
Oct 16, 2014
This an easy one for me.
Originally posted by Guidotheguide:
This an easy one for me.
I voted that you are interesting, but probably not the way you think. You'll never be a legend like me, and you're poll will be long gone while mine is still going strong. Nice try though.
There have been others who have tried polls like this to see how much they are liked. I think there was this one in particular that failed miserably and confirmed to the 'imaginary' poster who started it that he was quite disliked and a joke.

You on the otherhand Guido deserve some actual praise. I voted for all of the above.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

There have been others who have tried polls like this to see how much they are liked. I think there was this one in particular that failed miserably and confirmed to the 'imaginary' poster who started it that he was quite disliked and a joke.

You on the otherhand Guido deserve some actual praise. I voted for all of the above.
My Poll has more views than both of yours combined and more votes than yours combined! You can't stand how popular I am and how you have to ride my shirttail to even get any attention. Nobody said they didn't like me. Less than half just don't think I've reached legendary status yet, but I've only been posting for a couple months. I'll win the rest of them over. Meanwhile, you'll keep thinking you're important and relevant on here, but when I get to you, you'll just keep putting your little costume on and brandishing your little plastic sword and playing Game of Thrones with your loser friends where you are the master of the kingdom. There used to be 'Trekies', but now we have 'Thronies'. I bet you even belong to a 'Thronie' fan club and chat room, lol.....
Good job Guido, you have a mostly unanimous vote saying you are all of the above!! It seems that behind mine, yours is the second most respected poll. I think there was another poll, but mine appears to have the most votes given.

Don't know why I mentioned that last part. I doubt it's actually important to anyone. Again, good job Guido!!
Matt, you might be losing....

You might want to check the score kid. Not sure why it really matters to you but my math says you're being beat in both categories. Aegon-658 views at this time, You-545. Aegon-51 votes, You-35. Plus that thread hasn't been around nearly as long as your pity party.

You do have far more people saying how much of a tool you are though. So you've got that.
Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:
My Poll has more views than both of yours combined and more votes than yours combined!
Re: Matt, you might be losing....

Originally posted by Husker4AllTime:
You might want to check the score kid. Not sure why it really matters to you but my math says you're being beat in both categories. Aegon-658 views at this time, You-545. Aegon-51 votes, You-35. Plus that thread hasn't been around nearly as long as your pity party.

You do have far more people saying how much of a tool you are though. So you've got that.

Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

My Poll has more views than both of yours combined and more votes than yours combined!
My poll was leading at the time of my post. It has fallen behind now. Thanks for the update? To be a tool I would have to take myself seriously or care, which I do neither of. I'm just an entertainer. Millions hated that 'tool', J.R. Ewing on Dallas, but millions tuned in to watch. Thanks for helping grow the legend!!!
I posted this poll in a vein of humor. If you knew me as my acquaintances do you would know that i could not give a rats ass what others think of me. As long as i am happy with who i am that is enough for me. Just like the song 'Garden Party.' "You see ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself."
Originally posted by Guidotheguide:
I posted this poll in a vein of humor. If you knew me as my acquaintances do you would know that i could not give a rats ass what others think of me. As long as i am happy with who i am that is enough for me. Just like the song 'Garden Party.' "You see ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself."
I thought it was funny, and I am glad you're 'pleasing' yourself, lol. Just make sure you clean up after yourself afrerwards....