Racist Libs showing hate towards Carson?

The Liberals are absolutely going bonkers that Dr. Ben Carson
is better educated, more intelligent and more popular than
Barack Obama.

Just out of curiosity, how many times do you have to tell yourself something before you believe it's reality? I mean, Obama was elected, twice, to be President of the United States. He's also enjoying some of his best polling right now too. Ben Carson isn't even going to win his party's nomination. Yet, despite all evidence pointing otherwise, you make a claim that Ben Carson is more popular than Barack Obama. The education part is at least a debatable point, but I'd trust a law school graduate over a doctor that, I'm assuming based on his other positions, thinks evolution is the product of satan and it was The_Devil who hid all those pesky fossils everywhere. Or that humans and dinosaurs walked around at the same time.
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Ok, I understand now. If you're a Democrat and oppose Ben Carson you don't like his policies, but if you're a Republican you're a racist.

So I can ONLY be a racist if I don't like Obama's policies?

No, it's supporting guys in Congress who breach two centuries of protocol to yell "You lie!" at the President of the United States. It's supporting being against conservative policy initiatives that were originally introduced by conservatives who suddenly are against their own policies the minute Obama showed support for them. It's laughing at the blatantly racist cartoons and images that constantly find there way into threads on this website and are proliferated through social media. There are dozens of other things this President has had to endure during his two terms that no other President has had to put up with.

I'm not saying that you, in particular, are a racist. But if you've done the things above then some of your hatred of him is based on race and not policy.
Certainly there were never any racist placards at teabagger gatherings. Not a one.

There were some. Those people who had them are idiots. Because there were a couple of those signs, it does t make the whole group racist.

By your logic, all the Dems are racist based on how they're treating Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love etc.
Really? You think the RepubliKlan is going to clean up Chicago's south side??? Hahahahahaha! And you pick the one city everyone knows party means nothing? No interviews in LA, San Antonio, SLC, or Kansas City which have seen crime drop and revitalized communities under Democratic mayors? Nice try, champ! ;-)
Really? What cities? Baltimore? ferguson? Memphis? Detroit? East St Louis? You're as PC stupid as they come Menace.
Really? What cities? Baltimore? ferguson? Memphis? Detroit? East St Louis? You're as PC stupid as they come Menace.

Ferguson has had the same Republican mayor for the last 4 years. In fact, much has been made of the deterioration between police and residents under his watch. OOOOOOOOOOPS! Who is the idiot? Stick to your RepubliKlan boards with others of your own intellectual size. ;-)
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Ferguson has had the same Republican mayor for the last 4 years. In fact, much has been made of the deterioration between police and residents under his watch. OOOOOOOOOOPS! Who is the idiot? Stick to your RepubliKlan boards wit others of your own intellectual size. ;-)
Completely PC stupid, the dumbest of the Liberal PC zombies I've seen. Ferguson issues have been just as bad and they completely changed their council members around. New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, East St Louis, Baltimore,...all have had democratic administrations for years and they are ALL in the argument and statistics for the worst crime areas in the nation.
You're a white bread, lived in suburbia your whole life moron who was simply taught yet he's a saint, because he has white guilt, and believes his reverse racism is okay.
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Just for starters, he thinks tithing is a viable tax policy. I'm not surprised that the state that thought Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee are good Presidential material would like Ben Carson. Just add him to the list of religious nut jobs that will never get elected.

You realize his point was a 10% flat tax, right? He just used the example if tithing.
There were some. Those people who had them are idiots. Because there were a couple of those signs, it does t make the whole group racist.

By your logic, all the Dems are racist based on how they're treating Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love etc.
Yes, those are the rules of this game. And when Rs don't elect Carson it will prove they are racist too. Probably sexist to boot as they will pass on Carly and Hill too. It's all so entertaining.
Completely PC stupid, the dumbest of the Liberal PC zombies I've seen. Ferguson issues have been just as bad and they completely changed their council members around. New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, East St Louis, Baltimore,...all have had democratic administrations for years and they are ALL in the argument and statistics for the worst crime areas in the nation.
You're a white bread, lived in suburbia your whole life moron who was simply taught yet he's a saint, because he has white guilt, and believes his reverse racism is okay.

Wrong AGAIN! I have NEVER lived in the suburbs. I went to a high performing inner city school. I live in a gentrified urban neighborhood. If it wasn't bad enough your thread us getting owned by liberals, you are just melting into a name-calling pile of patheticness. Keep it rolling, bro!
Wrong AGAIN! I have NEVER lived in the suburbs. I went to a high performing inner city school. I live in a gentrified urban neighborhood. If it wasn't bad enough your thread us getting owned by liberals, you are just melting into a name-calling pile of patheticness. Keep it rolling, bro!
In Des Moines? Yeah that's cute, about as white safe as you can get. Come with me to East St Louis sometime, I'll drop you off, and you'll last no more than a couple of hours.
You've always been naive Menace. You start off about crime and Democratically ran cities, and you complete forgot about Memphis, New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, Detroit, etc. Once again, all Democratically ran. Hence why you see a lot of this these days.
Your party and their passive aggressive racist techniques and lies are no longer being taken seriously.
And again, show me ONE socially conservative mayor who has overseen a dramatic reduction in the crime of their inner city???? Good luck on this! I just used one of your examples of a Republican who made it WORSE. You are getting just about as owned as Obama owns the GOP every election he runs :). Answer the question...
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And again, show me ONE socially conservative mayor who has overseen a dramatic reduction in the crime of their inner city???? Good luck on this! I just used one of your examples of a Republican who made it WORSE. You are getting just about as owned as Obama owns the GOP every election he runs :). Answer the question...
What city with a major inner city crime problem has a elected a socially conservative mayor?