Ramos to UNC

Wrestling has been invented. Wait never mind this one only happened 6 years ago according to some PSU fans, so that's still pretty recent history I guess.
Heard a rumor that God was going to take a rib from my body and make me a partner. "Woman" he is going to call her. If she can cook and wash my skins I won't even care if she is good for anything else.
And we're just about back to the beginning!
Some good posts! I sure hope Actiondouble finds these post funny and I hope he/she won't be scared away from posting in the future.
Definitely. Just a bunch of fans having some fun in the off-season. Certainly not any kind of slam on the OP, and it shouldn't be taken that way. Sometimes these comedic threads just get going and never seem to stop.
Some good posts! I sure hope Actiondouble finds these post funny and I hope he/she won't be scared away from posting in the future.

I'd just like to point out for the record that I may have been only person to actually provide useful information in this thread, by linking to the previous discussion. I'm just throwing that out there in case Actiondouble does NOT find these posts funny and also has access to weapons of mass destruction.
I'd just like to point out for the record that I may have been only person to actually provide useful information in this thread, by linking to the previous discussion. I'm just throwing that out there in case Actiondouble does NOT find these posts funny and also has access to weapons of mass destruction.
I've heard they have internet restrictions in North Korea, so maybe they are just finding out about Ramos leaving. You may be on to something Bruce. I withdraw my post from yesterday.
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Freshman from PA named Spencer Lee is a terror on the mat...saw him wearing an large Iowa Wrestling warm up hoodie. Wonder if this means anything?

I saw him sitting next to McDonough at Olympic Trials and I take this as confirmation that he has officially committed to Iowa.

Can't wait to cheer you on Spencer!
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Definitely. Just a bunch of fans having some fun in the off-season. Certainly not any kind of slam on the OP, and it shouldn't be taken that way. Sometimes these comedic threads just get going and never seem to stop.

Back in the day, and I can't remember which board it was on...OT or basketball maybe...a poster made the mistake of typing "Granite,..." instead of "Granted,..."

Oh, the rock jokes. So many rock jokes.
Not to mention the original 'want of bee' post.
I'm probably one of a small minority who actually remembers the original "want of bees" post. That must have been close to 15 years ago.

No doubt, Wendy -- WOB's seldom go undetected on HR! MNHawk nailed me on one not too long ago. None of us is immune. . . .
I'm probably one of a small minority who actually remembers the original "want of bees" post. That must have been close to 15 years ago.

No doubt, Wendy -- WOB's seldom go undetected on HR! MNHawk nailed me on one not too long ago. None of us is immune. . . .

Posters are getting over-sensitive. The last few WOB's pointed out were criticized for being spelling Nazis.
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Have any of you guys heard of this thing called the world wide web? Its supposed to be like a series of tubes or something. Heard you can find anything on there, even some kind of instant mailing system.
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Have any of you guys heard of this thing called the world wide web? Its supposed to be like a series of tubes or something. Heard you can find anything on there, even some kind of instant mailing system.

Yeah, I'm using the World Wide Web to do some research on a new type of vehicle I'm interested in buying. It's called a "moped". It's like a poor man's motorcycle.
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You have to try this.
Some kid from named Dan Gable tried out for youth wrestling, he's ok maybe with some work he could turn into a something solid. He seems to have a pretty good work ethic about him. Guess we will see if he sticks with it or not.

An Iowa kid? Nothing more than a room guy, hope he can give the guys a good look.

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