Post a Pic of your Pet

it looked like you copied the link to your album and not a picture. So i just followed the link you pasted in, and found a pic of a dog and reposted it here.
Thanks, both for the post and the heads-up. I put the cursor on the photo and copied the link, which obviously wasn't the correct procedure. This intraweb business confuses me.
Frenchie mixes, one with a cocker spaniel and one with a boston.

That is funny coming from a "man" that has a cat as a pet. Even a foo foo dog is 1000x's better than a cat.
That is funny coming from a "man" that has a cat as a pet. Even a foo foo dog is 1000x's better than a cat.

This is Charles, probably less than a year old at the time. He's a mutt who enjoys barking at nothing in the backyard, sniffing all the neighbors' trees on walks, leaving hair on all the beds, and shredding shoes in between his garbage raids for kleenex, napkins, paper towels etc. And of course, he's an Iowa fan. ;)
