Racial disparities in prison

You think that is due to one's DNA? I'd love to see that study.

Again, you think this is due to DNA?

I'm sure that you don't think you are racist...or maybe you'll just admit it. In reality, I'll be generous and suggest that you have about a middle-school level of understanding of correlation and causation and it results in you making blatantly racist statements.

"controlling for SES only reduces the mean Black–White group difference in IQ by about a third, around 5 IQ points. The genetic perspective does not regard this control for SES as being entirely environmental. It holds that the parents’ socioeconomic level in part reflects their genetic differences in intelligence. Moreover, according to the culture-only theory, as Black groups advance up the socioeconomic ladder, their children should be less exposed to environmental deficits and therefore should do better and, by extension, close the distance separating the Black mean with the White. In fact, the magnitude of the mean Black–White group difference in IQ for higher SES levels, when measured in standard deviations, is larger (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994, pp. 286–289). Other nongenetic hypotheses are that standard IQ tests are culturally biased because the test items are not equally familiar and motivating to all groups or that they only measure familiarity with middle-class language or culture. However, despite attempts to equate items for familiarity and culture-fairness, no “culturefair” test has eliminated the mean group difference. American Blacks actually have higher average scores on culturally loaded tests than on culturally reduced tests, which is the opposite to what is found for some other groups such as Mexican Indians and East Asians. (The mean Black–White group differences are greatest on the g factor, regardless of the type of test from which g is extracted; see Section 4.) Moreover, the three-way pattern of mean Black–White–East Asian group differences occurs worldwide on culture-fair reaction time measures, which all children can do in less than 1 s (see Sect"

There are other differences as well. Have you ever noticed blacks are more heavily muscled with lower voices? Blacks also have much higher numbers of prostate issues, wonder why and how it might relate to other issues?

We're all human, diversity means difference though. Why do you people that think you're more accepting of diversity reject difference.
So what’s the reason? This topic seems to interest you a good deal, yet you run from discussions.
If you want to emphasize culture, I would say that if the average Chinese male were 5" taller and physically had more explosive muscle performance you'd see a lot more practicing basketball than studying calculus. But, they're shorter and have more than a quarter less testosterone than blacks so they're less heavily muscled, higher voices and smaller balls, probably less aggressive and so more inclined to focus on their strengths. Less emphasis on physical expression and more on careers with broader opportunity.
IDK, maybe it is. Blacks are allowed to have a higher score when evaluated for ADHD in terms do they have it or not. Clearly, there are differences.

So I met this kid once, he was half black and half white. He said he came from a really diverse family, with whites, blacks and hispanics in it. He said that from his experience, white people play chess when they are making decisions and giving themselves permission to act out or not, or how to behave in specific situations. He then said that hispanics play checkers and are not quite as measured, and that blacks play tiddly winks (what is in front of you at the moment is what decides your path). He said he was doing his best to learn Chess. Sounds pretty accurate to me. Probably cultural and I do not know the answer.

Jesus Christ
"controlling for SES only reduces the mean Black–White group difference in IQ by about a third, around 5 IQ points. The genetic perspective does not regard this control for SES as being entirely environmental. It holds that the parents’ socioeconomic level in part reflects their genetic differences in intelligence. Moreover, according to the culture-only theory, as Black groups advance up the socioeconomic ladder, their children should be less exposed to environmental deficits and therefore should do better and, by extension, close the distance separating the Black mean with the White. In fact, the magnitude of the mean Black–White group difference in IQ for higher SES levels, when measured in standard deviations, is larger (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994, pp. 286–289). Other nongenetic hypotheses are that standard IQ tests are culturally biased because the test items are not equally familiar and motivating to all groups or that they only measure familiarity with middle-class language or culture. However, despite attempts to equate items for familiarity and culture-fairness, no “culturefair” test has eliminated the mean group difference. American Blacks actually have higher average scores on culturally loaded tests than on culturally reduced tests, which is the opposite to what is found for some other groups such as Mexican Indians and East Asians. (The mean Black–White group differences are greatest on the g factor, regardless of the type of test from which g is extracted; see Section 4.) Moreover, the three-way pattern of mean Black–White–East Asian group differences occurs worldwide on culture-fair reaction time measures, which all children can do in less than 1 s (see Sect"

There are other differences as well. Have you ever noticed blacks are more heavily muscled with lower voices? Blacks also have much higher numbers of prostate issues, wonder why and how it might relate to other issues?

We're all human, diversity means difference though. Why do you people that think you're more accepting of diversity reject difference.

No one is claiming there aren't differences in genetics. If you actually read there thread, there are requests to establish that those racial, genetic differences account for differences in criminal activity observed by the criminal justice system. Do you want to make that causal claim? Don't be dense.
If you want to emphasize culture, I would say that if the average Chinese male were 5" taller and physically had more explosive muscle performance you'd see a lot more practicing basketball than studying calculus. But, they're shorter and have more than a quarter less testosterone than blacks so they're less heavily muscled, higher voices and smaller balls, probably less aggressive and so more inclined to focus on their strengths. Less emphasis on physical expression and more on careers with broader opportunity.
I might have accepted this if I hadn’t spent a summer in Korea. That shattered my stereotype of little Asian men. The older generations displayed the characteristics as you describe. The younger ones didn’t. The change was the nation got rich and nutrition and healthcare made them big.
I might have accepted this if I hadn’t spent a summer in Korea. That shattered my stereotype of little Asian men. The older generations displayed the characteristics as you describe. The younger ones didn’t. The change was the nation got rich and nutrition and healthcare made them big.
Read this, it seems young black males are basically juicing all the time naturally.

Everyone I ever dealt with in college when I was bouncing, juicers were the most difficult to judge, those dudes are crazy.
Lol is this a thread against systemic racism?
I might have accepted this if I hadn’t spent a summer in Korea. That shattered my stereotype of little Asian men. The older generations displayed the characteristics as you describe. The younger ones didn’t. The change was the nation got rich and nutrition and healthcare made them big.