Racial disparities in prison


Team MVP
Nov 3, 2018
The argument that minorities are being locked up because of minor drug offenses is simply not true. The overwhelming majority of those cases are plead down from trafficking.

Once again, facts matter but the racist Democrats don’t care about anything but using POC for their ideology. Minorities are simply pawns in the leftist agenda.
The argument that minorities are being locked up because of minor drug offenses is simply not true. The overwhelming majority of those cases are plead down from trafficking.

Once again, facts matter but the racist Democrats don’t care about anything but using POC for their ideology. Minorities are simply pawns in the leftist agenda.

You're correct the Dems want to keep POC beholding to them, keeping POC down and underfoot is part of the liberal m.o. The Dems are not so different than drug dealers they want to keep their customers hooked on the meager handouts they provide never wanting you to do better for yourself.
The argument that minorities are being locked up because of minor drug offenses is simply not true. The overwhelming majority of those cases are plead down from trafficking.

Once again, facts matter but the racist Democrats don’t care about anything but using POC for their ideology. Minorities are simply pawns in the leftist agenda.

If you don't believe there are disparities in how blacks are incarcerated in comparison to whites, nothing anyone can say will be helpful to you.
The argument that minorities are being locked up because of minor drug offenses is simply not true. The overwhelming majority of those cases are plead down from trafficking.

Once again, facts matter but the racist Democrats don’t care about anything but using POC for their ideology. Minorities are simply pawns in the leftist agenda.

do they only plead down for the blacks?
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If you don't believe there are disparities in how blacks are incarcerated in comparison to whites, nothing anyone can say will be helpful to you.

I don’t contest that there is a disparity when it comes to pure numbers, but that is because blacks constitute over 50% of the crime while making up 15% of the population. And they aren’t being locked up for “simple possession” as libtards say. Yes, there sentence is for possession but that charge was plead down from trafficking.

For stupid people like you: they’re locking up dope dealers, but taking the easy route by offering them a plea deal.
The argument that minorities are being locked up because of minor drug offenses is simply not true. The overwhelming majority of those cases are plead down from trafficking.

Once again, facts matter but the racist Democrats don’t care about anything but using POC for their ideology. Minorities are simply pawns in the leftist agenda.

My school sends out “SAFETY WARNINGS” emails every couple days and every single one the suspect has been an African American male for armed robbery.

Every. Single. One.

And this is a MAC school that’s not in the inner city. Blacks commit a ton of crimes so they are over represented in prisons. Occams Razor anyone?
Blacks make up a disproportionate percentage of the state and federal prison populations in the United States. They disproportionately commit violent crimes, drug crimes and property crimes. These are well known facts. They’ve been well documented by the DOJ, FBI and state and local authorities for decades. Books of statistics are readily available. The big question in it all is why.
The argument that minorities are being locked up because of minor drug offenses is simply not true. The overwhelming majority of those cases are plead down from trafficking.

Once again, facts matter but the racist Democrats don’t care about anything but using POC for their ideology. Minorities are simply pawns in the leftist agenda.
Let me make sure I understand you. The ideology that wants more POC free is treating them as pawns but the ideology that wants to keep them locked up for profit is what not worth your consideration?
Blacks make up a disproportionate percentage of the state and federal prison populations in the United States. They disproportionately commit violent crimes, drug crimes and property crimes. These are well known facts. They’ve been well documented by the DOJ, FBI and state and local authorities for decades. Books of statistics are readily available. The big question in it all is why.

why is “why” the big question?

Is a victim in the middle of the crime concerned with “why”?

do we automatically begin to make excuses for a child molester almost before the crime is even over?

Well you know he probably was abused himself a a child, came from poor socioeconomic situation and a single mother so let’s ignore his crimes and focus on “why”

Everybody is they way they are because of reasons - that doesn’t make someone less annoying, less dumb, less smart, less athletic, more athletic, more friendly, more violent, whatever. Yet American blacks are the only area where we see this obsession with “why”

Show me a POC that had "Affluenza" or only got a 3 month sentence for rape, and I'll think that you are less of an azzhole.
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why is “why” the big question?

Is a victim in the middle of the crime concerned with “why”?

do we automatically begin to make excuses for a child molester almost before the crime is even over?

Well you know he probably was abused himself a a child, came from poor socioeconomic situation and a single mother so let’s ignore his crimes and focus on “why”

Everybody is they way they are because of reasons - that doesn’t make someone less annoying, less dumb, less smart, less athletic, more athletic, more friendly, more violent, whatever. Yet American blacks are the only area where we see this obsession with “why”


I realize that you aren't interested in intelligent thought, but people ask about the "why" all of the time in many different areas. But you would need to read a book or step on literally any college campus to understand that.

Also, if your position is that people commit more crimes because of their race, then you have issues, and are indeed a racist. If you think that it is due to some other factor, then we should certainly look into what that factor might be. Unless, of course, you are more interested in punishment than in preventing future crimes.
Blacks make up a disproportionate percentage of the state and federal prison populations in the United States. They disproportionately commit violent crimes, drug crimes and property crimes. These are well known facts. They’ve been well documented by the DOJ, FBI and state and local authorities for decades. Books of statistics are readily available. The big question in it all is why.

Well, unless one wants to adopt a racist explanation, it is hard to ignore the systemic barriers that we've put on success for minorities since the founding of the country.
I don’t contest that there is a disparity when it comes to pure numbers, but that is because blacks constitute over 50% of the crime while making up 15% of the population. And they aren’t being locked up for “simple possession” as libtards say. Yes, there sentence is for possession but that charge was plead down from trafficking.

For stupid people like you: they’re locking up dope dealers, but taking the easy route by offering them a plea deal.

Thanks professor retard
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I don’t contest that there is a disparity when it comes to pure numbers, but that is because blacks constitute over 50% of the crime while making up 15% of the population. And they aren’t being locked up for “simple possession” as libtards say. Yes, there sentence is for possession but that charge was plead down from trafficking.

For stupid people like you: they’re locking up dope dealers, but taking the easy route by offering them a plea deal.

Yes, clearly you're the smart one here.
why is “why” the big question?

Is a victim in the middle of the crime concerned with “why”?

do we automatically begin to make excuses for a child molester almost before the crime is even over?

Well you know he probably was abused himself a a child, came from poor socioeconomic situation and a single mother so let’s ignore his crimes and focus on “why”

Everybody is they way they are because of reasons - that doesn’t make someone less annoying, less dumb, less smart, less athletic, more athletic, more friendly, more violent, whatever. Yet American blacks are the only area where we see this obsession with “why”


You are either willfully ignorant or have a severe lack of intellectual curiosity.

When you learn the basic statistical principle of correlation not necessarily meaning causation come back and post.
Blacks make up a disproportionate percentage of the state and federal prison populations in the United States. They disproportionately commit violent crimes, drug crimes and property crimes. These are well known facts. They’ve been well documented by the DOJ, FBI and state and local authorities for decades. Books of statistics are readily available. The big question in it all is why.

Truly one of the great unanswered questions of our time. I guess we may never know....
why is “why” the big question?

Is a victim in the middle of the crime concerned with “why”?

do we automatically begin to make excuses for a child molester almost before the crime is even over?

Well you know he probably was abused himself a a child, came from poor socioeconomic situation and a single mother so let’s ignore his crimes and focus on “why”

Everybody is they way they are because of reasons - that doesn’t make someone less annoying, less dumb, less smart, less athletic, more athletic, more friendly, more violent, whatever. Yet American blacks are the only area where we see this obsession with “why”

Poverty is NOT a factor that can be pointed to with certainty as to why blacks commit more crime.
Do you want to go on record saying that it is race? Own up to it if that is what you are implying.
Are you saying that you feel whites commit as many crimes as blacks, but whites don’t go to jail as frequently for them?

I feel that if you are in jail it is because you committed a crime regardless of your color. Now let’s figure out a way to help the convicts as to minimize chance of repeat. Making excuses won’t help convicts obtain skills that might benefit them in the future

If you have a kid, why would you be concerned if your son or daughter were marrying a black person?

Taking these in reverse order: I wouldn't be concerned....that's just an odd question. I might care about their character, their work ethic, or their maturity. I might care about their job prospects or their empathy. I'd certainly care about whether they loved my kid and whether they showed the capacity for good decision making. But skin color would not be on the list of things that would concern me. That's just crazy talk. And obviously racist by definition.

Culture? Are you claiming that there is an inherent cultural difference that is based on one's racial makeup? You think that DNA dictates culture? That's crazy talk, again.

[Of course, I think that what you are claiming is that certain elements of a "culture" promote less respect for law, etc and that african americans in the United States are more likely to be steeped in that culture. But, if that is your claim, then you have to ask why that is the case. Either it is because of their race, which would make racial disparities in criminal activity statistically normal (and would also be a racist explanation, but would have statistical support)....or it is due to some other factor highly correlated with race. And then we're back to the systemic racism that has been a part of this country's legal make up since its founding.]
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Are you saying that you feel whites commit as many crimes as blacks, but whites don’t go to jail as frequently for them?

I feel that if you are in jail it is because you committed a crime regardless of your color. Now let’s figure out a way to help the convicts as to minimize chance of repeat. Making excuses won’t help convicts obtain skills that might benefit them in the future

You are raising entirely different questions. I am not worried about "excuses" or "blame." I was questioning the rationale for why these disparities exist. If we can address the root cause, we can work to prevent crime in the future, encourage better outcomes, and increase national wealth and happiness. Some are just more focused on those currently in the system though. That seems to be where your attention lies.
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Taking these in reverse order: I wouldn't be concerned....that's just an odd question. I might care about their character, their work ethic, or their maturity. I might care about their job prospects or their empathy. I'd certainly care about whether they loved my kid and whether they showed the capacity for good decision making. But skin color would not be on the list of things that would concern me. That's just crazy talk. And obviously racist by definition.

Culture? Are you claiming that there is an inherent cultural difference that is based on one's racial makeup? You think that DNA dictates culture? That's crazy talk, again.

[Of course, I think that what you are claiming is that certain elements of a "culture" promote less respect for law, etc and that african americans in the United States are more likely to be steeped in that culture. But, if that is your claim, then you have to ask why that is the case. Either it is because of their race, which would make racial disparities in criminal activity statistically normal (and would also be a racist explanation, but would have statistical support)....or it is due to some other factor highly correlated with race. And then we're back to the systemic racism that has been a part of this country's legal make up since its founding.]
How about they have parents that pattern less respect for the law, etc.

BTW, I would trust my kids to choose a good partner. However, I would worry about my Grandchildren. 50% of all black children are sexually molested, 60% of females.
How about they have parents that pattern less respect for the law, etc.

BTW, I would trust my kids to choose a good partner. However, I would worry about my Grandchildren. 50% of all black children are sexually molested, 60% of females.

In a thread the other day you said you only lean racist. It may be more than a lean, strong tilt perhaps?
How about they have parents that pattern less respect for the law, etc.

BTW, I would trust my kids to choose a good partner. However, I would worry about my Grandchildren. 50% of all black children are sexually molested, 60% of females.

Can we please go one day on here without opining on what's wrong with black people?
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I realize that you aren't interested in intelligent thought, but people ask about the "why" all of the time in many different areas. But you would need to read a book or step on literally any college campus to understand that.

Also, if your position is that people commit more crimes because of their race, then you have issues, and are indeed a racist. If you think that it is due to some other factor, then we should certainly look into what that factor might be. Unless, of course, you are more interested in punishment than in preventing future crimes.

Let’s pretend this is all because of slavery. Great, cool, I accept that. How does knowing this help anything?

what do we do next? Go back in time and undo slavery?

unless you can tell me what to do with this info, it’s hard to see why leftists trip over themselves to throw out these excuses every time we see a black person behaving badly

it mostly seems to mirror their obsession with constantly defending the less powerful for purposes of virtue signaling and has little to nothing to do with anything actionable that would improve the lives of anybody

You can’t manage what you can’t measure and right now, the left shits their pants and cries everytime anybody dares to accurately measure the performance of the black America community and instead just begins shrieking about slavery as though we can do anything about that today
Let’s pretend this is all because of slavery. Great, cool, I accept that. How does knowing this help anything?

what do we do next? Go back in time and undo slavery?

unless you can tell me what to do with this info, it’s hard to see why leftists trip over themselves to throw out these excuses every time we see a black person behaving badly

it mostly seems to mirror their obsession with constantly defending the less powerful for purposes of virtue signaling and has little to nothing to do with anything actionable that would improve the lives of anybody

You can’t manage what you can’t measure and right now, the left shits their pants and cries everytime anybody dares to accurately measure the performance of the black America community and instead just begins shrieking about slavery as though we can do anything about that today

If you can accept that this started with slavery, then maybe you can do some reading and accept that there still exist legal frameworks that hold minorities to different standards and give then fewer opportunities. You can accept that you cannot just wave a magic wand and equalize everything. And you can be empathetic to efforts to help the communities that we hurt. This isn't hard.
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How about they have parents that pattern less respect for the law, etc.

You think that is due to one's DNA? I'd love to see that study.

BTW, I would trust my kids to choose a good partner. However, I would worry about my Grandchildren. 50% of all black children are sexually molested, 60% of females.

Again, you think this is due to DNA?

I'm sure that you don't think you are racist...or maybe you'll just admit it. In reality, I'll be generous and suggest that you have about a middle-school level of understanding of correlation and causation and it results in you making blatantly racist statements.
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You think that is due to one's DNA? I'd love to see that study.

Again, you think this is due to DNA?

I'm sure that you don't think you are racist...or maybe you'll just admit it. In reality, I'll be generous and suggest that you have about a middle-school level of understanding of correlation and causation and it results in you making blatantly racist statements.
IDK, maybe it is. Blacks are allowed to have a higher score when evaluated for ADHD in terms do they have it or not. Clearly, there are differences.

So I met this kid once, he was half black and half white. He said he came from a really diverse family, with whites, blacks and hispanics in it. He said that from his experience, white people play chess when they are making decisions and giving themselves permission to act out or not, or how to behave in specific situations. He then said that hispanics play checkers and are not quite as measured, and that blacks play tiddly winks (what is in front of you at the moment is what decides your path). He said he was doing his best to learn Chess. Sounds pretty accurate to me. Probably cultural and I do not know the answer.
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