PCB Bans Drinking on Beach During March


Sep 19, 2013

Very sad, PCB will never be the same. Good thing I was able to go a few years ago. Social media is partly to blame. The debauchery can't be hidden like it was in the early '00s and earlier. The only exposure the outside world had then, was Girls Gone Wild.

When I was there I didn't see anything too out of line. Lots of alcohol, weed and boobies, but that's about it. The hardcore drugs and sketchy people are obviously there, but that's the extreme minority.
This is going to cost the city a ton of revenue. I can't imagine the hotels, convenience stores or restaurants like this.
That place is a dump. Only thing keeping it from being a bigger dump is spring break.
How long till club La Vela and Spinnikers close their doors? I had a blast at those places during spring break, no way they survive without it. I wonder what the loss of revenue will be during March? I don't even wanna know what percentage of their income comes in March.

Very sad, PCB will never be the same. Good thing I was able to go a few years ago. Social media is partly to blame. The debauchery can't be hidden like it was in the early '00s and earlier. The only exposure the outside world had then, was Girls Gone Wild.

When I was there I didn't see anything too out of line. Lots of alcohol, weed and boobies, but that's about it. The hardcore drugs and sketchy people are obviously there, but that's the extreme minority.
7 people shot and a woman was raped, I'd say it's a little worse then alcohol, weed and boobies. The kids will just go somewhere else but you can't just shrug your shoulders and do nothing when it gets that bad.

Very sad, PCB will never be the same. Good thing I was able to go a few years ago. Social media is partly to blame. The debauchery can't be hidden like it was in the early '00s and earlier. The only exposure the outside world had then, was Girls Gone Wild.

When I was there I didn't see anything too out of line. Lots of alcohol, weed and boobies, but that's about it. The hardcore drugs and sketchy people are obviously there, but that's the extreme minority.
This was inevitable once Veishea started the trend.
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How long till club La Vela and Spinnikers close their doors? I had a blast at those places during spring break, no way they survive without it. I wonder what the loss of revenue will be during March? I don't even wanna know what percentage of their income comes in March.
Why would they close? You can still drink in them.
Why would they close? You can still drink in them.
We met the manager at La Vela when we were there 9 years ago. He told us that spring break kept that place going. That they basically made their "nut" for the year in that one month. If kids decide not to go to PCB for spring break due to the beach ban, places like that will suffer. Have you ever been to La Vela? It's one of the largest nightclubs in the world, not cheap to run and can't make money off a few people a night. It's not your run of the mill bar.
And rapes in broad daylight with a drunk crowd watching.
Well if a crowd, drunk or not, watches a rape in broad daylight, then we are in trouble as a society. If someone rapes someone on spring break, it's either happened before or the thought was there prior. Kids don't just show up on spring break and say "What the hell, I think I'll rape someone cause I'm drunk and it's spring break." Spring break definitely doesn't bring out the best in people, either do large house parties in IC were sexual assults happen as well.
We met the manager at La Vela when we were there 9 years ago. He told us that spring break kept that place going. That they basically made their "nut" for the year in that one month. If kids decide not to go to PCB for spring break due to the beach ban, places like that will suffer. Have you ever been to La Vela? It's one of the largest nightclubs in the world, not cheap to run and can't make money off a few people a night. It's not your run of the mill bar.
I'm from right down the street. I watched it being built when spring break wasn't that big in PCB yet and Spinnaker was the biggest. I was there the first year MTV came and they connected the two clubs to make the worlds largest club temporarily. I was there when Daytona put out a list of ten items spring breakers leave. It consisted of tonnage of beer cans and waste/trash. Our mayor responded with a list of one... Dollar figure.

Yeah, you could say I've been there and know a bit about it. La Vela at this point is a spring break destination on its own. They will likely slow down a bit but it's not like everybody in town was there. You could cut the spring break crowd in half or even a third and la vela would still be full. It's the smaller business that will suffer.

Very sad, PCB will never be the same. Good thing I was able to go a few years ago. Social media is partly to blame. The debauchery can't be hidden like it was in the early '00s and earlier. The only exposure the outside world had then, was Girls Gone Wild.

When I was there I didn't see anything too out of line. Lots of alcohol, weed and boobies, but that's about it. The hardcore drugs and sketchy people are obviously there, but that's the extreme minority.
That "extreme minority"was responsible for the shootings and sexual assaults that took place.Minority my ass.