PSU Wrestler & Olympic Qualifier Aaron Brooks Tested Positive for a PED

  • Thread starter anon_0pi0cv8t1ggvb
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I have mixed feelings on TUEs. Drugs on the list provide an advantage and you can get the right doctor to write prescriptions for quite a few things. Alberto Salazar is the first person that comes to mind. He has had a myriad of allegations against him, but one was getting TUEs for albuterol inhalers for his distance runners to gain an advantage. Obviously people that need the drugs should be able to use them, so the system will remain flawed. I’m not making any accusations against Brooks, but there is a reason people are skeptical. Hopefully everything is above board and he gets the green light.
Don't want to get in a pissing match, brother > Easy peasy... I've liked Iowa from watching on PT when I was a kid. As a wrestling fan in general, when I moved to PA D4 in '00, I immediately became a fan of the local high school scene, and followed many programs in the state - Bloom, Lehigh, Lock Haven, and Penn State mostly. Although wrestling started in 2011 or whatever year, was a fan of PSU history - Jim Martin from Danville in D4 - and other top guys around that time, like Jeremy Hunter.
Very easy to sit back and appreciate wrestlers from multiple programs as a fan.
I'm a fan of both teams too. My HS career ended in '69 but I guess what I've come to admire about Iowa is that they train now the way we all trained back in the day.

My dream/plan was to enlist in the marines ( because at 18 I knew everything), serve my country and come home and wrestle for PSU. That dream was shattered when I sustained an upper arm wound. Long story short I was able to wrestle for a D2 college upon my return and rehab. Anyway, yeah, it is possible to be a fan of both least in my opinion it is.

My apologies for the long,rambling post!!
It talked to my oracle about this, and it's looking like 2026 after the massive scandal that takes out the PSU coaching staff and over half of their lineup.
Just wanted to reiterate what I shared from my oracle in the next championship thread.

Seriously though, this sounds like a failure to check the right compliance boxes more than an attempt to get away with something. That would be a really shitty way to lose an Olympic spot. And why does it take so long for USADA/UWW to do something with this? Stupid to leave everyone in limbo for more than six months now.
Why should David Taylor be “the next man up”? We set the Olympic trials up to reward the prior years medalist but Taylor didn’t beat anyone at trials. He’s getting older and it showed. Zahid gave Brooks a much better match(and should have won) than Taylor. In a situation like this there should be a wrestle off for the spot. Zahid should be petitioning today just in case Brooks gets the boot.
Why should David Taylor be “the next man up”? We set the Olympic trials up to reward the prior years medalist but Taylor didn’t beat anyone at trials. He’s getting older and it showed. Zahid gave Brooks a much better match(and should have won) than Taylor. In a situation like this there should be a wrestle off for the spot. Zahid should be petitioning today just in case Brooks gets the boot.
I would bet good money Zahid loses to Taylor in your scenario.
Did you read the entire tweet before spazzing out? It seems that you did not.
That’s what I was thinking. This doesn’t say anything about PEDs but instead appears to be an effort by someone (not a hawk or NL) to make something out of nothing. I guess when there’s no news one can attempt to create news. Hope for the best for all involved!
Why should David Taylor be “the next man up”? We set the Olympic trials up to reward the prior years medalist but Taylor didn’t beat anyone at trials. He’s getting older and it showed. Zahid gave Brooks a much better match(and should have won) than Taylor. In a situation like this there should be a wrestle off for the spot. Zahid should be petitioning today just in case Brooks gets the boot.

Great point. That absolutely should be how it's handled.
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Why couldn’t this have happened to Starfish!! Sat in the lobby with Brooks at Bigs 2 years ago decked out in Iowa gear and talked with him for about 10-15 mins. Even though he does wrestle for the evil empire it was a nice conversation. Thought he deserved the Hodge this year. Respect psu and the wrestlers for the most part despise Carl with a passion he’s a snake and wouldn’t trust him any further than I can through him. Sorry psu just the way I feel and not changing that. Cunningham on the other hand I really do like and respect.
As for the psu fans that are defending their guy. I get it but imagine if the shoe was on the other foot I mean look how a bunch of your fans treated Burroughs.
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As for the psu fans that are defending their guy. I get it but imagine if the shoe was on the other foot I mean look how a bunch of your fans treated Burroughs.
I’d have no issue defending an Olympian from Iowa that ran afoul of WADA due to a prescribed drug. Issue seems obvious that it’s a paperwork issue and not PED cheating.
you undercut your own point when you point out that caffiene is on the list too. so no one should be allowed to ever drink coffee if they want to compete?

taking adderall (and other prohibited substances) under doctor's care/supervision/prescription is accepted by all the testing/regulatory bodies for a reason
if Iowa wrestlers got what they deserved when they knowingly broke a rule by gambling, Brooks will suffer similar punishment, right? I mean, rules are rules.
Issue seems obvious that it’s a paperwork issue and not PED cheating.

That remains to be seen. Adderall is a banned substance because it's a PED. Exceptions are made (whether that's right or wrong is up for debate). Regardless he is taking a drug classified as a PED and that's something I think college athletes should note. Their highly successful peer is using a prescription PED and attained national championships, a world championship, and an Olympic qualification while using that drug. It's no secret that it's not hard to get an Adderall prescription.

This harkens to the TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) days in the UFC, where guys were effectively juicing up big time "legally".
Hypocrisy on this board whenever mineo posts about Iowa he’s a liar but with this he’s telling the truth?
Hypocrisy on this board whenever mineo posts about Iowa he’s a liar but with this he’s telling the truth?

Read the thread. He's a PSU guy. Him posting smoke about PSU is much more believable than him posting smoke about Iowa. He's getting out in front of this and spinning it.
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disagreeing with you on something that aligns with the position of every sports league and organization in the world (that therapeutic use exemptions are legit) doesn't make someone a PSU fan

I didn't call you a PSU fan.

TUE are still controversial. TRT was legal as a TUE in the UFC for years and it was abused and then banned. Adderall is one of the most abused drugs by college students. It's an amphetamine. Adderall is an illegal narcotic in a majority of the world and not available as a prescription. Much of Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa.

Even for it to be legal according to WADA, you are required to get the TUE approved prior to taking the drug. Just having a prescription isn't sufficient.

The reality is that according to Mineo, he tested positive and violated the anti-doping rules. They're hoping that he will be given a retroactive suspension. The period of the retroactive suspension includes the NCAA season where he won a national championship.
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Why couldn’t this have happened to Starfish!! Sat in the lobby with Brooks at Bigs 2 years ago decked out in Iowa gear and talked with him for about 10-15 mins. Even though he does wrestle for the evil empire it was a nice conversation. Thought he deserved the Hodge this year. Respect psu and the wrestlers for the most part despise Carl with a passion he’s a snake and wouldn’t trust him any further than I can through him. Sorry psu just the way I feel and not changing that. Cunningham on the other hand I really do like and respect.
they couldn"t use a standard urine PED test for Starr because he was depleted of all urine as he had been out pissing on people's graveyards all night long and just couldn't muster a decent sample
they couldn"t use a standard urine PED test for Starr because he was depleted of all urine as he had been out pissing on people's graveyards all night long and just couldn't muster a decent sample
Let me set this up for you…

And the saliva test?
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Got banned on BWI today within minutes for simply asking if Brooks, or any other great (Yianni, Steiber, god forbid the Brands), was found to have used PEDs during their careers, does it tarnish their legacy?
My obvious thought is it does and should tarnish their accomplishments.... BWI thought the question, from a PA resident (go D4) and a huge fan of high school, collegiate, and international wrestling was too "tough" for their board. How dare I call into question one of their wrestlers, I guess. I find it odd they're that sensitive, but I will take BWI off my weekly reading list.

Oh, and I used to be a fan of both PSU and Iowa, but that list just narrowed as well.
Obvious trolls get early bans.
Caffeine doesn't require a prescription. Pretending they're apples to apples is disingenuous.

The reality is that these are complex questions and issues but indisputably, Adderall is a PED prescription or not. I think it's a major flaw that it's allowed for some athletes but not for others.

Caffeine is legal for everyone. That is not the case for Adderall which by definition is inherently not a level playing field.
Caffeine is a banned substance at certain levels . ADHD meds are banned unless prescribed by a doctor for a diagnosed condition. There are a lot more students using it to study not prescribed than athletes who know they might be tested .
I didn't call you a PSU fan.

TUE are still controversial. TRT was legal as a TUE in the UFC for years and it was abused and then banned. Adderall is one of the most abused drugs by college students. It's an amphetamine. Adderall is an illegal narcotic in a majority of the world and not available as a prescription. Much of Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa.

Even for it to be legal according to WADA, you are required to get the TUE approved prior to taking the drug. Just having a prescription isn't sufficient.

The reality is that according to Mineo, he tested positive and violated the anti-doping rules. They're hoping that he will be given a retroactive suspension. The period of the retroactive suspension includes the NCAA season where he won a national championship.
I have mixed feelings on TUEs. Drugs on the list provide an advantage and you can get the right doctor to write prescriptions for quite a few things. Alberto Salazar is the first person that comes to mind. He has had a myriad of allegations against him, but one was getting TUEs for albuterol inhalers for his distance runners to gain an advantage. Obviously people that need the drugs should be able to use them, so the system will remain flawed. I’m not making any accusations against Brooks, but there is a reason people are skeptical. Hopefully everything is above board and he gets the green light.
I get what you're saying about TUEs , Morning sample you mentioned about inhalers is quite true. It's amazing how many high-level athletes have exercise induced asthma.

There's always a workaround, because there are therapeutic uses for these drugs. And funny thing is many doctors are quite quick to write our prescription, for example, my family doctor was ready to put me on blood pressure meds after I hurt my knee. I was rehabbing my knee on my own And had a high deductible insurance policy. When my normal insurance kicked back in, I immediately made a doctor appointment for him to evaluate my knee.

I had a slight meniscus tear my left knee, and I wasn't walking like I normally do or lift weights. During the exam he knows my blood pressure was elevated quite a bit and I tell you truth I had a pot of coffee and a Diet Coke right before I got to the office. I also wasn't worried about my blood pressure and I was slacking on exercise and not my diet because I had to get better before I could walk as much as I do. Do.

10,000 plus steps a day with some lifting. I gave the dock of funny looking and asked them. Do you know why I'm here? He was confused so I said my knee? He still didn't get it, and I said you know I tore that meniscus and I couldn't walk or work out for two months and honestly, I was sitting around eating a little extra chips and not exercising. I didn't even consider getting my blood pressure taken that day. by that time I was back on the exercise so he took it again in two weeks and it was 131/80 at my normal appointment. Was something like 123/71 six months later at about age of 58.

Docs toss out prescriptions too easily for everyone, athletes are no different and docs will find a need for their prescriptions . What kind of race is?Estimated compliance with doctors orders long-term is approximately one percent. That involves using diet and exercise to lower your body fat, blood pressure, or change your cholesterol, blood sugar levels.

The funny part with athletes is they will be super compliant, they're already doing all that other work but now they have something like lack of focus or stress or something and they'll get a prescription rather easily. They're no different than any other patient or doctors just had them out.
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Why should David Taylor be “the next man up”? We set the Olympic trials up to reward the prior years medalist but Taylor didn’t beat anyone at trials. He’s getting older and it showed. Zahid gave Brooks a much better match(and should have won) than Taylor. In a situation like this there should be a wrestle off for the spot. Zahid should be petitioning today just in case Brooks gets the boot.
Have you considered that Zahid gave Brooks a tougher match because Brooks trained specifically to beat Taylor?

There was one guy on the planet that could prep Brooks for that finals match and he was in his corner.
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Have you considered that Zahid gave Brooks a tougher match because Brooks trained specifically to beat Taylor?

There was one guy on the planet that could prep Brooks for that finals match and he was in his corner.
I didn’t say that I thought Zahid would win but the US representative should at least have to win 1 match before going to the Olympics. DT has been a very good representative in the past and looks like he would be a good backup this year. Let’s say in another year the prior world champ has issues and is not up to snuff but we have to send them because they walked into the finals because of how they wrestled a year prior. A year in wrestling can be huge because of injuries and weight issues, etc… Wrestling for a true second in these situations makes sense.

I agree that Casey and Cody out coached Cael in both of the NLWC head to heads. So, yes Casey may be the only coach that could prep Brooks for that match. Carl’s a great manager but Casey is a great coach.
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I didn’t say that I thought Zahid would win but the US representative should at least have to win 1 match before going to the Olympics. DT has been a very good representative in the past and looks like he would be a good backup this year. Let’s say in another year the prior world champ has issues and is not up to snuff but we have to send them because they walked into the finals because of how they wrestled a year prior. A year in wrestling can be huge because of injuries and weight issues, etc… Wrestling for a true second in these situations makes sense.

I agree that Casey and Cody out coached Cael in both of the NLWC head to heads. So, yes Casey may be the only coach that could prep Brooks for that match. Carl’s a great manager but Casey is a great coach.
From my understanding Cael was Brooks' primary coach for this Oly run, is that not correct? I've heard it in interviews and read it that Taylor was not training with Cael.

The only way to truly fix this is to get rid of byes to the finals, which I always thought was a bit undeserving.

A good compromise would be world medalists/ champs receive a bye to the semi finals then duke it out from there. The world team vets get an advantage and we get a true 2nd place finish.
From my understanding Cael was Brooks' primary coach for this Oly run, is that not correct? I've heard it in interviews and read it that Taylor was not training with Cael.

The only way to truly fix this is to get rid of byes to the finals, which I always thought was a bit undeserving.

A good compromise would be world medalists/ champs receive a bye to the semi finals then duke it out from there. The world team vets get an advantage and we get a true 2nd place finish.
You are correct Brooks had Cael and Bo Nickel and Taylor had Jimmy Kennedy and Jake Varner. In the Zain vs N Lee it was Varner and Cody in Zain’s corner and Casey and Jimmy in Nick’s corner. Damn my memory has gotten bad.

I’m with you on the bye to the Semi’s but since they didn’t do that this cycle I’m for a wrestle off between 2nd and 3rd if needed.
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I hate to admit it, but, this is true. Not one, but, almost EVERY SINGLE PSU NATIONAL CHAMPION have been busted for drinking diet soda during their career. It's not a rumor. It is a 100% fact! All championships will be vacated and given to Iowa.
Not just any diet soda, diet Mountain Dew!
This part stood out, as you could do quite a bit reading between the lines:
"It's funny how things come out after you win something, or someone loses. Someone is going to make an excuse, and they're going to cry about it. That's someone's character. If you're looking for excuses, you've already lost."
This part stood out, as you could do quite a bit reading between the lines:
"It's funny how things come out after you win something, or someone loses. Someone is going to make an excuse, and they're going to cry about it. That's someone's character. If you're looking for excuses, you've already lost."
Yeah, that was weird. Was that aimed at DT?

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