Our political leaders sometimes are idiots

Yeah, kinda like that time the Republican from Minny was arguing against weed legalization and said a couple ounces of pot was enough for 2 joints.
Math checks out:

I think that she was trying to say that the moon is made of cheese, and eating too much cheese gives her gas.

But seriously, a couple of the kids who got Ds in my Astronomy class last semester would listen to her saying that the moon is made of gases and say WTF.
Yeah, kinda like that time the Republican from Minny was arguing against weed legalization and said a couple ounces of pot was enough for 2 joints.

Quite often politicians have no clue wtf they're talking about.
Or the Dem that argued Guam would tip over if we kept building military bases on it. :)
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Please do not use the word “leader” to mean “manager” or “elected official”.

They may or may not be “leaders”.
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Yeah, kinda like that time the Republican from Minny was arguing against weed legalization and said a couple ounces of pot was enough for 2 joints.

Quite often politicians have no clue wtf they're talking about.