POLL: Should PENCE Be Impeached for Violating Separation of Church and State? (Now with Poll)

Should Pence be impeached for this?

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A new ProPublica investigation reveals how Vice President Mike Pence’s office interfered with foreign aid programs in order to reroute the money to Christian groups abroad, particularly in Iraq. The investigation reveals how longtime officials worried that the White House interference in USAID funding programs could be unconstitutional because it favored one religion — Christianity — over others. The officials also worried that perceptions that the U.S. was favoring some religious groups could worsen sectarian divisions in Iraq.

You guys really want Pelosi in there, son't you? Why don't we just impeach him for the sport of it.

I don't like the guy, but you'd better come knocking with bigger issues with him if you're going to try remove the elected Republicans and insert the Speaker of the House (Dem). You're playing with fire.