Police Handcuff Black Man For Eating a Sandwich

Methinks there is more to the story... But I honestly don't care enough to even open the link.

Let me guess though... It all started with someone (not the cop) doing something illegal.

Insert: Quit breaking the law, asshole gif.
Methinks there is more to the story... But I honestly don't care enough to even open the link.

Let me guess though... It all started with someone (not the cop) doing something illegal.

Insert: Quit breaking the law, asshole gif.
You don’t care enough to open the link, but care enough to speculate on what you think could have happened, without opening the link. Nice work there.
California is now such a nirvana that the only crime police have left to investigate is illegal eating.

But the best part is the usual suspect law and order types, who have no problem with the President openly committing a felony for leveraging foreign aid to get an investigation into a political opponent are all over this thread with the “Rules are rules. He was illegally eating.”
I wish everything was as simple as you see it. You simpletons are something else. You keep being you brah.
It's not being a simpleton... It's time management.

I read a faux outrage thread title, surmised the real story and then rely on snowflakes like you to confirm my initial belief... If you would have come back and said you are completely wrong, as usual well then I probly would have had to read the story.

See how much time I save?

You never struck me as the faux outrage type... I may have to re evaluate your contributions to my life.
"We can be doing better things, like preventing people from defecating or whatever on BART," said Nika Sanchez of Pleasant Hill.

It's not being a simpleton... It's time management.

I read a faux outrage thread title, surmised the real story and then rely on snowflakes like you to confirm my initial belief... If you would have come back and said you are completely wrong, as usual well then I probly would have had to read the story.

See how much time I save?

You never struck me as the faux outrage type... I may have to re evaluate your contributions to my life.
I saved time by not reading your reply. I like your style actually.
It’s not actually a law it’s a BART policy. The policy states that a person will be warned and then could be cited. Doesn’t say anything about be cuffed or arrested. Not only that according to most people interviewed people openly eat on the platform and in the trams daily without this happening. Makes you wonder why this time it was made such an issue and immediately went to you’re under arrest. Btw... most half hearted you’re under arrest I’ve ever seen.
It’s not actually a law it’s a BART policy. The policy states that a person will be warned and then could be cited. Doesn’t say anything about be cuffed or arrested. Not only that according to most people interviewed people openly eat on the platform and in the trams daily without this happening. Makes you wonder why this time it was made such an issue and immediately went to you’re under arrest. Btw... most half hearted you’re under arrest I’ve ever seen.
The BART director also participated in the “Eat in” protest.
It’s not actually a law it’s a BART policy. The policy states that a person will be warned and then could be cited. Doesn’t say anything about be cuffed or arrested. Not only that according to most people interviewed people openly eat on the platform and in the trams daily without this happening. Makes you wonder why this time it was made such an issue and immediately went to you’re under arrest. Btw... most half hearted you’re under arrest I’ve ever seen.
It's state law. You know, I don't necessarily even agree with the cop's actions, but I wish you guys would at least try to get your facts straight.
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And since I don't really need a good reason to post a video of Kari Byron, here's a video of Kari Byron.

Yes, it’s a law.
But, it is almost certainly administered inequitably.

That cop just wanted to search that bag and used that ridiculous law to get access to the bag.

Much like the ‘broken tail light’. Just used to pull a car over and search it/check for OWI’s.
Cop challenges white guy: "You can't eat here."

White Guy: "Oh, sorry".... *wraps up sandwich and puts it away*

Cop challenges black guy: "You can't eat here."

Black guy: "So what?" *keeps eating sandwich*

I would remove the racial labels. A guy who simply apologizes for mostly harmlessly violating a low level law, regulation or policy and apologizes and corrects the issue will probably never have a problem with police or any other enforcement personnel. People technically violating laws who then get an attitude about it end up with a problem a lot more often.
I would remove the racial labels. A guy who simply apologizes for mostly harmlessly violating a low level law, regulation or policy and apologizes and corrects the issue will probably never have a problem with police or any other enforcement personnel. People technically violating laws who then get an attitude about it end up with a problem a lot more often.
I won’t argue this. But removing racial labels kind of eliminates the actual problem.
I won’t argue this. But removing racial labels kind of eliminates the actual problem.

I understand your point. I think the problem goes both ways. There are cops who will stereotype black people and end up hassling black people, even the vast majority who are good. Then there are black people who will stereotype cops and end up arguing with cops, even the vast majority who are good. Cops don't want their authority to be disrespected. Black people don't want their rights to be disrespected. We don't hear the thousands of stories every day where everyone is reasonable and all get along. We hear of the exceptions where one or more parties are unreasonable and/or escalate matters.

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