IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life HB King Mar 14, 2003 70,385 25,390 113 Mar 19, 2017 #1 Their average is 35% I'll say under and put it at 27%
EZ2BJZ HB All-American Feb 28, 2002 4,750 4,360 113 Mar 19, 2017 #2 If they play a team who plays defense like Iowa, I will happily take the over.
H HawkLogic HB Legend Feb 20, 2011 16,733 15,062 113 Mar 19, 2017 #3 Give a team the option of wide open layups or wide open 3balls, they probably are going to shoot higher percentage than normal. Iowa was shooting so well and they pissed the game away on defense.
Give a team the option of wide open layups or wide open 3balls, they probably are going to shoot higher percentage than normal. Iowa was shooting so well and they pissed the game away on defense.