While I favor your position in this debate, I feel compelled to point out that the definition you provided doesn't clear up the issue. The first part "something to which one has a just claim" fits Phantom's position nicely. That baby in the Soviet Union might very well have a just claim to cry in the street. I don't believe thats sufficient for a thing to be a right, its simply a desire or a just desire even.You need to first define a "right", do you agree with this one? From MW:
2: something to which one has a just claim: as
a : the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled
The second part of the definition gets to my thinking and I think yours that a right must be enforcible. If you can't act on a right, its not real. I have the right to get married in Iowa. I don't have that right in Texas. I can stomp my feet all day at some Texas courthouse and I will not get a marriage license there. My right to marry in Texas simply doesn't exist. If SCOTUS rules the way I hope, that right will materialize over night. Its not like that right always existed but was just hiding in the "bush" so to speak. Rights are man made legal constructs, gods or nature have nothing to do with them.