I'm actually on-the-fence about JFK. I think it's an incredible feat for Oswald, but not impossible. However, there are other aspects of the case that seem to coincidentally complicate it. I've been convinced that the head shot was an exit shot that would/could scatter the tissue on exit and cause the head movement, and I am aware of the seating positions and the magic bullet isn't all that magical. The only real issue I have with the JFK murder is the head shot exiting blows his head apart, and the first shot is a clean exit. I think that at least implies two types of ammo. I'm not sure. I don't think Oswald's capture is all that startling or hard to believe. The subsequent murder of Oswald does make me raise an eyebrow, but, Ruby had plenty of time to admit anything. Losing JFK's brain, and many of the other odd associated events linked to the case could just be coincidences, but it can also, possibly, call attention to more. Presidents like JFK are targets. JFK challenged the Mob, the MIC, and, most importantly, the FED!
As far as 9/11, there is no way I will ever believe the official story. No... way... no... day. I don't know exactly what happened in every aspect of all of those events, but I know the "official story" is a load of sh*t. Only 3 skyscrapers in history have fallen due to fire, and they happened to all fall on the same day. WTC7 has, and always will, scream "pulled demolition." How anyone can see that and not know it's being pulled is beyond me. SIlverstein even said "Go ahead and let's pull it."
<---- a traditional building being pulled. Looks exactly like WTC tower buildings.
Same with the Pentagon. No way that "hole" is from a full-sized Boeing 767. And, if one of the events of that day is suspect, then they all are suspect.
I have this instinctive impulse to NEVER trust ANYTHING the government "tells us." It's not paranoia. It's common sense. Politicians are some of the most nefarious, notorious and well-documented LIARS that ever existed.