"Put on your mandate pants"


HB King
Gold Member
😂 😂 😂

That is perfect, love it.

“Last time I checked, you have the majority in the House and in the Senate. And you control the White House. The idea that somehow Democrats have the responsibility to pass a CR or any bill, quite frankly, where we don’t have any input on, I think is is ridiculous. I mean, you run around bragging about this big mandate. Well, put on your mandate pants and pass whatever you wanna do.”

Budget runs ridiculously over.... dems in control...."the military won't get paid!!!" ( repub response: they will get paid, let these idiots put themselves in time out)

Repubs in control: Dems: see OP (Repubs: the military will get paid let these idiots put themselves in time out)

All and all, I prefer gin.
I admit when I’m wrong.

What did I ever post about this subject that was wrong?

A quote would be nice.
I have never read a single post saying you're wrong and you're wrong consistently. I'm not going to go look up this conversation when everyone here knows you were blaming the democrats equally for that BS. We expect you to do the same.
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You rarely admit you are wrong. I've seen many instances where you've been mistaken and kept trying to spin and rationalize it. It happens daily so there's no need to provide a link.
A quote would be nice. Since it happens so often it should be easy.
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So no quote.

I love the fact that the person who liked your post is the other person, besides you, who demonstrates zero self awareness. That made my whole day!

good times love GIF by Outside TV
If there's a shutdown it will be because Democrats wanted it.

60 votes are needed. You people know this.

If it happens, it will hurt government employees the most, a solid block of Dem supporters.