Pot traffic fatalities up 100% in Colorado

It would prove something to YOU.

I will say that I have gone off of what I have been told by some family. Can you give me 3 reasons I would be better to smoke dope and what danger is there if I tried it? I do not like drugs but everybody here says I am wrong about this. Are they just going to come up with more reports about other drugs to ? Where does it end??

Seriously, please stop posting on this board. You're a full on retard as evidence of your posting history and the arguments you (try) and defend.
Hrot used to suck during the ban and you are making it entirely worse by your backward ass views and your terrible spelling.

Please stfu and leave.
Thomas Barnes is a drug addict. Only his drugs have an Rx. He gets his dope from the pusher with M.D. next to his name.
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I will say that I have gone off of what I have been told by some family. Can you give me 3 reasons I would be better to smoke dope and what danger is there if I tried it? I do not like drugs but everybody here says I am wrong about this. Are they just going to come up with more reports about other drugs to ? Where does it end??
Just try and thank me later. It's only such a fickle and complicated idea to you because you have been indoctrinated into thinkng so. Stop living in fear.
Keep fighting the good fight Thomas, Worthy and these other guys arguing with you are just POTHEADS!!
Sorry, I thought this thread was about the pot holes in
the Colorado state highways and roads.
Remember John Belushi, he started out on weed, then
graduated to cocaine and heroin. The problem is that
people start out on the innocent stuff and then want
the fatal stuff.
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Reactions: Thomas Barnes
Remember John Belushi, he started out on weed, then
graduated to cocaine and heroin. The problem is that
people start out on the innocent stuff and then want
the fatal stuff.

Yeah, people who can't keep their sh*t wired correctly. Sugar and caffeine are drugs, too! I wonder if too much organized religion makes people simple-minded, or they were simple-minded to begin with.
TB still waiting on a pic of you and your rabbits. I'm calling you out troll boy.
Sorry, I thought this thread was about the pot holes in
the Colorado state highways and roads.
Unfortunately, the pot $$ isn't going to infrastructure. A sizable portion of it is, however, going to educate folks about the so-called dangers of pot use lol.
"Teen alcohol and drug use -- including marijuana use -- was down across the board in 2014."
Didn't click on the link yet, but just off-hand this seems to be stretching it a little bit as far as positives from legalization of making better choices.........

Remember John Belushi, he started out on weed, then
graduated to cocaine and heroin. The problem is that
people start out on the innocent stuff and then want
the fatal stuff.

Perfect example of someone who was interested in altering their brain chemistry and was not going to stop until they found what they were looking for
Yeah, people who can't keep their sh*t wired correctly. Sugar and caffeine are drugs, too! I wonder if too much organized religion makes people simple-minded, or they were simple-minded to begin with.

We are all simple-minded when very young. Which is when most people have religion inflicted upon them.

It's pretty clear that evolution has produced a species that is predisposed to seek and latch onto simple rules for navigating successfully through life - to make sense out of things, as it were. Religion is one such set of rules. In a society that encourages, reflects and supports religion, it's easier for many to buy the dominant dogma than to think it through for themselves. Which raises interesting questions about why some people buy a non-dominant dogma, or none at all - especially when society punishes those choices.

Another way to think about it is that life is significantly (if not entirely) defined as a coherent anti-entropic process. Which is reflected in most people's dislike of change. Religious law, laws of nature, man's laws and such are all aimed at reducing and controlling change. They don't just give comfort, they fight entropy by reinforcing order. For much of human history, religion has been extremely successful at maintaining order.
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