Police actions in the future...crime increase


HB Legend
Feb 4, 2004
Fort Lauderdale
I have two neighbors here in South Florida that are police officers in the area. Both have been on the force for 10 plus years. I saw them at the park last night with their little ones and the conversation about that situation in Texas came up.

Both cops said that it isnt worth trying to deal with situations like that unless someone is getting hurt. Both have said that the local forces dont do the "policing" like they used because they just dont want the situation to come up where they will be on the news. The mentalitly has shifted to where they just respond to 911 calls now and traffic stops.

One of the officers patrols a pretty poor minority neighborhood and he said that it will become complete chaos within 6 months. His last comment was "thank god we live in a gated community."
I wonder if there will be a major settlement in a class action lawsuit in the near future over police not responding in some areas?
You're as useful as ever.

Thanks. It was an appropriate response to a (with all due respect) silly question. To be more specific, it would be virtually impossible to meet the requisite criteria for a class action in the scenario that you describe.
Thanks. It was an appropriate response to a (with all due respect) silly question. To be more specific, it would be virtually impossible to meet the requisite criteria for a class action in the scenario that you describe.
That seems a shame. Citizens taking the government to court for dereliction of duty appeals to me.
Maybe we should militarize them more than we do now so they can feel safe. Maybe give them some live hand grenades to throw into a crowd. If the cops don't want to do their job and do it correctly then go find some other job to do. Bunch of pussies who won't do the job asked of them because they don't get to do it without consequences.
Maybe we should militarize them more than we do now so they can feel safe. Maybe give them some live hand grenades to throw into a crowd. If the cops don't want to do their job and do it correctly then go find some other job to do. Bunch of pussies who won't do the job asked of them because they don't get to do it without consequences.

I am all for consequences when something is deemed wrong. However, Darrin Wilson did nothing wrong, but will be stigmatized for the rest of his life.

If he hasn't had to change his identity already.
That seems a shame. Citizens taking the government to court for dereliction of duty appeals to me.
It's not dereliction of duty its self preservation on the cops part. They are becoming more afraid of being arrested than being being killed. It's because of Al Sharpton and all the other race bait its on your side. Thank them
this whole situation can only improve if a certain section of society starts to understand how to respect authority. Until that happens these unfortunate occurrences are only going to get worse as the younger generation is being taught to be more and more disrespectful of police and other authoritarian figures.
I am all for consequences when something is deemed wrong. However, Darrin Wilson did nothing wrong, but will be stigmatized for the rest of his life.

If he hasn't had to change his identity already.

Where did I bring up Darrin Wilson? This was montross talking to two cops about the Dallas situation. I'm not really surprised you bring Wilson up though. He's always the poster boy for the LEO sympathizers in these types of threads.
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It's not dereliction of duty its self preservation on the cops part. They are becoming more afraid of being arrested than being being killed. It's because of Al Sharpton and all the other race bait its on your side. Thank them

There's a pretty good word that describes a person with that kind of mindset.

I believe it's spelled "coward."
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Where did I bring up Darrin Wilson? This was montross talking to two cops in the Dallas area. I'm not really surprised you bring Wilson up though. He's always the poster boy for the LEO sympathizers in these types of threads.

Not a LEO sympathizer, just a justice seeker?

Are you anti-LEO?
It's not dereliction of duty its self preservation on the cops part. They are becoming more afraid of being arrested than being being killed. It's because of Al Sharpton and all the other race bait its on your side. Thank them
Was this meant as a refutation or an agreement with my point. Hard to tell. Do you think it's the duty of police to respond to calls for help? Do you think it's proper for citizens to use the legal system to force police to respond when called?
Not a LEO sympathizer, just a justice seeker?

Are you anti-LEO?

I'm not anti-LEO in any way shape or form. I think there are a lot of good cops out there that abide by the rules that are given to them. It's too bad that they are overshadowed by the cops that think they get carte blanche to continue to kill people when it wasn't deemed necessary to get to that point. In these threads I'm still amazed at how many people feel like the police get to do and say whatever they want and we should just follow all their instructions if we don't want to get killed too.
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I wonder if there will be a major settlement in a class action lawsuit in the near future over police not responding in some areas?

Not going to happen. Law enforcement officers have been given protection by the courts under the "qualified immunity" doctrine. There have been a number of court cases over the last 30 years that have supported this. A police officer does not have any legal obligation to involve himself or herself in a situation were his/her safety will be placed at high risk. In essence, they have the right to assess the situation and determine what action to take. Inaction is one of those options. The courts also consider the law enforcement personnel the "expert" in a situation determining what action to take, so the courts will typically always support their decision over an untrained citizen. Right now, there is a growing attitude within law enforcement that the risk of my personal injury or the risk of my livelihood is at high risk if I participate in many forms of proactive policing. They therefore do not chose put themselves in those positions. They are completely within their legal rights to make this decision. I also think it is fair to say that most do not wish to do this, however based on the current environment, it is necessary.

So people could certainly try to sue if they wanted to, but they would have a mountain of legal precedence over the past 30 years that they would have to overcome and unless you are the ACLU or SPLC no attorney is going to want to deal with it.

Basically this is not an issue for the courts. This is an issue that should be addressed by the electoral process. This is why the "qualified immunity" doctrine has been used to cover law enforcement officers. It's basically the judicial systems way of saying, it's none of our business. If you want to change the policy of your police force, elect the officials into office that will make the changes.
More reasons to like the ACLU and SPLC. If there is a police department policy to ignore calls for help from taxpayers in a particular neighborhood, the police should be treated as accomplices in any crime that occurs in that neighborhood.
More reasons to like the ACLU and SPLC. If there is a police department policy to ignore calls for help from taxpayers in a particular neighborhood, the police should be treated as accomplices in any crime that occurs in that neighborhood.
Do you know of,or have you heard of a policy like this that exists? The OP never said that.
Do you know of,or have you heard of a policy like this that exists? The OP never said that.

It has been stated that cops are not required to involve themselves in situations that they deem to be "too dangerous", and that the current trend is for the cowardly yellow bellies to use this excuse more and more in "high risk" areas where they fear that they might get into confrontations with poor, primarily black citizens.

Did you even read the thread?
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Do you know of,or have you heard of a policy like this that exists? The OP never said that.
My interpretation of cops saying local forces don't do the policing like they used to means it's either a written or unwritten policy. It's sure something the police officials should know is happening and are failing to correct. So I disagree, I do think the OP supports that position.
There are no policies that tell officers to ignore calls for help. Issues that are now arising are when officers are dealing with a situation, they are basically surrounded by mobs of people with their cameras out and arguing with the officers. Cameras are fine but there is no way to know the intentions of every person in these groups. This is a safety issue for everyone there. The officer has to have complete control of the scene to conduct an investigation and ensure the safety of everyone involved. Ever try to figure something out and have 30 people screaming and yelling at you? Very distracting and for some officers, no longer worth the effort.
They are basically not going to look into suspicious activity while on patrol unless it is obvious a crime is being committed. It is more of a situation where they respond to 911 calls.

We have moved past the point in our society where you are respecful to COPs. If those teens would have just listened to the cop, nothing really happens and they go home. Standing around yelling at the cop is not what you are supposed to do. People are talking about the cop pulling his gun. Well, why arent people talking about the dumbass kid that runs up to the cop and gets into a fighting position? How fuking stupid is that kid?
They are basically not going to look into suspicious activity while on patrol unless it is obvious a crime is being committed. It is more of a situation where they respond to 911 calls.

We have moved past the point in our society where you are respecful to COPs. If those teens would have just listened to the cop, nothing really happens and they go home. Standing around yelling at the cop is not what you are supposed to do. People are talking about the cop pulling his gun. Well, why arent people talking about the dumbass kid that runs up to the cop and gets into a fighting position? How fuking stupid is that kid?
Weren't the kids listening to the calm cop? Seemed that way in the clip I saw.
It looks like the kids weren't listening to any of them. People say that the cops were there for an hour before this 7 minute clip and then another half an hour after. Did you see where the kid walks up to the cop in a fighting stance? What is a cop supposed to do in that situation?
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It looks like the kids weren't listening to any of them. People say that the cops were there for an hour before this 7 minute clip and then another half an hour after. Did you see where the kid walks up to the cop in a fighting stance? What is a cop supposed to do in that situation?

A barrel roll?
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I'd like to see all you police haters go on a few ride-alongs to see what really happens during an 8/10-hours shift.

You might have a different perspective on things.
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They are basically not going to look into suspicious activity while on patrol unless it is obvious a crime is being committed. It is more of a situation where they respond to 911 calls.

We have moved past the point in our society where you are respecful to COPs. If those teens would have just listened to the cop, nothing really happens and they go home. Standing around yelling at the cop is not what you are supposed to do. People are talking about the cop pulling his gun. Well, why arent people talking about the dumbass kid that runs up to the cop and gets into a fighting position? How fuking stupid is that kid?

If that one cop had just followed protocol, nothing really happens. Most people think the kids that ran up to officer are idiots. And they didn't get into a "fighting position". LOLZ. Most people also think that the girl that got slammed is an idiot for running her mouth. BUT........ None of that trumps the ONE officer's actions. His former employer agrees.
I guess some people have forgotten the old rule of cop interaction. Just stand there, shut your mouth, and listen.

Trying to fight a cop will only lead to 1 thing
Watch the video when the cop draws his weapon. the kid runs up to him and gets in the fighting position. The cop draws immediately and the kid runs off. The other cops chase him. you are blind if you don't see that
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That seems a shame. Citizens taking the government to court for dereliction of duty appeals to me.

The dereliction of duty by the public is more astounding. Id like to see more lawsuits against the general Douchey public by officers who are assaulted, deal with racial epithets and generally suffer abuse at the hands of the populice that feels it is within their right to yell, scream , make vulgar gestures , spit, kick, punch and kick because Goddammit they pay taxes (even tho they don't ) and it is their right to abuse public employees in uniform
The dereliction of duty by the public is more astounding. Id like to see more lawsuits against the general Douchey public by officers who are assaulted, deal with racial epithets and generally suffer abuse at the hands of the populice that feels it is within their right to yell, scream , make vulgar gestures , spit, kick, punch and kick because Goddammit they pay taxes (even tho they don't ) and it is their right to abuse public employees in uniform

You don't think those people get punished?
Watch the video when the cop draws his weapon. the kid runs up to him and gets in the fighting position. The cop draws immediately and the kid runs off. The other cops chase him. you are blind if you don't see that

So do you see the other LEOs appear to stop him and his maniacism? How about them running off before he pulls the gun.

You stick with your "fighting stance", I'll stick with, you know, kids.
The dereliction of duty by the public is more astounding. Id like to see more lawsuits against the general Douchey public by officers who are assaulted, deal with racial epithets and generally suffer abuse at the hands of the populice that feels it is within their right to yell, scream , make vulgar gestures , spit, kick, punch and kick because Goddammit they pay taxes (even tho they don't ) and it is their right to abuse public employees in uniform
Fine point, but apparently only one party in this conflict actually has any power and it seems it ain't the taxpayers. That's too bad as it makes the behavior you describe a more reasonable recourse.
Was this meant as a refutation or an agreement with my point. Hard to tell. Do you think it's the duty of police to respond to calls for help? Do you think it's proper for citizens to use the legal system to force police to respond when called?
Unless libs and cop haters dial back the rhetoric this is what happens. We have about 900,000 cops in this country. Some are bad and some are crooked. Most , however, are decent people trying to do a very hard job. Yet too many people assume a cops nature is to act badly and abuse their positions(have you seen some of the headlines here about cops being cops) Tens of thousands inactions happen every day Between the police and public but the haters act like the occasional screw up is he norm. I do understand the cops reaction
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Unless libs and cop haters dial back the rhetoric this is what happens. We have about 900,000 cops in this country. Some are bad and some are crooked. Most , however, are decent people trying to do a very hard job. Yet too many people assume a cops nature is to act badly and abuse their positions(have you seen some of the headlines here about cops being cops) Tens of thousands inactions happen every day Between the police and public but the haters act like the occasional screw up is he norm. I do understand the cops reaction
Really? Because their feelings are hurt you excuse them from doing their jobs? This bleeding heart thinking is so foreign to my way of thinking. I expect professionalism in the face of rancor. I expect duties to be performed in exchange for payment. If a person is too fragil to police, then by all means quit and find a job elsewhere. But if you put on the uniform, do your duty which means interacting with people that think illof you. That was always in the cards for cops. Toughen up.
I'd like to see all you police haters go on a few ride-alongs to see what really happens during an 8/10-hours shift.

You might have a different perspective on things.

Ah yes, people in law enforcement who clearly hate their jobs.

Another classic.