PC takes down the "Beer Band"

You mean the song that has the line....

If it wasn't for date rape I would never get laid

Gee can't imagine how that would offend anyone in the conservative midwest.

I don't have a problem with the song. I love Sublime but it's not shocking someone got offended.


Your quite correct it's not shocking that someone would not be willing to take the time to read lyrics in order to fully understand the context of that line.

For example, the way you just wrote it completely masks the context of the lyric, other readers here would have no idea that the context of the line being spoken is the date rapist speaking and displaying his vulgar personality. Sublime uses the song in this context to basically speak out against such individuals. So in retrospect, being offended by speaking out against date rapists seems counter intuitive to me. Then again if people actually took the time to absorb things and understand them this type of dysfunction wouldn't occur.

But hey shucks that wasn't my point in the first place or anything.....

Anyways I was really only commenting on the current PC craze sweeping across our great nation rather than a single event in any case. I am not even sure if it's the correct song in question.

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I think "PC" is invoked derisively too often when something that should be offensive to most and should be stopped is stopped.

I also think no one has the right to not be offended.
"I also think no one has the right to not be offended" - Good I agree.

But then you $h!+ the bed just before that

"Something that should be offensive"?
W.T.F. do you mean "something that should be offensive to most"?
Who gets to decide?
this is EXACTLY what Political Correctness is! A minority deciding for the majority!
P.C. must ALWAYS be derided and ridiculed because it is the enemy of freedom.

But then I am older than you are and I remember when this was a free country ;-)
I dislikePC as much as any one but this was just stupid on some ones part. The beer band is there to fire people up( and get free beer) not to make up stupid lyrics. They got what was coming to them
All the Beer Band has ALWAYS sung obscene lyrics to the other fight songs
So you must have always been against them
"Hey, guys stop playing that song or you will be responsible for ending a 30-year tradition and kicked out of the marching band."

that should solve the problem. Carry on

This shouldn't be this difficult to solve
This isn't a PC thing. PC is the minority axing what the majority has always done. The band has apparently been pushing the envelope of what they could get away with for a few years, and now broke it. If they just stayed with what they'd always done it would not have been a problem.
"Something that should be offensive"?
W.T.F. do you mean "something that should be offensive to most"?
Who gets to decide?
this is EXACTLY what Political Correctness is! A minority deciding for the majority!
P.C. must ALWAYS be derided and ridiculed because it is the enemy of freedom.

But then I am older than you are and I remember when this was a free country ;-)

Who gets to decide? It depends upon the facts of the case. In this case, the University gets to decide, since the Beer Band was (apparantly) officially a part of the University. In another case, it might a business owner, who gets to decide what is okay on his premises. In another case, it might be ESPN, who gets to decide if Shilling's comments were tolerable or not.

Here's the cool part, though: In the public square, the public gets to decide, by supporting what the speaker is saying, or by discrediting the speaker (see First Amendment). And the "minority" has no power here. Hell, even the majority doesn't. As long as the speaker is not disrupting the peace (or the fame "fire" yell), they get to spout off. And all or no one has to listen/accept the speech. PC is not the "minority deciding for the majority". In the public square, it is the majority deciding for all. In the private square, it is the "owner" deciding according to his own self-interests.

I am 57. At least in this regard (freedom), the country is as free as ever. Just not as stupid.
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Thanks for that clarification. I agree for the most part

But, I think you go off the rails again - I disagree in that CP is, indeed, the minority making decisions for society
The deciders decide what students can sing
The band is no longer allowed to play "Cocaine"
The Alumni had to mutiny even to get "In Heaven There is No Beer" restored (you're in my age bracket - you remember that)
I guess all I would say is those deciders (the University, the band director) are deciding something only within their realm of authority. Yes, by the band director deciding "no 'Cocaine'", we are all impacted a little, in that we do not get to hear the U of I band play the song. But another band director might allow. And Clapton will play it. And so will a bazillion radio stations. And iTunes. And...and...and...

The deciders are not deciding for "society", only their tiny piece of it. And, the deciders in many cases can be trumped anyhow (e.g. In Heaven There is No Beer, as you point out). And in many cases, there are mechanisms (elections, protests, riots, petitions) to hold deciders accountable for majority-deemed bad decisions. And, finally, some of these "PC" decisions are the right ones ("Whites Only").