Putin and the Oligarchs

Nov 28, 2010
[This is from a bit on RT so of course it isn't going to cast Putin in a bad light. But it's still pretty interesting. Those on the right who used to say Obama should be more like Putin may be right on this part.]

Vladimir POTANIN, CEO, Interros:

People got so used to the government being weak back in the 90s that they expected the new government to be weak and controlled by the oligarchs as well.

I remember well that meeting in the summer of 2000. It was essentially the first time President Putin met with a large group of business leaders.

It was important for us to hear from Putin what kind of state he wanted to build, and it was important for him to explain to us what kind of behavior he expected from business people.

He told us right away, "It can't go on like this. And you can't pretend like you had nothing to do with all this"

PUTIN (video):

"I'd like to point out that to a large extent it was you who created this situation through the political and quasi-political organizations you control. So perhaps you should blame yourselves."


Putin wasn't aggressive at all; he was very calm. He said, "things will be different now - and you are expected to do your part: your business has to be transparent; you have to pay taxes; you have to pay decent wages to your employees. In other words, from now, you'll have to earn the right to do business - especially considering the mess you got us in."