Parker Friedrichsen. 4 Star, 2023 Shooting Guard. Visits Oct 15.

Quick release, doesn't use his left hand enough. I never know how a kid's game is going to translate to college but smarter people than me like him.
I noticed Parker is from Oklahoma. Both instate universities are recruiting him. I wonder how much distance from home will factor into his decision?
Is Omaha Biliew no longer a target as he may be choosing options other than college?
And is Pryce Sandfort not in the mix?
I see Friedrichsen and Power mentioned in other sites but nothing on Pryce. Doesn't seem he's been offered yet.
This class could suddenly fill up quickly.
Is Omaha Biliew no longer a target as he may be choosing options other than college?
And is Pryce Sandfort not in the mix?
I see Friedrichsen and Power mentioned in other sites but nothing on Pryce. Doesn't seem he's been offered yet.
This class could suddenly fill up quickly.
No inside information but last I read on here Omaha seems a lost cause for Iowa while Sandfort is a high priority.
Hope he had a great visit and the lousy football game didn’t scare him away. Can’t have too many shooters.
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Could be but I just don't believe a basketball player will drop a team from consideration because the football team had a bad game.
You could very well be right but then again every recruit is unique. Most will choose the school where they feel the most comfortable. Even the weather the day of their visit can factor in. You just never know.
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People are on here all the time talking about how good the Kinnick experience is. Assuming it's better when we win, it only goes to figure that it is not as good when we lose. We stunk yesterday so it might have impacted him
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"Go Hawks??" If his true destination is Purdue, as one poster stated, he must have come away from that travesty happy as the proverbial clam.
I thought Fran was 6'4"
He is. At least that's what his bios say.

Friedrichsen is listed at 6'3" on most sites. To be honest, his game reminds me of a former Hawk's game but that guy was oft injured and transferred. Oh, and his name was similar as was his height...
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He is. At least that's what his bios say.

Friedrichsen is listed at 6'3" on most sites. To be honest, his game reminds me of a former Hawk's game but that guy was oft injured and transferred. Oh, and his name was similar as was his height...
He looks 6"1' or 6'2" tops.
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He is. At least that's what his bios say.

Friedrichsen is listed at 6'3" on most sites. To be honest, his game reminds me of a former Hawk's game but that guy was oft injured and transferred. Oh, and his name was similar as was his height...
He looks 6"1' or 6'2" tops.

On his Twitter page, he says he is a 6’4 CG. If/when he hits 6'5, they usually like to update that info.

As you can see below, Rivals has him at 6'4 as well

On his Twitter page, he says he is a 6’4 CG. If/when he hits 6'5, they usually like to update that info.

As you can see below, Rivals has him at 6'4 as well

247 and OU Hoops lists him as 6'3".

In the pictures you have posted he's clearly not as tall as coach McC, who is 6'4" according to his bios.

What is your explanation? Has McC grown?

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247 and OU Hoops lists him as 6'3".

In the pictures you have posted he's clearly not as tall as coach McC, who is 6'4" according to his bios.

What is your explanation? Has McC grown?


I don't have an explanation for why both Parker & Rivals claim he is 6'4. I have also seen Fran listed at 6'4.

You should contact both Parker and Rivals, ask for an explanation and demand accuracy!!

Let us know what you find out! ;)

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