
Peace Out Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
And you fought the front lines in Ukraine and still want to fight it out?

Or are you just running your mouth again?
Relevance to the post you quoted? He was simply responding to OP saying we're "slugging it out" with Russia when that's obviously not the case. Ukrainians are doing the dirty work so that someday we hopefully won't have to.
Relevance to the post you quoted? He was simply responding to OP saying we're "slugging it out" with Russia when that's obviously not the case. Ukrainians are doing the dirty work so that someday we hopefully won't have to.

A million people from Ukraine have died because of Zelensky. It sounds like you are ok if they kill another million.
Zelenskyy made Russia bomb its cities, invade his country twice, and kidnap the children of Ukraine? Thats done serious 4D chess. Why did he want that?

Zelensky is ok if the people from Ukraibe continue to die. He would have lost far less lives and territory had he wanted peace more than a year ago.
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Derp. What a ridiculous argument. It’s okay to seek peace by suggesting g Ukraine give up part of the country but you can’t argue the other side unless you go fight?

Don’t pretend that you care when you sit home on the couch, while millions of others are dying or having their lives torn apart.
Zelensky is ok if the people from Ukraibe continue to die. He would have lost far less lives and territory had he wanted peace more than a year ago.

This is a logical fallacy. I could say this using the same logic:

US gun owners are ok with children dying from gunshot wounds. There would have been far fewer lives lost if we would have enacted smart gun control regulation.

Do you think that is a true or fair statement?
Derp. What a ridiculous argument. It’s okay to seek peace by suggesting g Ukraine give up part of the country but you can’t argue the other side unless you go fight?
They already lost it, realistically Putin is never giving it back willingly, it’s unfortunate but their reality.
This is a logical fallacy. I could say this using the same logic:

US gun owners are ok with children dying from gunshot wounds. There would have been far fewer lives lost if we would have enacted smart gun control regulation.

Do you think that is a true or fair statement?

When you are losing the argument, you try to change the subject.
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Zelensky doesn’t care what the people from Ukraine think. If he did, they would have a real election.
It's war time martial law, and per the constitution elections are suspended. Not that difficult to understand. I don't think Zelensky would be in any real danger or losing either, considering the polling data.

And quit pretending like you actually care about the Ukrainian people. You just nod your head to whatever talking points Trump and right wing media shove down your throat.
When you are losing the argument, you try to change the subject.

You think the point is I’m not going to argue a logical fallacy. That’s not an argument in good faith or worth having.

This is one of those situations where we can’t agree on the facts so an argument isn’t useful.

I believe all of the lives lost in Ukraine are due to the invading country killing them.

You want to blame the victims.

So no, there really isn’t anything to argue about.
You think the point is I’m not going to argue a logical fallacy. That’s not an argument in good faith or worth having.

This is one of those situations where we can’t agree on the facts so an argument isn’t useful.

I believe all of the lives lost in Ukraine are due to the invading country killing them.

You want to blame the victims.

So no, there really isn’t anything to argue about.

No. I blame Putin, Zelensky and Biden.

If you notice, Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. are all part of the negotiations to end the war.
Why are you not as critical when it comes to Russia?

Oh, that's right.


I’m critical of Putin, Zelensky and Biden.

How many discussions over the past year occurred between Zelensky and Putin, and Biden and Putin?

If I was the leader of a country I’d try to figure out what it would take to end of the war. Especially if I was either losing lives or writing blank checks.
Oh one of those both sides things, sure sure. That damn Zelensky making Russia invade his country!

So you ok if the two sides don’t talk, Ukraine loses another million people, then come back in a year and begin talking?

Meanwhile, you sit at home on your couch?