Pandering Jack Ass

What is it you are accusing me of, pisspants?

Being a racist.... damn you have a small dick.

When you don't have facts, and your feelings are hurt, make up a lie, story of a beta males life.
The facts are everywhere, you spew racist hatred all the time. lol on the pisspants, you still use that tired old “insult”?

You sure did get awfully defensive, which to me is a clear indication that you are a closeted racist POS.
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You're proving my point. If what was said bothers you, then your probably a white supremacist yourself.
Calling out rubblerousers does not make a white supremacists, it makes me a man who doesn't allow histrionic bullshit to exist without calling it out.

But you know, that one guy knew someone 20 years ago in waterloo..

****in Simps.
The facts are everywhere, you spew racist hatred all the time. lol on the pisspants, you still use that tired old “insult”?

You sure did get awfully defensive, which to me is a clear indication that you are a closeted racist POS.
Where, show a post pisspants.

Provide a single example.

Lying asshole
Wait, you guys think gangs shooting each other over the drug trade is the same as Parkland, El Paso, the Buffalo grocery shooting, the Highland Park Parade shooting, the Dylann Roof Black church shooting, etc.? And far right white males aren’t a problem because, “you’ve never met a skinhead?” Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Conservative Republicans are the dumbest people on Earth. 😂
Imagine failing life so badly that you get triggered when people go after white supremacists.
When he says it’s the biggest problem presented to black people…. Absolutely.
Literate African Americans proficient and English and Math will prosper and achieve…
Let’s tell the truth
  • Haha
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There are plenty on this board.
@Whiskeydeltadeltatango is, he just hasn’t admitted it yet. He and the other simpletons like him are too easily brainwashed and would gladly take up arms in a race war if their new Emperor told them too.

@Whiskeydeltadeltatango stepping away from his constant shitposting on this board to do anything is laughable at best. Dude has more posts in under 5 years than folks who have been here for 2+ decades.
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There are plenty on this board.
@Whiskeydeltadeltatango is, he just hasn’t admitted it yet. He and the other simpletons like him are too easily brainwashed and would gladly take up arms in a race war if their new Emperor told them too.
The two most racist posters I've actually seen on this forum are menace socks and gohox lol

It's a big drop off from that tier.
The racist tag has been overused to the point of losing it's sting...
Most political pejoratives do.

See Marxist, socialist, scalawag, carpet bagger, commie, etc. At one point all of those terms carried a heavier weight. The fact that terms get overused and impotent over time is nothing new.
Most political pejoratives do.

See Marxist, socialist, scalawag, carpet bagger, commie, etc. At one point all of those terms carried a heavier weight. The fact that terms get overused and impotent over time is nothing new.
Did you cry when I took your safe space Fred?

I'm not sure why this is always your response? You claim a majority of your posts were in game threads on the Football board. I'm never in those. This is just another example of a shitpost from a guy who should probably spend more time with his family and less time trying to be some edgy dipshit on an anonymous message board. We all know which one you'll choose. I read my daughter a bedtime story everynight, blah, blah, blah........40k posts later.

This guy has averaged 22 posts a day for 5 YEARS! JFC get a life!
It’s you
How is it again you racist progressives refer to Winsome Sears…. Republican Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.

“A sell out Aunt Thomasina”
I’m good with this guy going to hell.
I ain’t, I believe Jesus Christ was crucified by Pilate, died on the cross bearing the sins of man, was buried, descended into hell and on the 3rd day rose from the dead…shortly afterwards he ascended into heaven.
I have faith and trust in the lord and in the Holy Spirit…i have no doubt my spirit and heart will live eternally in paradise.
I have no fear of death.