President Musk at it again…

Again. He has zero authority over anything. He can't give promotions. This game he is playing is sick.
Reads X again, and again… and looks to see where EM says he’s giving people a raise… nope still don’t see it. Saying someone is worthy of a raise and actually giving them are different. It’s like a dude busting in your rear and busting in your mouth. Very similar for you, but different things .
Only creepers are pecker checkers in a male locker room… and only criminals have them in women’s locker rooms
And yet Bonespurs the Felon in Chief couldn't drool enough over Arnie's dong. So I agree with you, yep he's a creeper. That's the kind of creep he is, kind of why he hung with Jeff Epstein. He's kind of got a double play going... a creeper over male dongs, and a confirmed sexual abuser. Wow... overachiever!!
Yea no authority but when he points out a trillion in fraud how can you huey grey ignore it. Huey thinks it's all fake. Guess what huey you a fraud a lier a cheat a thief. Musk has exposed it, you can't deny it huey grey is stealing my money. No way you are paying taxes. Not possible the way you call out the exposure of fraud, you have to be fraud,
Huey grey is a fraud !
We ignore it because it's not true.
"Lol we already wasted that money"

Quite the optics for team blue to celebrate this..
Canceling contracts with zero savings. Efficient.