Police looking into allegations of sex assaults by Wahoo Neumann High School students


HR King
May 29, 2001
Police are investigating allegations of sexual assaults of students by fellow students at Wahoo Neumann High School, which the police chief called hazing incidents that had “gone too far.”
Last week, police obtained search warrants to seize cellphones alleged to contain recordings of two separate assaults involving different victims, according to court records filed in Saunders County District Court.
On Tuesday, Wahoo Police Chief Joseph Baudler said investigators were still in the “information gathering” stage and are working to interview more students.
“Our goal is to make sure everyone is safe, both physically and emotionally,” Baudler told the Lincoln Journal Star.

According to the affidavit for a search warrant, on April 19 Wahoo police were called to Wahoo Neumann on a report by the assistant principal about a rumor going around the school about a possible sexual assault of a student at a home in Wahoo.

Baudler met with the student who said he had been hanging out at a classmate’s home in late March when one of the boys pinned him down, pulled down his pants and assaulted him with a plastic bottle while another boy made a video and sent it to friends.

“At which point it spread throughout the school,” the police chief said in the search warrant.

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Police said in the court document that they cited both of the boys on suspicion of first-degree sexual assault and one for making child pornography. Neither had been charged as of Tuesday.

In a separate incident, Wahoo police were contacted April 23 by the father of another boy, who had a video of three students holding down his son and attempting to strip him of his gym shorts and roll him onto his stomach.
The incident was alleged to have happened on Wahoo Neumann school grounds during religion class April 5.

During the investigation, Baudler was “made aware of other incidents where male students ... at Bishop Neumann High School have been sodomized by their classmates,” according to the search warrant.
In a forensic interview in Lincoln late last month, one of the boys said that he had been tackled and that classmates had tried to take off his shorts while another boy recorded on his cellphone.

The video was shared on Snapchat.
The boy’s father told investigators he feared something more happened after the video cut off.
Another Wahoo officer talked to a confidential witness who said that one of the three boys had tried to digitally penetrate him against his will and that similar incidents had happened to others in the class.
Baudler spoke with one boy who described incidents of other items being used to assault classmates.
  • Wow
Reactions: binsfeldcyhawk2
In am SHOCKED that sexual abuse is happening in a Catholic setting. No need to punish these students, just transfer them to another school.
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oh god, no!

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