Probably my worst personal story is baseball too - we didn't play up to our potential my junior year, and the frustration kept building. After a loss at our rival's field where we blew a lead, the coach made us run laps around their field while their team and fans looked on in amusement or disbelief. It went on an on. Then we had to go out on field and take infield and fly balls until finally their grounds guy said he was turning the lights off. But then we were away again not long after and lost to a bad team making multiple errors. I happened to have none that game, but when I got to the dugout he looked at me and said, "you hands are going to be so f'ing bloody after the game you won't be able to use them for a week." I looked behind me to see who he was talking to which made him madder. Then the game was over and he told us to take our positions and as we started jogging out, he said, "Leave your gloves here, you don't need them." Then he proceeded to hit screaming line drives and grounders at us and everyone had to field 3 straight cleanly and throw to first (or to cutoff if you were in the outfield). A line drive got our best player, senior shortstop, in the thumb and broke it. Didn't find that out until the next day. He coached for years after I was gone. Some parents went to the AD, but nothing happened.