Poll: Most voters say Trump guilty verdict would not affect vote

People like you are the problem. You want to act as if this is all on the up and up when everyone knows it is nothing more than political BS.

If this was such a major problem it then this case should have happened years ago. But you’ll probably try and explain how it’s all coincidence that all these cases just happen to hit right before the election.

This is a terrible look for the American brand. But hey, go team blue.
Trump is a domestic terrorist, a life long conman, rapist, racist pos who works for Putin. Horrible look on YOU and only YOU and your anti American cult.
Turnout among Blacks and Hispanics is looking worrisome for the Dems. Blacks are unlikely to vote for Trump, but polls suggest some won't turn out for Biden at prior levels. Meanwhile, more Hispanics may actually vote for Trump than previously.

On the positive side, women still seem energized against Trump and the Red Court. Enough to counter slippage among Blacks and Hispanics?

And then there's Michigan's Muslim population. How firmly have they turned against Biden? Will the Gaza war be firmly in the rear view mirror?

Meanwhile there are reports of stores starting to lower prices. Why? Are they trying to help Biden? Will it work?
All excellent points.

Outside the economy, abortion rights is the biggest issue and that's a HUGE advantage for Biden.
Enough to determine the election winner, imo.
I suggest we all stop calling him turd, or orange this or that, or toddler....

Felon, convicted felon, Crooked Don and things like that seem more fitting.
He's technically not a convicted felon until sentencing in July. To say otherwise is to push misinformation.
He's technically not a convicted felon until sentencing in July. To say otherwise is to push misinformation.
Pretty sure that's wrong since the jury delivered its verdict and the verdict was accepted by the judge. Not to mention that major news outlets are referring to him as "convicted." But I'll let more knowledgeable people weigh in.
Gerald Ford fcvked-up everything when he pardoned Nixon.

The DoJ has never developed an official position on prosecuting a sitting President, taking the "temporary immunity" position - prosecution may occur after leaving office.

Ford's rationale was the Nixon's pardon was an admission of guilt. That has a ring of fairness, but no one could see something like an Orange Turd coming. A second-rate crook and anarchist running to stay out of prison and to gain power, his ambition is to enable power to pardon himself.
I'm not going too fast. I was just commenting on the legality, and you called out a poster for being ignorant about the ability to prosecute a sitting POTUS. It can be done. SCOTUS will rule (soon) on what circumstances it can be done, likely carving out an exception for official duties as POTUS.

The DoJ has a "Temporary Immunity" position- prosecution after leaving office, and no such thing as immunity from prosecution. A stroke of a pen from a single person and a sitting president can be subject to prosecution.

If a president has immunity, you wingers will pay the price like everyone.
He's technically not a convicted felon until sentencing in July. To say otherwise is to push misinformation.
If that makes you feel better try to scrape out a win with that, good luck to you. Convicted. Felon. X 34. With many more to come. But you keep on swinging the way you want to. And we haven't even gotten into his being held liable for sexual abuse of a woman. And his hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. But like I said, you keep on putting lipstick on that pig. It's kind of cute... albeit it humerous.
Sexual Abuser is accurate.

But he's such a pile of shit. How do you digitalize 34 criminal convictions and make it poetic?

Could make something out of Don. Trump.

Criminal. 34. Rapist. Fraud. Thug. Cheat. Sleaze. Abuser. Puke. Jerk Off. Shit Head.

Nothings rising to the surface since everything applies equally.

Still an Orange Turd and all of the above.
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