R.I.P. to these recent poster deaths

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Don’t you know that joes place knows more than a doctor.
Pretty sure he said a few years back that we would all be dead in a few years if we didn’t continue getting a booster every 6 months.
As you can clearly see the world is getting sparse because of all the Covid deaths that are continuing left and right because very few people get the vax anymore.
He was almost right. We narrowly avoided total population collapse/death and instead just barely managed to expand the US population by a few (dozen plus) million more people. This time he's definitely right, though!
NY Post is not really a credible source for medical info, Cletus.

And that link clearly states that the VIRUS is a far more risky source of those complications than the vaccine.

Only the Post has that hidden down near the bottom of your article.

“The massive study and review of the data reveals some rare association of the mRNA vaccines and myocarditis, especially after the second shot, as well as an association between the Oxford Astra Zeneca adenovirus vector vaccines and Guillain-Barre syndrome,” Siegel, who was not involved in the study, told Fox News Digital.

“But these risks are rare and other studies show that the vaccine decreases the risk of myocarditis from COVID itself dramatically,” he said, adding that all vaccines have side effects.

“It always comes down to a risk/benefit analysis of what you are more afraid of — the vaccine’s side effects or the virus itself, which can have long-term side effects in terms of brain fog, fatigue, cough, and also heart issues,” Siegel said.

“Denying or exaggerating a vaccine’s side effects is not good science — nor is underestimating the risks of the virus, especially in high-risk groups,” Siegel added.
I know the data on Covid better than THAT doctor.

AGAIN - if you have DATA to support that doctor's opinion, POST IT.
So why are you able to throw out so much BS without actual date. You multiple times when Covid was in its peak made it seem like life as we knew it was over.

We survived without doing much to change that and the population seems pretty strong.
I don’t give a crap that you can scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something that supports what you want to believe.
I’m sure I could find something that supports what I say but I have a life outside of covid and don’t struggle with coronaphobia
NY Post is not really a credible source for medical info, Cletus.

And that link clearly states that the VIRUS is a far more risky source of those complications than the vaccine.

Only the Post has that hidden down near the bottom of your article.

“The massive study and review of the data reveals some rare association of the mRNA vaccines and myocarditis, especially after the second shot, as well as an association between the Oxford Astra Zeneca adenovirus vector vaccines and Guillain-Barre syndrome,” Siegel, who was not involved in the study, told Fox News Digital.

“But these risks are rare and other studies show that the vaccine decreases the risk of myocarditis from COVID itself dramatically,” he said, adding that all vaccines have side effects.

“It always comes down to a risk/benefit analysis of what you are more afraid of — the vaccine’s side effects or the virus itself, which can have long-term side effects in terms of brain fog, fatigue, cough, and also heart issues,” Siegel said.

“Denying or exaggerating a vaccine’s side effects is not good science — nor is underestimating the risks of the virus, especially in high-risk groups,” Siegel added.
The NY Post reported on a scientific study. They did not conduct the study. Comment on the findings/data or you have nothing
I don’t give a crap that you can scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something that supports what you want to believe.

So, you Googled, and you actually found that vaccines were RECOMMENDED for pregnant women, and the vaccines DO NOT cause miscarriages and actually PROTECT against them, vs being unvaccinated and pregnant.

But you won't post any of it, just because I told you that was the case.
I think she kept saying "white powder".

I guess it's a bigger deal to me than it is to you.

I hate petty tyrants (and all tyrants). Plus it's just fvcking ridiculous and fvcking pointless and dumb. You are free to not think so if you choose.

"It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

CS Lewis

The Youtuber's choice of words/terms that they used is strictly a business decision, not a censorship decision. They could have said the word cocaine freely if they chose to.
That's what YOUR link states. The VIRUS is a far greater risk than the vaccine.

Multiple publications also support that conclusion.
The "vaccine" doesn't stop the spread of the virus. You can literally be damaged by both. Around and around we go..
Does not 100% "stop" it in every case.

It DOES prevent many cases AND lower the risks you're citing when get exposed to it, vs being unvaccinated.

Myocarditis risk is overall LOWERED by being vaccinated WHEN you get exposed to the virus, whether it fully prevents that infection, or not.
Why do you think biden, fauci and wolenski all lied and said it did stop infection?
Seems as good a place as any to ask my newest vaccine question (came up with a worker recently)

If the vaccines are safe, why is there a government website to file for vaccine injuries?
Because every drug ever released can have adverse effects on some people.
Seems as good a place as any to ask my newest vaccine question (came up with a worker recently)

If the vaccines are safe, why is there a government website to file for vaccine injuries?

Why does literally every drug have warnings for side effects? Same answer. Nothing is perfect and people may experience a wide range of outcomes.
No, that was not the reason.

It was because of you tube's petty tyranny. Maybe she could have just said the word with no repercussions, I don't know. But she thought there would be repercussions from youtube, apparently.

They also won't say "sexual assault", they say "S.A."

Of course everyone, except psychopaths, hates sexual assault. But to force people to say "S.A." instead, is petty tyranny, and pointless, and dumb.
You aren’t actually suggesting YouTube bans the word “cocaine” are you?

Because it doesn’t.

Because every drug ever released can have adverse effects on some people.
I’m not going to speak in absolutes like “so they knew it wasn’t safe!”

But, I genuinely had no idea such a site existed until a coworker (who has vax injuries they say) told me about it
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Why does literally every drug have warnings for side effects? Same answer. Nothing is perfect and people may experience a wide range of outcomes.
Did the recent Covid vaccines have warnings? I don’t recall, if they did weren’t we essentially told they’re minor and the virus is worse?
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Because every drug ever released can have adverse effects on some people.
They always asked us if we were allergic to eggs when getting the flu shot on active duty.

I would asked scrambled or deviled?

Sad Koala GIF
Did the recent Covid vaccines have warnings? I don’t recall, if they did weren’t we essentially told they’re minor and the virus is worse?

Yes they did, and despite what those that have committed to being skeptical would like to believe the covid19 vaccine is one of the most widely used vaccines in the history of humanity with very little downside after 3 years and literally billions of doses.

It was a scary time, but it’s okay to move on.
But neither of your statements are correct. I don’t think anybody actively support stealing.

“But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.”
― Frederic Bastiat,
The Law
Yes they did, and despite what those that have committed to being skeptical would like to believe the covid19 vaccine is one of the most widely used vaccines in the history of humanity with very little downside after 3 years and literally billions of doses.

It was a scary time, but it’s okay to move on.
I dunno, maybe you’re right.

I would say it’s not as safe/effective as was promised; and the effects are still being revealed.

Then again- people will attribute any ailment to the vax, which sort of dilutes any actual injuries
Here's the video. She kept saying white powder instead of cocaine.

I guess I assumed that was because of youtube tyranny. My bad.

I dunno, maybe you’re right.

I would say it’s not as safe/effective as was promised; and the effects are still being revealed.

Then again- people will attribute any ailment to the vax, which sort of dilutes any actual injuries

Why would you say those things? Besides spitballing comedians and other content creators trying to prove their assumptions correct, there is very very little adverse reactions on record.

I know scale in the billions is nearly unfathomable, but over 13 billion, with a B doses have been administered in over three years. If the problems were out of the norm for public health risk/reward, it would be apparent.
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