POLL: Elizabeth Warren or Michael Bloomberg?

Warren or Bloomberg for the Dem nomination, if it comes down to that choice?

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Nov 28, 2010
I'm guessing Bloomberg takes most of his votes from Biden. Bernie has already slipped into 3rd.

So there's a reasonable chance the last couple standing might be Warren and Bloomberg.

If that's the case, whom do you prefer?
I would like to know what his ideas are first but I don't know of any scenario where I would vote for Warren over anyone.
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I was thinking the other day that a decent centrist ticket might be Pete and Amy. Not my top choices, but decent.

I think Bloomberg's candidacy may hurt the chances of that being a compromise ticket that most could support, and that might woo a bunch of middle America voters to the blue.
MB will get rid of large sugary drinks, That alone will help lower our HC costs more than moving to Single Payer. So for sure MB over her.
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Bloomberg is the type of candidate that people in the NYC/DC bubble think is a great candidate that nobody outside of there cares about or wants. Oh great, another old, rich white guy, that's the answer to Trump!
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Unsurprisingly our R leaners seem to prefer Bloomberg. But so do half our D leaners. Hmmm.

He has the potential to help slow down diabetes with his soda restrictions going nation wide, Warren only wants to treat the symptoms via our HC system. Note our HC system is good once you get sick, they are poor at prevention, thus Warren wants you to be sick and hospitalized. This is pretty basic stuff WWJD.
He has the potential to help slow down diabetes with his soda restrictions going nation wide, Warren only wants to treat the symptoms via our HC system. Note our HC system is good once you get sick, they are poor at prevention, thus Warren wants you to be sick and hospitalized. This is pretty basic stuff WWJD.
One of the benefits of Medicare for All is the emphasis on prevention. So I don't see why you think Warren "wants you to be sick and hospitalized."

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around comparing Medicare for All with soda size regulations.
One of the benefits of Medicare for All is the emphasis on prevention. So I don't see why you think Warren "wants you to be sick and hospitalized."

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around comparing Medicare for All with soda size regulations.

Diabetics cost nearly 3 times as much as a non-diabetic on the medical system. Medicare isn't keeping people from giving themselves diabetes. Eliminating soda consumption would do that for many many people. Our HC system just treats the symptoms once they come about they don't get out in front of the issue like MB is doing with his soda legislation.

Oh and sugars and excess refined carbohydrates causes diabetes (T2), and our govt food guidelines is only leading an increasing number of Americans to that fate. Govt guidelines are literally killing people thus our govt is literally Hitler.