pornhub has pulled out of Florida

This sums it up very nicely. Bunch of hypocrites.

After 30 years of complete republican rule, this state is a joke. If there is a problem that should be prioritized, you can be certain that they won’t do anything about it. But if it’s an opportunity to funnel money to donors and corporations or throw red meat, like this useless law, to feed their hateful and backwards base, then they will move mountains to deliver.
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Explain it to me, slowly and with pictures (for an iPhone) k thanks
Pretty easy. Download a VPN app. Either expressvpn or nordvpn are highly rated. You have like a week for free then a monthly or yearly payment. Nordvpn game me 3 years for price of 2 recently. Install and walk through the instructions. Choose any location that you want either US or World Wide.
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Pretty easy. Download a VPN app. Either expressvpn or nordvpn are highly rated. You have like a week for free then a monthly or yearly payment. Nordvpn game me 3 years for price of 2 recently. Install and walk through the instructions. Choose any location that you want either US or World Wide.

So, suggested locations? Is Vegas safe?
Pretty easy. Download a VPN app. Either expressvpn or nordvpn are highly rated. You have like a week for free then a monthly or yearly payment. Nordvpn game me 3 years for price of 2 recently. Install and walk through the instructions. Choose any location that you want either US or World Wide.
I tried using one of those when I was over in Norway to get around YouTube TV and it wouldn’t work

I kept picking the US. I tried multiple apps and none of them work.
Pornhub is being sued and is settling lawsuits for hosting child porn, rape and sex trafficking videos.

Just FYI so the viewers know what they are supporting when they click.

Absolutely. How can anyone champion pornhub? Yeesh…
Pornhub is being sued and is settling lawsuits for hosting child porn, rape and sex trafficking videos.

Just FYI so the viewers know what they are supporting when they click.

I hope you have that same energy for every large hosting service.

Good Lord.....are you guys 80 years old? There's LOADS (sorry) of other sites available.

I unfortunately live in the heart of the holy land (Oklahoma) where pornhub has been limited to ID verification and there are still plenty of other sites that work. One starts with X and then videos and then com. Plenty of free breasts out there without the proxy servers.
Good Lord.....are you guys 80 years old? There's LOADS (sorry) of other sites available.

I unfortunately live in the heart of the holy land (Oklahoma) where pornhub has been limited to ID verification and there are still plenty of other sites that work. One starts with X and then videos and then com. Plenty of free breasts out there without the proxy servers.
Do I have to put www in front of the X then videos and then dot com?
Pornhub is being sued and is settling lawsuits for hosting child porn, rape and sex trafficking videos.

Just FYI so the viewers know what they are supporting when they click.

Looks like Pornhub needs to invest in some Congresspeople and get a law passed that makes it illegal to sue porn distributors. After all, it's not the industry, it's the people. Right?
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I tried using one of those when I was over in Norway to get around YouTube TV and it wouldn’t work

I kept picking the US. I tried multiple apps and none of them work.
As someone who lives in Poland and Ukraine... I have experienced this.

Phone, laptop or tablet?

There are only certain locations that will work via VPN anf Nordvpn. If you want to current locations let me know.
Hmm, Nebraska allows me to order handgun ammo with a simple click, I'm over 21, but but seeing chicks doing chicks is a bridge too far?
I believe the law is actually we have to provide ID and verify we're over 18 to view porn online, but Pornhub doesn't want to deal with the verification or storing ID info on their servers, so they just don't bother letting users view the content in the state.
I tried using one of those when I was over in Norway to get around YouTube TV and it wouldn’t work

I kept picking the US. I tried multiple apps and none of them work.

If you used something like a phone or tablet, it probably didn't override your GPS. There should be something in the settings to change that. I use SurfShark and there's an option to override GPS. It's how I get around regional NFL games on Sundays
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