President mummy is speaking to the nation and it looks like he just ate a dish of poop.

Criss Angel Smoking GIF by DefyTV
But he said it with all sincerity!
People look for the POTUS for leadership in times like this. I saw the speech, and Biden simply read from the teleprompter. It might as well have been KJP reading it. Yes, every POTUS has speech writers. The trick is for the speech to express what the POTUS feels, and that didn't really happen this time. Perhaps it's enough if some of the people needing reassurance the most can get some of that from Biden.
What is that brown stuff on his lips and corners of his mouth.

Seriously, it looks like he just ate poop.
The GOP will have 91 years young Charles Grassley as the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Seen him lately?