Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by strummingram:
Non-believers sure seem preoccupied with religious figures these days.
It is the season, this time of year America is awash with religion.
Ummm, this goes on year-round. America is awash with religion every second of every day. Religion is not God, in my opinion. I think Religion is human's way of trying to get in touch with God, in a group sense. For some reason people have this compulsion to humanize God. They like to think on behalf of God. Thereby, if it is illogical to us, the human being, then it certainly is illogical to God. "If there were a God, why is there_______?" is a very humanistic approach. Which, being human, it's difficult to approach any other way. But, that doesn't stop some of us from succeeding in other ways. I've never come across a true atheist in my life... ever. The atheists I encounter are just complex-thinking people who's logic and literal perception of consciousness has blocked their ability to experience what is beyond matter and flesh and bone.
I can usually give WWJD credit for attempting something creative in these polls. But, the compulsion to basically troll the simpler-minded religious posters is just that- trolling. Not to mention, in this case, another experiment in futility. It's just interesting to me that people who insist that God and religious figures are total fiction, engage their minds and discussion in that subject matter as much, or more, than those who embrace it as fact. What it reveals to me is a chink in their armor. It's basically an admission of "I don't really know if there's a God, but I think devout religious people are always wrong, so I'm going to denigrate them because they offend me in other present-day social situations." It certainly doesn't convey a person who is sure there is no God.