Pretty boy R Aaron Schock to resign


HR King
Feb 4, 2004
Illinois lives up to its reputation for political scandal. This guy apparently couldn't keep his expense report in his pants.

Washington (CNN) Embattled Rep. Aaron Schock announced Tuesday he would resign his seat at the end of the month, in the wake of a congressional ethics investigation into reports that he used taxpayer money to fund lavish trips and events.

In a statement, he said he was stepping down "with a heavy heart," having given his constituents "my all over the last six years."

What an idiot.

He had some potential too. Apparently couldn't handle his own ego.

Good job Illinois.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:

What an idiot.

He had some potential too. Apparently couldn't handle his own ego.

Good job Illinois.
No kidding.

Only 33 years old.
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:

What an idiot.

He had some potential too.  Apparently couldn't handle his own ego.

Good job Illinois. 
No kidding.

Only 33 years old.

If a pol is an R or D and dirty they need to resign. Too many dirty ones in office even now.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm surprised natural doesn't at least respect one of Schock's ("ahem") platforms...

It was the worst kept secret in the state.


Originally posted by 22*43*51:

I'm surprised natural doesn't at least respect one of Schock's ("ahem") platforms...

It was the worst kept secret in the state.


Oh I respect it, thats why I called him pretty.
Originally posted by sijoint:

Who starts those rumors? Come out of those closets....
I prefer Steamworks, they put Scope mouthwash in the water fountains. I can teach you the towel code if you like.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:

What an idiot.

He had some potential too. Apparently couldn't handle his own ego.

Good job Illinois.
He was a good fundraiser and he was on point for outreach to youth voters. Other than that he wasn't a rising star. He was never considered much of a worker. He was pretty spotty as far as the nuts and bolts stuff. Maybe because he was too busy traveling around on the taxpayers dime. I've been reading about this slow motion implosion for several weeks on the Tribune and Sun-Times sites. He had a chance to bail himself out, but he failed to do a big, public mea culpa. He just seemed so douchey.
He made stupid comments about how very few members of Congress could face the scrutiny he did. Which is another way of saying everybody was doing it. I doubt he returns to politics. Lot's of politicians fall from grace, then resurrect themselves. That's usually for a sexual scandal. People seem to give politicians slack when it comes to being overcome by their groins. This was more like petty theft.
A friend of mine lives in Schock's district in Illinois. He posted on Facebook last night that he wasn't 'shocked' by the accusations or the resignation.
At age 33, Aaron Schock never developed an
antennae for what was perceived as shady deals.
As a previous poster stated, Schock is guilty of
petty thief and poor judgment. He had paid back
the $40,000 for his office redecoration and the
money for questioned travel expenses.

As a conservative congressman from Peoria,
he had a big bulls eye on his back for the
Democrats to aim at. However, most of his
wounds were self-inflicted and became fodder
for the liberal media.
Because Schock completed 6 years of service in Congress he will be eligible for a pension. I don't recall what age it kicks in at. It'll be around $15,000 a year. So, we taxpayers will continue to be able to support Schock in future years.
Which might have something to do with why he resigned. It was going to be a drip…drip…drip investigation by the House Ethics Committee. I think that could have put the pension in jeopardy. Resigning makes the investigation go away. Lynn Sweet was on MSNBC a few minutes ago and commented that maybe he resigned partially because the party was over. He wasn't going to be able to enjoy the perks of the office, so why bother pretending to do the job?
Too bad. How smart can he be that he couldn't figure that he needed to be a poster boy for ethical behavior and morals? He might have just kissed POTUS goodbye.