south of Los Angeles, on Tuesday morning to a nearby golf club when he rolled his SUV off the road and shattered his right
i heard he was awake thru it all; damn!Thanks for sharing. 2 broken legs and SHATTERED ankle. Not good.