Paige Bueckers favored for POTY?*


HR Legend
Gold Member
Jun 3, 2003
Last year I posted when Bueckers returns the UCONN love in the national press will overcome all and if she plays an entire season, she could overtake Caitlin regardless of stats. As implausible as that seems since Caitlin is so gregarious and Paige is like a dead fish in motion, as well as more talented, but the press LOVES UCONN.

Understand I'm not agreeing. Just reporting.

*one source quoted by CBS, but start the counter
I think he's saying that Caitlin is so gregarious as well as more talented. He contrasted the former with Paige not having the personality Caitlin has and then transition back to Caitlin being more talented. At least the way I read it.
is, as well as. I guess I could have make it simpler.
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Last year I posted when Bueckers returns the UCONN love in the national press will overcome all and if she plays an entire season, she could overtake Caitlin regardless of stats. As implausible as that seems since Caitlin is so gregarious and Paige is like a dead fish in motion, as well as more talented, but the press LOVES UCONN.

Understand I'm not agreeing. Just reporting.

*one source quoted by CBS, but start the counter
Doesn't surprise me as the national media gets their "echo chamber" talking points. Similar to the spin of last season's South Carolina squad was "greatest team of all time." Was starting to see that groupthink for LSU until they lost their opener. As for Bueckers I certainly wish her well on her recovery/comeback but its a stretch that she will have anywhere near the stats that Caitlin produces this season. She may not even be the best player on UConn.
Doesn't surprise me as the national media gets their "echo chamber" talking points. Similar to the spin of last season's South Carolina squad was "greatest team of all time." Was starting to see that groupthink for LSU until they lost their opener. As for Bueckers I certainly wish her well on her recovery/comeback but its a stretch that she will have anywhere near the stats that Caitlin produces this season. She may not even be the best player on UConn.
What happened to the girl from Iowa who went to UCONN?
Will Ferrell Lol GIF
Last year I posted when Bueckers returns the UCONN love in the national press will overcome all and if she plays an entire season, she could overtake Caitlin regardless of stats. As implausible as that seems since Caitlin is so gregarious and Paige is like a dead fish in motion, as well as more talented, but the press LOVES UCONN.

Understand I'm not agreeing. Just reporting.

*one source quoted by CBS, but start the counter
Still don't buy it, but we'll see. YES Bueckers is already getting major press, but the CC train has left the building, and "Clarkonomics" is the new buzz phrase......
Both are unbelievably clutch players. Clark has decided edge on offense IMO. Bueckers is a better defender. Edge to Clark. Can’t go wrong with either player, they’re both great.
Both are unbelievably clutch players. Clark has decided edge on offense IMO. Bueckers is a better defender. Edge to Clark. Can’t go wrong with either player, they’re both great.
Sure, BUT the point being after what Clark has done the last two years, (changing the face of the womens game), While Buekers has been out injured the whole time why would anyone consider her being subplanted simply because Paige has returned. I know, its the medias way of stirring controversy, but still.....
Clark is the best player and deserves every major award this year short of injury. What she has brought to women’s basketball is absolutely amazing. Sold out venues every place she plays. Sadly, once she’s gone the sport will go back to what it was before.
Clark is the best player and deserves every major award this year short of injury. What she has brought to women’s basketball is absolutely amazing. Sold out venues every place she plays. Sadly, once she’s gone the sport will go back to what it was before.
If Bueckers leads UCONN back to a title she'll be right there with Clark....and rightly so. PB will have to put up the stats but the best player on the best team always receives heavy POTY consideration. That said, If Caitlin breaks the NCAA scoring record I dont know how she can be denied.
If Bueckers leads UCONN back to a title she'll be right there with Clark....and rightly so. PB will have to put up the stats but the best player on the best team always receives heavy POTY consideration. That said, If Caitlin breaks the NCAA scoring record I dont know how she can be denied.
I watched a lot of the game today and was much more impressed with NC St.
"Caitlin Clark is the best player in the country," Northern Iowa coach Tanya Warren said. "No ifs, ands or buts about it. You're not going to stop her, you're not going to contain her. You just want to make things tough for her."
I have not seen ANYWHERE where people are saying PB for player of the year. Please post link.....
There might be better teams than Iowa. Make no mistake Caitlin Clark is the FACE of
women’s bb. Look at the kids big, and little that idolize her. Adults sporting #22 Clark jerseys
Iowa will have to completely shite the bed for any single individual to dethrone her.
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I watched a lot of the game today and was much more impressed with NC St.
NC State looked scary good. All of their players look tall as hell plus they were draining 3s like nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they make a strong run.

I watched the whole UCONN game today and while Paige had a great scoring game, her movement and running looked weird to me, almost robotic. Granted I’m just a nobody, but I wonder if the injuries left a lasting impact.
NC State looked scary good. All of their players look tall as hell plus they were draining 3s like nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they make a strong run.

I watched the whole UCONN game today and while Paige had a great scoring game, her movement and running looked weird to me, almost robotic. Granted I’m just a nobody, but I wonder if the injuries left a lasting impact.

Buecker doesn't seem to have the physical construction necessary to survive months/years of abuse in the NCAA/WBNA. She has been injury prone and will continue to be.

Caitlin is a good example of a solid athlete. Buecker is frail. Injuries, particularly leg injuries can occur at any time to any athlete despite preventative measures, but logic says the stronger the athlete, the more resilient.
For media narratives and marketing, there needs to be a perceived competition. Outside of the Iowa fanbase, I get the impression that Caitlin is seen as lacking defense (fair criticism), and ball hoggish because of the crazy usage rate.
Who pays to watch Bueckers play basketball? Who has ever paid to watch any UCONN star play basketball, ever? There's only one reason women's college basketball has become marketable, for the first time ever.
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For media narratives and marketing, there needs to be a perceived competition. Outside of the Iowa fanbase, I get the impression that Caitlin is seen as lacking defense (fair criticism), and ball hoggish because of the crazy usage rate.
It's always funny to me how she gets accused of being a ball hog yet she leads the league in assists. People need to understand how the offense works. It runs through her so of course she's going to get the ball a lot. She's supposed to. The other players are either working to give her a shot or working to allow her to feed the ball into the post so a big can get the layup. I know it's far more complicated than that but that's basically how it works and when it is on it is very hard to beat.
It's always funny to me how she gets accused of being a ball hog yet she leads the league in assists. People need to understand how the offense works. It runs through her so of course she's going to get the ball a lot. She's supposed to. The other players are either working to give her a shot or working to allow her to feed the ball into the post so a big can get the layup. I know it's far more complicated than that but that's basically how it works and when it is on it is very hard to beat.
Just one correction. She's basically led the NATION in assists the last three years. Certainly soph and junior she did. The only player to EVER score over 1000 pts and have over 300 assists in the same season last year......
We are definitely seeing a serious drop off in assist opportunities with Monica's absence. Part of that is lack of consistency to not have decided on a post player. I wish Bluder would go with Addison and let her get established. She is more mobile than Sharon and a better rebounder. Sharon is a good back-up and depth is crucial.

Hannah is a forward and can be a killer on the move.
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We are definitely seeing a serious drop off in assist opportunities with Monica's absence. Part of that is lack of consistency to not have decided on a post player. I wish Bluder would go with Addison and let her get established. She is more mobile than Sharon and a better rebounder. Sharon is a good back-up and depth is crucial.

Hannah is a forward and can be a killer on the move.
I think the problem is that Caitlin has much better synergy/comfort with Sharon for some reason I think its because Sharon has better hands for passes chest high and lower. Addie and Sharon both lack some urgency with posting up early in the possession, I think thats part of what Bluder is looking for. Hannah has by far the best synergy with Clark, her instincts and reaction to those fast hard passes just seem to work. I think part of it might be that All Iowa Attach plays that way and both Clark/Stuelke came through that program.

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