PSU Wrestler & Olympic Qualifier Aaron Brooks Tested Positive for a PED

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Something slightly negative about the team that completely owns our's time to celebrate!

Oh, my.

Well, look, hopefully no one on this board is so petty that they are rooting for this, especially if it was an error or snafu or dad put it in his milk or whatever other innocent explanation.

Fix may be able to advise him.

I've always thought Brooks was a decent dude with kind of a dick of a dad, so no ill wishes toward him. (His dad may claim that Nelson Brands planted the drugs.)

Hopefully nothing to see, but...always trying to steal the spotlight from Taylor, tsk tsk.
Oh, my.

Well, look, hopefully no one on this board is so petty that they are rooting for this, especially if it was an error or snafu or dad put it in his milk or whatever other innocent explanation.

Fix may be able to advise him.

I've always thought Brooks was a decent dude with kind of a dick of a dad, so no ill wishes toward him. (His dad may claim that Nelson Brands planted the drugs.)

Hopefully nothing to see, but...always trying to steal the spotlight from Taylor, tsk tsk.
I’m that petty
Sounds like a failure on NLWC and Brooks for not handling this prior to U23s last year. Shouldn’t be an issue if a TUE was handled prior to competing.
I've been around this stuff to a small degree. For example at the Ironman world championships at the finish line we had to prevent anyone from giving the top finishers anything to eat or drink. These people must be drug tested immediately and they don't want them to be able to claim someone gave them something tampered.

Many legal OTCs and prescription meds are allowed if you have the appropriate prescription and a medical reason. Also there are other substances such as caffeine that at a certain level will fail your drug test. It can be complicated, so we will see what happens. Did AB do something stupid to get an edge? Did he have a prescription and made a paperwork error? All this matters.

It's best if you keep good track of any vitamins, herbal supplements, workout supplements, and prescription and OTC drugs and clear them with any banned substance list or ask the powers that be.
This news coming out and DT declining the Okie St job at the same time.... coincidence? I think not! This was Carl/Psu telling DT he should stay because there's still a chance he steps in for the Olympics if AB gets suspended.
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Honestly, he should be stripped. I'm sure the PSU angels will find away around it, but it's time to call a spade a spade. He used PEDs, period. Punishment should fit the crime. And if PSU hid it and used an ineligible athlete, they should be punished as well.
I'm fine with it. Will be interesting to see what type of impact it would have on the program overall.

Maybe Iowa will get a title out of this. Congrats.
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Did you read the entire tweet before spazzing out? It seems that you did not.

Sharing a tweet about an Olympic representative failing a drug test is spazzing out? Weird and highly defensive take.

I read the entire tweet. Since I posted this, minnow has downplayed it further saying it should hopefully sorted soon. Regardless it's noteworthy news and has potential implications for the Olympics and DT.
I've been around this stuff to a small degree. For example at the Ironman world championships at the finish line we had to prevent anyone from giving the top finishers anything to eat or drink. These people must be drug tested immediately and they don't want them to be able to claim someone gave them something tampered.

Many legal OTCs and prescription meds are allowed if you have the appropriate prescription and a medical reason. Also there are other substances such as caffeine that at a certain level will fail your drug test. It can be complicated, so we will see what happens. Did AB do something stupid to get an edge? Did he have a prescription and made a paperwork error? All this matters.

It's best if you keep good track of any vitamins, herbal supplements, workout supplements, and prescription and OTC drugs and clear them with any banned substance list or ask the powers that be.

Adderall isn't exactly a hard prescription to get. It's listed as a PED for a reason. Shitloads of college students and athletes have prescriptions for it and are using it for the performance enhancement effects rather than to treat ADHD or the actual medical use cases. That's just a fact. I have no idea which camp Aaron Brooks is in, but there's certainly smoke right now and not disclosing Adderall to the drug testing agencies is a violation.
This news coming out and DT declining the Okie St job at the same time.... coincidence? I think not! This was Carl/Psu telling DT he should stay because there's still a chance he steps in for the Olympics if AB gets suspended.

I don't see how competing at the Olympics this summer should be a probibitor from him taking over as head coach after the conclusion of the Olympics. It'd be worth it for OKST or any other program and I'm sure they'd be willing to work that out. What better recruiting pitch for prospective athletes than your new head coach just won an Olympic medal.
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I thought we weren't supposed to believe anything Mineo says? Can someone please let me know when to listen to him and when not to? Thanks.

Well he's clearly working hard to get out in front of this one. He's a PSU homer and I don't think he'd put out smoke on PSU without there being some supportive evidence. He's already working hard to spin it as a nothing burger. The same wouldn't be said if it were an Iowa athlete in that boat.
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Adderall isn't exactly a hard prescription to get. It's listed as a PED for a reason. Shitloads of college students and athletes have prescriptions for it and are using it for the performance enhancement effects rather than to treat ADHD or the actual medical use cases. That's just a fact. I have no idea which camp Aaron Brooks is in, but there's certainly smoke right now and not disclosing Adderall to the drug testing agencies is a violation.
doesn't the fact that he was allowed to compete at trials indicate this might be a little more complicated than "he used a PED and got caught"?

i realize you're probably nearing the 4 hour mark when it's time to call the doctor...but maybe take a few deep breaths and wait until there's more information than a single pat mineo tweet
You better just sit this one out.
Yeah whatever, I'm pretty familiar with this topic and expect nothing less than spastic stupidity from certain folk here. I've worked at sporting events where we had to make sure of a chain of custody with things like post race drinks at the Ironman.

I'm also familiar with the fact that certain drugs can be used under proper medical care and there can be waivers for their correct usage. For example, caffeine is banned if your levels are too high. Others drugs like actual anabolic steroids are 100% forbidden.

In the case of Adderall you can get a TUE, which is a therapeutic use exemption. But carrying on accepting some wanna bee wrestling clown's words as Gospel today. You know, the guy that people wanted to sue for libel or whatever a few days ago? Let the process play out like I said on BWI. You look less pathetic when the dust settles.
doesn't the fact that he was allowed to compete at trials indicate this might be a little more complicated than "he used a PED and got caught"?

i realize you're probably nearing the 4 hour mark when it's time to call the doctor...but maybe take a few deep breaths and wait until there's more information than a single pat mineo tweet
Bingo, there are TUEs for this drug. Whether he had a legitimate script is something I do not know yet. If this is a paperwork issue it will be straightened out, if they can show he did it deliberately and tried to get around the rules, he gets punished. It's that simple.
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What are you fine with??

And how would Iowa get a title out of this????
If they broke the rules and get punished, so be it.

I'd be more interested in the impact it has on DT if he didn't know and the program as a whole.
Sharing a tweet about an Olympic representative failing a drug test is spazzing out? Weird and highly defensive take.

I read the entire tweet. Since I posted this, minnow has downplayed it further saying it should hopefully sorted soon. Regardless it's noteworthy news and has potential implications for the Olympics and DT.
Hahaha...this is comical. If there's two things you hate in this world, it's Jesus and Penn State wrestling. Just own it.
doesn't the fact that he was allowed to compete at trials indicate this might be a little more complicated than "he used a PED and got caught"?

i realize you're probably nearing the 4 hour mark when it's time to call the doctor...but maybe take a few deep breaths and wait until there's more information than a single pat mineo tweet

Nah. Minnow slanders Iowa at every opportunity. I'll share this tweet and await updates with 🍿 in hand. If AB is innocent, he's innocent, but it's a noteworthy development.

And regardless of whether he has a prescription or not it opens up the conversation about Adderall being a PED. A certain dose of caffeine is also considered a PED. Just because something is legal or prescribed doesn't mean it's not giving you a significant advantage over your sober competitors. If I were a college wrestler right now and found out that the most recent 4x champ is an addy user, I'd either give consideration for having a doctor write me a script as well or I'd lobby to have it banned from competition. It's on the PED list for a reason. Either allow everyone to use it or no one. Makes absolutely zero sense to allow it, but only if you went to the team sports doctor and they signed a paper saying you need it.
If they broke the rules and get punished, so be it.

I'd be more interested in the impact it has on DT if he didn't know and the program as a whole.
explain the significance of DT knowing or not

i don't think brooks being allowed to compete at trials was based on DT knowing and giving the OK
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Vodka, you are merciless, but really funny.
It's Mineo, so wait before you buy in.

If it were bad news on an Iowa athlete, I would be a lot more skeptical. I don't see minnow making up a story that makes PSU look bad.
Nah. Minnow slanders Iowa at every opportunity. I'll share this tweet and await updates with 🍿 in hand. If AB is innocent, he's innocent, but it's a noteworthy development.

And regardless of whether he has a prescription or not it opens up the conversation about Adderall being a PED. A certain dose of caffeine is also considered a PED. Just because something is legal or prescribed doesn't mean it's not giving you a significant advantage over your sober competitors. If I were a college wrestler right now and found out that the most recent 4x champ is an addy user, I'd either give consideration for having a doctor write me a script as well or I'd lobby to have it banned from competition. It's on the PED list for a reason. Either allow everyone to use it or no one. Makes absolutely zero sense to allow it, but only if you went to the team sports doctor and they signed a paper saying you need it.
i don't how you can think this unless you think there is no legit medical use for things like adderall
i don't how you can think this unless you think there is no legit medical use for things like adderall

I do think there is a medical use. Many PEDs have medical uses and yet are still banned from sport. Allow it for all or allow it for none imo. As is, it's effectively legal for all bc it's so easy to get a prescription, but not everyone wants to take drugs. However, there's no denying it's a PED, so if you don't take it, you're at a disadvantage against your opponents who are taking it.
I do think there is a medical use. Many PEDs have medical uses and yet are still banned from sport. Allow it for all or allow it for none imo. As is, it's effectively legal for all bc it's so easy to get a prescription, but not everyone wants to take drugs. However, there's no denying it's a PED, so if you don't take it, you're at a disadvantage against your opponents who are taking it.
you undercut your own point when you point out that caffiene is on the list too. so no one should be allowed to ever drink coffee if they want to compete?

taking adderall (and other prohibited substances) under doctor's care/supervision/prescription is accepted by all the testing/regulatory bodies for a reason
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