Question for atheists/agnostics/skeptics?

Richard Dawkins should probably be ignored when it comes to things outside evolutionary biology. Unless he believes asexual people don't really exist or lead wasted lives because they're not the sexual freak Dawkins likes to be. And no shade to Dawkins for being a kinkster, God bless him.
Huh. Why would you ignore smart people talking about important things?
His whole life could have been based on an illusion, though and he never got married or had kids.
That was a sacrifice without question. Obviously their beliefs, however misplaced they might have been, provided them with a degree of comfort allowing for that sacrifice to be entertained in the first place.
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This feels like a weekly Brian thread.
Getting stuck in a middle seat in the back of the plane on a trans-oceanic flight is an appropriate test of one's faith.
The only thing worse -- and this happened to me - is sitting next to an American professor who is trying to teach English language colloquialisms to a Chinese professor.
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That was a sacrifice without question. Obviously their beliefs, however misplaced they might have been, provided them with a degree of comfort allowing for that sacrifice to be entertained in the first place.

Good point.

We all make our tradeoffs. :)

Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens are amateurs in philosophy and theology.

None of their objections are anything new. Thomas Aquinas addressed them 800 years ago...
Oh I don't find any of their arguments against the existence of God any less convincing. I just don't think they're right about how poisonous religion is in the world. I think most of the world's problems are attributable to other beliefs systems that actually govern life which are not in the realm of religion.
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Good point.

We all make our tradeoffs. :)
Yup. To a degree, life is pretty much a long series of tradeoffs. You can trace your entire existence along a path of decisions you've made involving those tradeoffs. I think the happiest people I know have made a series of decisions throughout their lives involving sacrifice (at least in the short term) and compromise. Short term gratification is often the path to long term destruction. Any clergy who truly followed their faith and their vows likely lived a full and happy life, irrespective of the sacrifices you mentioned. Hopefully those who did not made the decision to leave and follow a path more suitable for them.
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Huh. Why would you ignore smart people talking about important things?

I may have worded it strongly but I think Dawkins' crusade the last twenty years against religion and in particular his (and Sam Harris's) hyper focus on Islamic extremism is possibly more racist than rational. I think those two in particular are a lot more forgiving of the nuances in religious differences in the Christianity in their own cultures than they are willing to consider the possibility of nuance also existing in the belief systems of Islam.

So will I watch Richard Dawkins debate a creationist about evolution and about scientific consensus in fields he doesn't work in daily? Yes. Do I think his views on religion should inform my views on whether or not Muslims are people with lives as valuable as westerners? I'm going to be skeptical of Dawkins and Harris here.
Francis had abuse reports filed with the church not police. Enough said.

Then there are believers who ghost believers that question their faith beliefs. Are they a wasted life?
I’m nonreligious, but your last paragraph is ridiculous. What percentage of Catholic people were actually involved in molesting children and/or covering it up?

I would prefer Catholics to Muslims every day of the week.

A small percentage. Doesn't change the fact the higher ups covered up rape for decades.

Me too, Islam is by far the most backwards of the major religions. And I dig a good fish fry, drinking to excess, and judging others.
Weird question OP. Like others have stated, as long as he truly believes what he is doing is for the greater good, I wouldn’t consider it a waste. The good news for him in that scenario though, is he’s dead and has no idea he was wrong.
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I may have worded it strongly but I think Dawkins' crusade the last twenty years against religion and in particular his (and Sam Harris's) hyper focus on Islamic extremism is possibly more racist than rational. I think those two in particular are a lot more forgiving of the nuances in religious differences in the Christianity in their own cultures than they are willing to consider the possibility of nuance also existing in the belief systems of Islam.

So will I watch Richard Dawkins debate a creationist about evolution and about scientific consensus in fields he doesn't work in daily? Yes. Do I think his views on religion should inform my views on whether or not Muslims are people with lives as valuable as westerners? I'm going to be skeptical of Dawkins and Harris here.
There is sort of an interesting phenomenon going on where people are identifying as culturally Christian. They aren't believers but they like aspects of Christian culture.