POLL: So . . . You Daughter Is Going to Marry a _____________?

Your daughter is getting married. Which of these would bother you most?

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Easy. Poors.

I wouldn't care if my daughter married a poor as long as she understands I am not delaying my retirement to pay for her and her deadbeat.

In fact I wouldn't care who my daughter married as long as they are happy and don't hit me up for money all the time.
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Please, next time, add one. She's marrying someone who uses words like "poors" and "deadbeat" to refer to an imaginary person.

I would accept: A person of low character and boorish, presumptive attitude.
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None of those bother me except the possibility it's a dook fan. Gotta draw the bright line right there.
The only "kind" that would bother me is if she married a liberal. Since she is intelligent and can think for herself, there is no danger of that.

So how liberal are we talking here? I mean I have a lot of acquaintances who are libs that are good people. They go about their day, go to church, ect ect they just happen to vote Dem. I would however begin to draw the line when it becomes an identity for the person. Bumper stickers all over the car, makes a point to tell everyone how liberal they are, and makes the same exact thread 15 times a week on an anonymous message board declaring the love of all things lib. Hell you could say that for any of the choices above I guess. Just don't let one thing define you like a lot of the jack-offs on this board who can't go five minutes without some nice hate mongering. Life is delicious baby just enjoy it and pray that your child is happy.
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To tell the truth, the most important thing is that your
daughter genuinely loves the man who will be her
husband. If she can make a lifetime commitment to
him, then race, riches, religion and all the rest will not
None of those would bother me if the person were moderate in those areas, but a snake-handling Christian would be just as bad as a radical Islamic terrorist type, IMO. The thing that would bother me most would be her marrying someone likely to mistreat and/or try to subjugate her, IMO.
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You didn't list Someone of same sex. Or is that implied in one of other options?
i am wondering if my daughter (no pics) is considering this option.
It isn't the easiest thing to do. Asking your teenage daughter if she is a lesbian. However I wouldn't have an issue with it at all, it's more like I want to know for my own edification as I did always envision her ending up with a guy.
I think everyone knows how I responded to this. I'm not sure I'd even attend the wedding.

It would bother me equally if my son did the same thing.
You didn't list Someone of same sex. Or is that implied in one of other options?
i am wondering if my daughter (no pics) is considering this option.
It isn't the easiest thing to do. Asking your teenage daughter if she is a lesbian. However I wouldn't have an issue with it at all, it's more like I want to know for my own edification as I did always envision her ending up with a guy.
I can respect your no pic decision on your daughter, but how about one of her "special friend" that has you questioning her future marriage choice.......?
I'm sure your kids appreciate the fact you care more about your political and religious belief than their happiness. Dad of the year quality stuff there.

Religious, I'm less interested in political views save for 1 or 2 big ones.

I'm mostly interested in teaching them to follow God's teachings as best they can. Purposefully marrying someone of another religion is a clear violation of those teachings. Personal happiness is second to obedience to God. Do you think that the apostles where happy about dying for their faith? Even Christians prefer to live a full life. And no one is asking them to die for their faith, just seek partners who are religiously compatible.

And honestly marriages of mixed religions don't tend to do very well. And if there is another thing that God and I both don't like it's divorce.

And in terms of happiness how is that answer any worse then any of the others on here? Pretty sure rooting for different sports teams or different tastes in music isn't heavily associated with marriage failure.
To tell the truth, the most important thing is that your
daughter genuinely loves the man who will be her
husband. If she can make a lifetime commitment to
him, then race, riches, religion and all the rest will not

So if he treats her like crap, verbally and physically abuses her, cheats on her, and is a deadbeat father to her kids... then that's ok, b/c the most important thing is that she genuinely loves him?
I can respect your no pic decision on your daughter, but how about one of her "special friend" that has you questioning her future marriage choice.......?
Yes I considered that and it's absolutely a fair request. She does have a number of hot friends. Will see what I can find.