Post your favorite zany conspiracy theory

As I'm typing this i remember another story about someone throwing a baby off the bridge. More paranormal than conspiracy. Maybe someone else here knows more about this
That sounds like Cry Baby Bridge, near Mars Hill Church in rural Davis County, south of Ottumwa. Legend has it that a mother had her baby baptized at the church and then carried it down to the creek and threw it off the bridge. Supposedly if you parked your car on the bridge at midnight you could hear a baby crying.

People have also claimed the church and cemetery are haunted and it has been the target of a lot of vandalism, including someone setting it on fire about 15-20 years ago.
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Another one I remember thinking was bat shit crazy, and was actually reminded of just last night .....

Obese Elvis Presley didn't suffer a heart attack and die on the toilet in 1977. No, they instead faked his death so he could live the rest of his life in peaceful anonymous solitude because he couldn't stand being hounded by the fans/paparazzi and media any more.

It’s difficult to believe that a morbidly obese drug addict could suffer a heart attack.
The CIA or mafia killed JFK.
Years ago at a business dinner I had the opportunity to meet a nurse who was on duty at Parkland Hospital the day JFK was shot. She was nearing the end of her career and in "I don't give a damn" mode. Interesting conversation. Have to admit, I find the "official" story a little hard to believe.
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Years ago at a business dinner I had the opportunity to meet a nurse who was on duty at Parkland Hospital the day JFK was shot. She was nearing the end of her career and in "I don't give a damn" mode. Interesting conversation. Have to admit, I find the "official" story a little hard to believe.
Agreed. Have you listened to the “Who Killed JFK?” podcast by Rob Reiner?
Tim Walz wanted Mpls to burn down during the Floyd riots so George Soros could buy up the deeply discounted real estate and turn it into a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants coming through Canada.
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Anyone have any fun local ones? Lores/conspiracies/old tales?
I grew up in Odebolt. A lot of people believe Jimmy Hoffa is buried at Adam's Ranch southwest of town. Feds came out in the 80s looking but they didn't find anything.
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We engineered SARS-CoV-2 here in the US and then dropped it in the wet market in Wuhan to test it out. And the rest is history.

This is based on some links from @alaskanseminole suggesting COVID was here in the US before we knew it was in Wuhan.

The obvious "disproof" is to "discover" evidence showing that it was in Wuhan even earlier. I imagine that's already been invented reported.
Corruption involving Big Pharma, the FDA and maybe the CDC is the reason why Pfizer and Moderna vaccines got emergency authorization while Novovax - which was about a month behind on stage 3 trials - was essentially told "we have authorized 2 vaccines and that's enough." The result being that people who didn't want the mRNA vaccines had to wait a year to get an approved alternative.
The reason why the antivax campaign is so aggressively pushed by the GOP is that increased reluctance to get vaccinated will result in proportionately more deaths among the elderly and poor - demographics that rely on more tax money for support. The theory being if we can thin the herds of elderly and poor, it will be easier to cut taxes on the rich.
2. Bigfoot exists but is an interdimensional traveler.
Interestingly that lines up with a lot of the cases of Bigfoot like creature encounters, not the ones where hillbillys claim to hear and see them in the woods. A lot of “high strangeness” and paranormal activities surround the encounters. The Bigfoot encounters tend to be secondary to the overall paranormal activity they encounter.

Some of the “Missing 411” disappearances are said to have had a Bigfoot like creature involved.

My turn for conspiracy theories:

A site I have been reading for years, (not because I believe everything they say, but I do find it interesting) does channeling. They said in their material that the Bigfoot like creatures are pets/workers of 4th Density beings.

These 4th density beings are behind humanity’s encounters with gods, angels, demons, fairies, ufos, etc throughout history. Looking at UFO’s and paranormal activity from an extra dimensional eye explains much of the phenomena. The way ufo’s are reported to appear and disappear in a blink of an eye, get bigger and smaller, move at impossible angles, can all be explained if it’s moving at a higher dimension. Same with paranormal activity where voices are heard from nowhere, the “spirit” can see everything in the house at once, etc.

A 4th dimensional being interacting with us would be seen as a bid to us. Kind of like in Flatland where a 3 dimensional sphere interacts with a 2 dimensional square.
I just read the linked article and have a new conspiracy theory that sounds highly plausible. Here's the relevant passage:
As if the good people of North Carolina haven’t suffered enough lately, they also have to worry about this: a network of child traffickers and pedophiles that tortures and kills children to harvest their blood for an anti-aging elixir known as adrenochrome.​
Or so believes the Republican candidate to be the state’s superintendent of public instruction, Michele Morrow.​
“The evil, demon-possessed people who worship Satan have been using this to try to keep their youth,” Morrow said in a video she posted on Facebook in 2020. “They’ve been using it as a drug that is more powerful than street drugs. … It is gotten through children who are being tortured and know that they are about to die. Guys, this is deep, it is evil, and it is real. It is truly happening, and we have got to stop it.”​

Naturally, my first thought was "Where can I get my hands on some of this adrenochrome stuff?"

My next thought was "Is that what happens to the refugee children who get separated and go missing?"

I think we might want to counter these crazy Republican claims with the more reasonable notion that they are projecting - as usual - and that draining the blood of children was actually the purpose of separating children at the border during the Trump administration.

Who knows, maybe Trump was working hand-in-hand with the people-traffickers in Mexico to further that objective.

That's my new conspiracy theory. And I'm sticking to it.

The death of Paul McCartney in the late 60's before the Abbey Road album. We had a speaker come to our fraternity house in Iowa City to give a talk about that and at the time, there was no way to refute what he was saying.
What was she saying?
That sounds like Cry Baby Bridge, near Mars Hill Church in rural Davis County, south of Ottumwa. Legend has it that a mother had her baby baptized at the church and then carried it down to the creek and threw it off the bridge. Supposedly if you parked your car on the bridge at midnight you could hear a baby crying.

People have also claimed the church and cemetery are haunted and it has been the target of a lot of vandalism, including someone setting it on fire about 15-20 years ago.
I spent many many nights partying here. prior to the fire. never heard that cry baby story, however near san antonio there is a similar story at "woman hollering creek" ... I got mars hill stories. will return for those after I get some work done..
Ok without even asking Mrs A just mentioned that hurricane Helene was supposedly weather modification to depopulate Asheville so that “they” could access the lithium deposits under the city.



(I think we can shut this thread down now.).

Why did you marry someone so stupid?
None of the astronauts were actually aboard the challenger when it exploded.
Still kind of blows my mind so many people actually believe the urban legend that Michelle Obama is trans. Really shows just how incredibly stupid (and racist) a chunk of the Yanks can be.
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"It would have been so much worse without the vaccine."

"The spike protein stays in your arm"

"SAFE and Effective"

"Boys have periods and Babies"

"Covid 19 came from a bat"

"Hunter's lap top is Russian misinformation"
2020 election was stolen
Pizzagate/The Cabal/Qanon
Hurricane/weather control
The Cabal started California and Hawaii fires
Flat Earth
Moon landings were faked

Conspiracy theorists believe all of the above has been "proven" to be true.
100% staged. That poor civilian was just unfortunate to be there.

No way a draft dodger and the biggest coward in the world stands up and pumps his fist saying fight after being shot at. Nor does SS let him look for his shoes. Also, the ear being shot, the fake blood and no actual wound?! Good luck finding hospital records. lol what a ****ing joke. He literally gets away with everything. From murder, diddling kids on Epstein island, rape, business scams, oh and just being human scum.
Collapse is the goal. Trump is a useful idiot that Putin is manipulating. SS collapses. Market collapses. Country goes down the tubes. And Russia takes over a weakened nation and gets all our military equipment.

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