Predictions: How many GOP-controlled states will fight to keep the Dem candidate off the ballot?

Oh, I don't think it's antidemocratic, in that the elected delegates who will be attending will be voting for their choice of their party's candidate. The fact that the candidate they were pledged to pulled out doesn't change that, though I agree the "back room pressure" applied to him was certainly undemocratic. (While I congratulate KH on her fundraising haul, I'd also note that it's sort of QED as to the fact that the back room pressure from elite donors is precisely how this occurred.) I assume it will be subject to more sophisticated messaging from the R's than we've seen so far.

The pervasive lying is another matter entirely, which "should" be embarassing to anyone but the worst of whataboutist apologists, and
"should" be the subject of its own messaging.
i think its important to not confuse political operative/representative talking points (where there as no concern about biden's age) with the feelings of the actual voters (where there was plenty of concern about biden's age)

this was documented in polling repeatedly and pointed out by many of the same people who now want to ignore that fact and say all this is being done against the will of democrat voters
Not sure how one can cry about the day democracy almost died... and how one man and one party wants to end democracy, then turn around 3.5 years later and a presidential candidate is installed not elected.
My only regret is that nearly all the delegates are probably centrists or worse. Even if they hold an open convention with other candidates in play, Kamala or some corporate centrist is almost certainly going to win.

This is part of the reason why I recommended that Biden declare he wouldn't run for reelection last summer. With him out, the Dems might have had a vigorous primary season. Kamala might have won anyway, but she would have had to prove herself against solid competition.

Sure, the DNC might have put its thumb on the scale for Kamala, but a true primary season would doubtless have given us a bunch of progressive delegates, as well.

Moreover, we would have seen Kamala campaign. We would have seen what she campaigned on.

In 2020, Kamala proved to be a terrible campaigner. Is she better now?

In 2020, Kamala ran on good positions, iirc, but also backed down on some of them (universal health care, comes to mind). What are her positions now? Her real positions?
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My only regret is that nearly all the delegates are probably centrists or worse. Even if they hold an open convention with other candidates in play, Kamala or some corporate centrist is almost certainly going to win.

This is part of the reason why I recommended that Biden declare he wouldn't run for reelection last summer. With him out, the Dems might have had a vigorous primary season. Kamala might have won anyway, but she would have had to prove herself against solid competition.

Sure, the DNC might have put its thumb on the scale for Kamala, but a true primary season would doubtless have given us a bunch of progressive delegates, as well.

Moreover, we would have seen Kamala campaign. We would have seen what she campaigned on.

In 2020, Kamala proved to be a terrible campaigner. Is she better now?

In 2020, Kamala ran on good positions, iirc, but also backed down on some of them (universal health care, comes to mind). What are her positions now? Her real positions?
You mean you actually support real democracy in action. Frankly, I think a centrist democrat stands a better chance of beating Trump than a far leftist progressive.
Funny how it's only the far right in a tizzy over this and trying to find any technicality possible to keep Harris off the ballot. They claim it's not right because 14 million voted for Biden in the primary. They forget that those votes went to Biden/Harris and they were to elect delegates for the convention. Biden has never been the official candidate so he couldn't be placed on any ballots. That happens after the official selection which will happen soon.

The far right republicans are the only people concerned about Harris getting the nomination. They have no standing but will continue with their hissy fits for a while. It's funny to watch and very telling.
Funny how it's only the far right in a tizzy over this and trying to find any technicality possible to keep Harris off the ballot. They claim it's not right because 14 million voted for Biden in the primary. They forget that those votes went to Biden/Harris and they were to elect delegates for the convention. Biden has never been the official candidate so he couldn't be placed on any ballots. That happens after the official selection which will happen soon.

The far right republicans are the only people concerned about Harris getting the nomination. They have no standing but will continue with their hissy fits for a while. It's funny to watch and very telling.
I have no issue with KH on the ballot, she would have been on there anyway, she was a package deal with Joe. But there are legal processes and procedures in place, better to tackle those now before the election.
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i think its important to not confuse political operative/representative talking points (where there as no concern about biden's age) with the feelings of the actual voters (where there was plenty of concern about biden's age)

this was documented in polling repeatedly and pointed out by many of the same people who now want to ignore that fact and say all this is being done against the will of democrat voters
...and beyond that, the technical reality is that primaries don't nominate presidents, parties do. And to suggest that it's appropriate to take that power from parties actually raises another scary legal bugaboo in first amendment rights of association and speech.

Indeed, while I'm no expert on party rules, I'd bet dollars to donuts that (setting aside Biden's capacity or perceived capacity), just like the case Faber College, there's a little known clause in the party constitution that gives the chair of the convention almost unlimited power in times of campus emergency, to release delegates from their previous pledges. This is nothing more than dotting i's and crossing t's.
I have no issue with KH on the ballot, she would have been on there anyway, she was a package deal with Joe. But there are legal processes and procedures in place, better to tackle those now before the election.
your definitely well intended, good faith, legitimate concern over addressing legal issues now (before they present real problems for the democrats) has been noted
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Not sure how one can cry about the day democracy almost died... and how one man and one party wants to end democracy, then turn around 3.5 years later and a presidential candidate is installed not elected. Either the states that already had primaries should have emergency primaries if that's written into their voting laws, if not, the people have spoken, and they chose Joe. His name should be on the ballot and people can write-in someone else.

It's not like Joe's condition is all that different now than it was 6 months or a year ago. The fact that he's been lying, the campaign has been lying, the media has been lying right to your face for years doesn't change anything.
Installed?? Kamala is going to get all the delegates. The party is unifying behind her very quickly. You guys could barely pick a speaker. Worry about YOUR party.
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You mean you actually support real democracy in action. Frankly, I think a centrist democrat stands a better chance of beating Trump than a far leftist progressive.
Biden is a centrist and you guys hate him. Kamala isn’t radical. You guys don’t even know what that is because you can’t even point out how democratic policies are actually radical. Nothing Biden did in office is radical. Wealthy people don’t like it but that doesn’t make the policies radical.

The most powerful people in the Republican Party are radical. Batshit and radical.
Not sure how one can cry about the day democracy almost died... and how one man and one party wants to end democracy, then turn around 3.5 years later and a presidential candidate is installed not elected. Either the states that already had primaries should have emergency primaries if that's written into their voting laws, if not, the people have spoken, and they chose Joe. His name should be on the ballot and people can write-in someone else.

It's not like Joe's condition is all that different now than it was 6 months or a year ago. The fact that he's been lying, the campaign has been lying, the media has been lying right to your face for years doesn't change anything.
Is it only democrats and the media who have been lying?

(Shocker. Yet another conspiracy.)

What about all the republican lawmakers who have met with the President in the past 3.5 years. Were they lying about his cognitive ability as well?
Biden is a centrist and you guys hate him. Kamala isn’t radical. You guys don’t even know what that is because you can’t even point out how democratic policies are actually radical. Nothing Biden did in office is radical. Wealthy people don’t like it but that doesn’t make the policies radical.

The most powerful people in the Republican Party are radical. Batshit and radical.
Biden was a centrist, and indeed it was his centrist and legislator's instinct (to please those around him) that I and I suspect many others were counting on. The problem is, as we now know, he's also been a near-vegetable for some time, which enabled non-centrists to determine the agenda by limiting those who were around him.

[Full disclosure: my 'hope' from Trump in 2016 was that his dealmaker's instincts might lead us back to a sense of legislative normalcy. That didn't work out either, partly because his ego outweighed them and partly because he was never really given the chance that most presidents get when they take office. I don't hold out that hope for him in 2024]
Is it only democrats and the media who have been lying?

(Shocker. Yet another conspiracy.)

What about all the republican lawmakers who have met with the President in the past 3.5 years. Were they lying about his cognitive ability as well?
Show me the quote from a republican lawmaker who said joe was competent and able and sharp, and I'll blame them too.
your definitely well intended, good faith, legitimate concern over addressing legal issues now (before they present real problems for the democrats) has been noted
Whether Trump wins or loses I don't want to hear about this fiasco for the next 4 years. Better to get all the legal challenges dealt with and settled.
Installed?? Kamala is going to get all the delegates. The party is unifying behind her very quickly. You guys could barely pick a speaker. Worry about YOUR party.
I'm worried about OUR president. Too bad you guys couldn't be for the last 3.5 years and now we're here.
It’s amazing to think that just 30
Days ago the Republicans were being accused of Cheap Fakes showing Biden acting clueless. The media defended his ass 100%.

Debate happens and now Biden is forced out by his own party and we are in a thread about if the GOP is going to cause issues with Ballots with the new candidate.

Fuking amazing when you look at it.
It’s amazing to think that just 30
Days ago the Republicans were being accused of Cheap Fakes showing Biden acting clueless. The media defended his ass 100%.

Debate happens and now Biden is forced out by his own party and we are in a thread about if the GOP is going to cause issues with Ballots with the new candidate.

Fuking amazing when you look at it.
It's amazing that you tried to convince people that you weren't still a trump voter.
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Show me the quote from a republican lawmaker who met privately with Joe Biden (prior to debate), and then reported problems with the Presidents cognitive ability.
I found this one

"It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden ‘feeble’ while he continues to take Speaker McCarthy’s lunch money in every negotiation,” Gaetz said in his floor speech
I found this one

"It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden ‘feeble’ while he continues to take Speaker McCarthy’s lunch money in every negotiation,” Gaetz said in his floor speech
that warrants a 'touche'
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My only regret is that nearly all the delegates are probably centrists or worse. Even if they hold an open convention with other candidates in play, Kamala or some corporate centrist is almost certainly going to win.

This is part of the reason why I recommended that Biden declare he wouldn't run for reelection last summer. With him out, the Dems might have had a vigorous primary season. Kamala might have won anyway, but she would have had to prove herself against solid competition.

Sure, the DNC might have put its thumb on the scale for Kamala, but a true primary season would doubtless have given us a bunch of progressive delegates, as well.

Moreover, we would have seen Kamala campaign. We would have seen what she campaigned on.

In 2020, Kamala proved to be a terrible campaigner. Is she better now?

In 2020, Kamala ran on good positions, iirc, but also backed down on some of them (universal health care, comes to mind). What are her positions now? Her real positions?
She will let you know as soon as her bosses tell her.

Also, open spots for Bernie Bros that are pissed at the dems for inserting their people the last 3 elections under the republican tent. You probably are not getting universal basic income but you can atleast know who you are voting for.
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A precedent needs to be set that it's not ok to change the candidate 3 weeks before the convention just because they are losing in the polls otherwise this will happen again in the future.

In any normal situation, changing the candidate 3 weeks before a convention is political suicide. The fact that people are giving Kamala and her unknown running mate any chance at all speaks volumes about the candidate nominated by the other party. Volumes.

That written, if any person decides to withdraw his or her candidacy prior to being the official nominee, how can there be any valid legal basis forcing the person to remain as the candidate?
Oh, I don't think it's antidemocratic, in that the elected delegates who will be attending will be voting for their choice of their party's candidate. The fact that the candidate they were pledged to pulled out doesn't change that, though I agree the "back room pressure" applied to him was certainly undemocratic. (While I congratulate KH on her fundraising haul, I'd also note that it's sort of QED as to the fact that the back room pressure from elite donors is precisely how this occurred.) I assume it will be subject to more sophisticated messaging from the R's than we've seen so far.

The pervasive lying is another matter entirely, which "should" be embarassing to anyone but the worst of whataboutist apologists, and
"should" be the subject of its own messaging.
I don't understand why you think the back room pressure is undemocratic. If democratic voters were totally behind Biden this wouldn't be happening and there would be outraged people that they couldn't vote for Biden. This isn't happening because Democrat voters wanted a different choice and they made that known.
Johnson has already floated the idea. I think Arizona is a lock for trying to claim that because Biden won the primary nobody else can be on the ballot. Georgia, Virginia, the Carolinas. Hell, I would guess most of them will make the argument.

Of course, the law won’t support them, but we already know the GOP no longer feels they are bound by our laws. My guess is that it will get ugly.

The Democrats will be in trouble if Lin Wood, Sydney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, and Jenna Ellis take the case. Legal giants. Absolute legal giants.
Yeah, to make sure the guy got ON the ballot. But feel free to panic over this nonsense.

You're the person characterizing Ohio's actions as "bending the rules." Either you don't have any idea what that term means or you are being purposefully obtuse. Either way, the notion that I'm "panicking" is laughable. To the contrary, I've been openly mocking anyone who suggests that legal action to block the Democrats' nominated candidate from appearing on the November ballot has any chance of success. Anyone buying such nonsense probably thinks Jenna Ellis is a true constitutional scholar.
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I think Arizona is a lock for trying to claim that because Biden won the primary nobody else can be on the ballot.

Uh, this is 100% false. You do not "get on the ballot" by winning a single primary. You get on the ballot by winning your party's convention nomination.
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I found this one

"It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden ‘feeble’ while he continues to take Speaker McCarthy’s lunch money in every negotiation,” Gaetz said in his floor speech
Well Matt is EVERYONE's favorite Republican... He's like the R and Male version of AOC. But point taken, though that's more of an indictment against McCarthy than a compliment to Biden, but if that's how you wanna take it, I'll give you the Gaetz quip as a lie for Joe's mental health.
According to the Heritage Foundation's research, Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada may prove particularly difficult for Democrats.

It said that only death can remove a candidate's name from a Wisconsin ballot, while Nevada's deadline for changing candidates ended at 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday of June - in this case, June 28, 2024.

It also allows special consideration beyond that deadline if the candidate is mentally incapacitated - a potential legal minefield that could consume months of legal argument.

Georgia allows candidates to withdraw up to 60 days before an election. If Biden withdrew after that date, which would be in early September, his name would remain on the ballot, but votes for him wouldn't count.

The Heritage Foundation states that some other states have no procedures to guide the replacement process, which would also open up huge areas of potential litigation by Republicans.

God, you are stupid.
This is as close as I've seen to someone getting this joke right lately.
But I do have to point out that the "clue" would not have been presented to you as a question, as it was here.
Wow. Tough crowd 😅
You could have also deducted points for my failure to put a question mark “❓” at the end of my answer since those should be posed as a question.