they most certainly are not ....rights have nothing to do with law, as far as the usa in 2015 goes. rights are granted by the creator, or god. modern law is lawless, man-made law and original rights as they were intended by the founders- these are two different things. the supremes are messing with man made laws. and making the creator into the state. they are playing god. that's fine if they wish to do this, but they shall pay a price. not my beliefs , just a fact.
the founders realized this and stated that rights are issued to us at birth by the creator, and that no kangaroo court can alter this. the fact that some people sit on high and make rulings: matters not in the grand scheme of things.
now, there is natural law and british common law, stuff like this, but this kangaroo court has gotten far away from it.
if two gheys wished to be common law united with no license,
and lived together, happy, I don't think too many folks would have a problem with it.
where the problem comes in is the creator said it's one man and one woman in the eyes of the lord. that's it. and our founders said our creator issues our rights. I cannot do a lot about all this stuff, I'm not god and
I was not a founder. all I can do is state facts.
I am amazed, and intrigued, at the naivety and simplicity of this post and your rationale OiT, but I'm also confused.
You claim that "Rights are granted by the creator, or god." Ok, let me try to follow that premise, I presume using the Bill of Rights. That means that these rights (e.g.) were granted by God at some point:
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Press
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of Speech
Right to own/possess firearms
Right to not quarter soldiers
Right against unreasonable search/seizure
Right to indictment/grand jury
Right against self incrimination
Right to due process
Right to speedy and public trial/counsel/jury
Right against cruel and unusual punishment
Ok, a basic list, but a list nonetheless. Help me out here. Why would "God", as in the "One true God" and not many Gods separated amongst many religions grant the right/freedom of religion, or worshipping as one chooses. Doesn't "his" (Christian) commandment's specifically require one not to do that?
But, putting that initial one aside, what I really don't get is your naivety. You believe that God granted these rights, but history shows, in entirety, those "rights" being infringed on a minute-minute basis. Governments and private persons have murdered, imprisoned, raped, pillaged, and discriminated against on every one of these basis since the dawn of man. If these "rights" were granted by a creator...what was the purpose?
Realistically one does not have any "rights" if they aren't protected by some authority, whether a deity (who will actually act), a government, a group of persons, or a very large and scary person themselves (say, Daredevil, or Spiderman, or something). Can a journalist scream "God gave me freedom of the press!" as the people/government/whomever throw their computer out the window and then summarily execute them?
We only have "rights" when we all, collectively, agree to be bound by them. The US is a great example of this amazing feat. The day we decide not to be bound by these rights, they will simply not exist...regardless of whether some "creator" "granted" them at some point.
One does not have some magical "right" to stop the police from entering their house and seizing whatever they want, even without a warrant. Do you believe that holding the Constitution up in front of the door would stop them? Of course not. What keeps them from doing this (usually, hopefully) is the repercussion from the people, and their government, wanting to preserve these rights. Without the people/government enforcing the rights, they simply do not exist, except in a naive theory.