Realistic thoughts...


HB Heisman
Aug 20, 2005
A lot of people had low expectations for the team this season. We generally have our best seasons when expectations are low. Below I have some thoughts on how we will continue to win and where we need to improve.

1. This team has grinders that we haven't had in past seasons.
2. Desmond King needs to cover the best WR 100% of the time. Mabin is to small for the stars like Boyd.
3. Our DL isn't getting the same praise as the last few years, but if you ask me this DL is probably the best since Ballard/Clayborn days. I feel like we have 4 Mitch King/Karl Klug type of guys out there... Grinders who just get the job done.
4. Boone Myers is a huge handicap to the OL. Playing him at LT nearly got Beathard killed today. He got smoked repeatedly in the running and passing game. Boettger needs to be moved to LT or find someone else, because that is going to cost us a game eventually.
5. I love the balance of this team. You can't specifically plan for a particular player. Vandeberg has been our main WR target, but as we saw today Smith and Hillyer made the huge grabs to really set us up and build momentum. Daniels struggled to get rolling in the backfield and we are able to switch to a more agile quick hitter like Canzeri to open up Pitt in the second half.
6. I love the mentality of this defense! Like I said already this team is full of grinders! The defense doesn't particularly have a ton of speed or strength, but they don't get out of place much and they make plays! Jewell and Fisher were absolutely stellar in this game. I only saw 1 legit mistake where Fisher gave up the 4th and 15 play to the TE. Jewell was someone I felt deserved a Scholly much earlier in the recruiting process than he received it. Well he eventually got it and he has proved himself. The man can lay the wood!
7. The kicking game. Think about all the years when Iowa has impressive seasons... Great punter and great kicker. Kidd has been bombing punts and Koehn has gotten past is previous jitters. Ferentz knew he would be a stud, but he mainly showed it in practice. Today he proved it in a game winning fashion. That would have been good for 63-65 yards.

I would like to curb expectations, but I wouldn't be surprised to see 10-11 wins this year. Given the schedule we face and the fact we look better than expected. Purdue, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Indiana I would anticipate that we will be favorites. That leaves Maryland, Wisconsin, and Northwestern as the toughest games. Northwestern struggled with Duke, so I think Stanford was a bit of a fluke.
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Pretty much agree with the OP. Just a couple of things. . . . Daniels is still coming back from his ankle injury, which affected his performance today, I'm sure. He clearly wasn't 100%. As his ankle heals, he'll get back to being effective. As for speed on D, our LB's are all very fast, which is great to see. They've made a lot of progress since last season and gone from a liability to pretty solid, which makes for a pretty salty D, because the D-line and secondary are pretty tough.
I really hope this message board doesn't turn into a Canzeri vs. Daniels pissing match. The fact is that Iowa is going to need both of them. Anytime two guys are splitting carries, there will be games when one outshines the other due to getting sprung by a key block, matching up better against one opponent's defense scheme or personnel, etc.
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I didn't read any of that, but we'll get handled by Nebraska and Wisconsin. Toss ups with everyone else. Getting way to much hype on BTN.
I didn't read any of that, but we'll get handled by Nebraska and Wisconsin. Toss ups with everyone else. Getting way to much hype on BTN.
What have you seen from Nebraska that indicates we'll get "handled" by them?

First of all, they can't win a defensive battle because they don't have a secondary, and I'd go so far as to say their defense in general is suspect. Offensively, Newby is a large step down from Ameer Abdullah and Armstrong looks pretty much the same as last year. They lost Kenny Bell too. Nebraska is worse than last year and we are better.

Iowa/Wisconsin was close last year too. I don't see any basis for saying we'll get handled by them. Not saying we'll win, but some of the hype is certainly deserved. First 3-0 start since '09
Frankly, I'm not all that impressed by Nebraska or Wisconsin. They're both road games, so I don't expect to come out of either with a win this year, but I think both games will be competitive and wouldn't be surprised to see the Hawks go 1-1 in those two.
I really hope this message board doesn't turn into a Canzeri vs. Daniels pissing match. The fact is that Iowa is going to need both of them. Anytime two guys are splitting carries, there will be games when one outshines the other due to getting sprung by a key block, matching up better against one opponent's defense scheme or personnel, etc.

The only problem with that thesis is the Iowa O-line getting a "key block".
I didn't read any of that, but we'll get handled by Nebraska and Wisconsin. Toss ups with everyone else. Getting way to much hype on BTN.

LOL. No, not really. I don't know how the games will turn out, but we won't get handled by either of them. After watching Wisconsin we may well beat them. They looked average against Troy. Nebraska? I don't know what they are, but I'm fairly sure good on defense isn't part of their identity. Finally if that hype is bothering you -- it seems like this is what negative nancies like yourself are always clamoring for -- then don't buy into it.

I swear some of you don't know how to enjoy a good win.
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Let's not start burying Iowa or booking tickets to Indy quite yet folks. It's game 3. Enjoy the win.

Let the season play out...enjoy the journey instead of rubber-stamping anything either way. This morning, the slate is wiped clean yet again like it is the morning after every great win or horrifying loss.
10 or 11 wins - HA! Slow, is Iowa. And KF still at helm. Close games (save OT) are not his strong suit. Horrible timeout call on 2nd and 1 at goal line. You don't script this and KNOW what you're going to do? So frustrating. Kept Iowa from passing over middle in last drive. And they blow 8 seconds by not spiking ball. Thanks to Pitt for NOT going on their 4th and football length for 1st down. Narduzzi is so lucky Iowa is so slow and he tied game. I do believe there is some Iowa coaching going on, but not enough. That said, the talent isn't there. How does anyone believe this team has improved 37 points (loss to rodents last year) over last year. I'm still not buying Iowa football "club" stock. Hope I miss out on a great portfolio piece, but I still believe I'll be scalping a greatly devalued homecoming ticket. Still more fun to win. Go Hawks! On Iowa!
This is a good team, but probably not the best in the west. Nebraska should be 3-0, looks like some Iowa teams we've witnessed recently. This team is actually fun to watch for the first time in 5 years, it actually makes a difference when U Play to Win the Game! We need another runningback to step up or at least be given a chance. TEs are playing well, but they need to get them further down the field. Defense is looking good, but gave it up with no pass rush at the end of the game. Get rid of the standup crap, they generally don't get much of a push and good O lines handle it, better off just blitzing.
Special teams look much better over last year, Kidd has improved greatly. Play this way the rest of the season and there is potential for a 9 win season against a weak schedule. QB is making a huge difference, just wondering where he'd be if he got the start last year?!
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A lot of people had low expectations for the team this season. We generally have our best seasons when expectations are low. Below I have some thoughts on how we will continue to win and where we need to improve.

1. This team has grinders that we haven't had in past seasons.
2. Desmond King needs to cover the best WR 100% of the time. Mabin is to small for the stars like Boyd.
3. Our DL isn't getting the same praise as the last few years, but if you ask me this DL is probably the best since Ballard/Clayborn days. I feel like we have 4 Mitch King/Karl Klug type of guys out there... Grinders who just get the job done.
4. Boone Myers is a huge handicap to the OL. Playing him at LT nearly got Beathard killed today. He got smoked repeatedly in the running and passing game. Boettger needs to be moved to LT or find someone else, because that is going to cost us a game eventually.
5. I love the balance of this team. You can't specifically plan for a particular player. Vandeberg has been our main WR target, but as we saw today Smith and Hillyer made the huge grabs to really set us up and build momentum. Daniels struggled to get rolling in the backfield and we are able to switch to a more agile quick hitter like Canzeri to open up Pitt in the second half.
6. I love the mentality of this defense! Like I said already this team is full of grinders! The defense doesn't particularly have a ton of speed or strength, but they don't get out of place much and they make plays! Jewell and Fisher were absolutely stellar in this game. I only saw 1 legit mistake where Fisher gave up the 4th and 15 play to the TE. Jewell was someone I felt deserved a Scholly much earlier in the recruiting process than he received it. Well he eventually got it and he has proved himself. The man can lay the wood!
7. The kicking game. Think about all the years when Iowa has impressive seasons... Great punter and great kicker. Kidd has been bombing punts and Koehn has gotten past is previous jitters. Ferentz knew he would be a stud, but he mainly showed it in practice. Today he proved it in a game winning fashion. That would have been good for 63-65 yards.

I would like to curb expectations, but I wouldn't be surprised to see 10-11 wins this year. Given the schedule we face and the fact we look better than expected. Purdue, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Indiana I would anticipate that we will be favorites. That leaves Maryland, Wisconsin, and Northwestern as the toughest games. Northwestern struggled with Duke, so I think Stanford was a bit of a fluke.
I agree with 1,4,5, and 7 and partially with 2 and 6 (mabin isn't bad and the D hasnt played a very good O yet)... not seeing 3 yet with no pass rush last night...still some work to do but they can go 10 - 2 if they play smart but still a realistic and hopefully 9 - 3 and NYD bowl...Go Hawks
10 or 11 wins - HA! Slow, is Iowa. And KF still at helm. Close games (save OT) are not his strong suit. Horrible timeout call on 2nd and 1 at goal line. You don't script this and KNOW what you're going to do? So frustrating. Kept Iowa from passing over middle in last drive. And they blow 8 seconds by not spiking ball. Thanks to Pitt for NOT going on their 4th and football length for 1st down. Narduzzi is so lucky Iowa is so slow and he tied game. I do believe there is some Iowa coaching going on, but not enough. That said, the talent isn't there. How does anyone believe this team has improved 37 points (loss to rodents last year) over last year. I'm still not buying Iowa football "club" stock. Hope I miss out on a great portfolio piece, but I still believe I'll be scalping a greatly devalued homecoming ticket. Still more fun to win. Go Hawks! On Iowa!
agree on the not going for it. Terrible message to your team.
I think that Pitt defense is really good and I think Narduzzi had them keying on the Iowa game all summer/fall. They played some cupcakes before Iowa, and he knows our tendencies. I don't expect to have the run taken away and have to face that level of blitzing again this year. Other teams may TRY it, but they won't be as successful in my opinion.
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So many of us, myself included, have the low expectations because of the way the past few seasons have gone. I still support the Hawks as always, but I also wanted to see something better on the field. Did it have to take a drop in ticket revenue to get that? I think it did as there are few things we as fans can do to make change. Up until the season ticket sales drop, most fans were basically viewed in my opinion as irrelevant by not only Barta, but coach Ferentz as well. We were all supposed to sit on our hands and be happy at the product and know that year in and year out, Kirk will right the ship. So far I like what I see!
This is a good team, but probably not the best in the west. Nebraska should be 3-0, looks like some Iowa teams we've witnessed recently. This team is actually fun to watch for the first time in 5 years, it actually makes a difference when U Play to Win the Game! We need another runningback to step up or at least be given a chance. TEs are playing well, but they need to get them further down the field. Defense is looking good, but gave it up with no pass rush at the end of the game. Get rid of the standup crap, they generally don't get much of a push and good O lines handle it, better off just blitzing.
Special teams look much better over last year, Kidd has improved greatly. Play this way the rest of the season and there is potential for a 9 win season against a weak schedule. QB is making a huge difference, just wondering where he'd be if he got the start last year?!
lol wut?
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Realistic thoughts... I think everybody needs to settle down. A middle of the pack ACC team just took us down to the wire at our own house. Iowa State is Iowa State, and Illinois State is FCS. I'd like to think we are back, and I don't want to take anything away from what this team has achieved, but I don't think we should be expecting too much yet. Have to take it one game at a time. It has been an exciting ride so far.
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HawkeyeinOmaha, with all due respect, I think you need to buy a clue. Check back with me around Dec. 1 and let's see what's what then. Deal?

As long as Beathard can play, Iowa won't be overwhelmed by anyone. You won't see a dirtier or more physical defense than Pitt last night. It was MSU all over again, and Iowa won.

If Beathard had a second more to put some air under that long pass to a wide open Tevaun Smith, Iowa goes up 24-10. Game over. Iowa wins big. Instead, the pass is just overthrown, the Iowa punt is blocked for a TD, and it's 17-17. Those two back-to-back plays turned that game from an Iowa blowout to a dramatic Iowa win.

So yah, let's see how it looks on Dec. 1.
Last night was one for the ages. I am still enjoying a great Saturday experience. Kinnick was awesome and the team got it done. Take care of business next Saturday and it will be on to Madison for a huge game. Iowa may or may not be back but that was a HUGE win last night by any measurement.
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Well I am guessing if we win 10 games it will be because of our easy schedule, although nobody ever could explain to me how you can have an easy schedule with crappy coaches and crappy players. Okay that's my only
This is a good team, but probably not the best in the west. Nebraska should be 3-0, ?!

Did you watch the Miami-Nebraska game and not the last 7 minutes but the whole game. They got their asses kicked. Miami in what I would have to believe was pure point shaving just started playing stupid plus they had 2 TD's called back that went to FGs. Miami dragged Nebraska to over time. Then ended it very quickly in OT.
A lot of people had low expectations for the team this season. We generally have our best seasons when expectations are low. Below I have some thoughts on how we will continue to win and where we need to improve.

4. Boone Myers is a huge handicap to the OL. Playing him at LT nearly got Beathard killed today. He got smoked repeatedly in the running and passing game. Boettger needs to be moved to LT or find someone else, because that is going to cost us a game eventually.

The recruitment of 6'5"+ athletic tackles has been a weak part of Iowa's OL development. Ryan Ward is not in the two deep and Croston is only 2nd team. Keppy - verdict is out. Paulsen brothers are redshirting. Seems like our OL is shorter than ever. Boone may be a handicap but there is little else to offer.

Amazing that Iowa has been the OL school in B1G for much of KF's tenure but recruiting talents lean more to Michigan , Wisconsin, and tOSU (traditional powers). I'd bet Pierschbacher would be our starting LT if he was at Iowa and not Alabama.

Hope Tyler Wiegers gets a couple of series next week. I would hate to see CJ get hurt but the OL is not solid enough at this point.
The recruitment of 6'5"+ athletic tackles has been a weak part of Iowa's OL development. Ryan Ward is not in the two deep and Croston is only 2nd team. Keppy - verdict is out. Paulsen brothers are redshirting. Seems like our OL is shorter than ever. Boone may be a handicap but there is little else to offer.

Amazing that Iowa has been the OL school in B1G for much of KF's tenure but recruiting talents lean more to Michigan , Wisconsin, and tOSU (traditional powers). I'd bet Pierschbacher would be our starting LT if he was at Iowa and not Alabama.

Hope Tyler Wiegers gets a couple of series next week. I would hate to see CJ get hurt but the OL is not solid enough at this point.

Try to keep in mind that this OL is very much a work in progress. And when you recognize that, together with a demonstrated ability of this staff to develop a reliable OL, you might just look forward to this group rounding out into a strength by the time the BIG10 season plays out. I expect by the time November rolls around you will have forgotten all about your September fears.
It's the same general team/scheme as last year with three major exceptions:

1) A playmaking QB with a pair of steel between his legs
2) RBs that are not a FB
3) Three new LBs compared to August 2014

The end result is victories versus close losses.
Realistic thoughts... I think everybody needs to settle down. A middle of the pack ACC team just took us down to the wire at our own house. Iowa State is Iowa State, and Illinois State is FCS. I'd like to think we are back, and I don't want to take anything away from what this team has achieved, but I don't think we should be expecting too much yet. Have to take it one game at a time. It has been an exciting ride so far.

It's not like the rest of the schedule is difficult.
What we know, with some degree of certainty, is the 2015 Hawks are better than the 2014 Hawks.

It appears the coaching staff felt the heat and did rethink what they are doing. The move to Beathard was out of character and obviously the right move. The offense has been more creative. Using the kicker as a rugby punter, probably not going to happen in past seasons. Not playing for OT, another significant departure from previous seasons.

We've upgraded at QB and the receivers, although far from talented are playing better.

The O line will improve, barring injuries. They always do and that is a KF staple on which we can kind of rely.

Unlike recent seasons it does appear that we have a chance to win every game on the schedule. Not saying we will, just that we have a realistic chance.
My thoughts (in no particular order):
1. Canzeri looked like Fred Russell last night. I think he's finally understanding how to run behind a competent but not dominant zone blocking line
2. Beathard needs to get hit waaaay less often. Pass protection needs to improve and CJB needs to learn to dive/slide when a LB or safety is gunning for him.
3. Can we get a pass rush, please?
4. WRs have sticky hands. I love just work some more on separation from the DBs
5. Aside from Niemann (sp?) overrunning a few plays in the 1st games, our LB play has been much improved over last year.
6. Desmond King=defensive MVP all year
7. Where did the Greg Davis haters go? (tongue-in-cheek)
If you bothered to watch any of the games they should be 3-0. Pretty simple.

Spoken like someone that didn't watch the Miami-Nebraska game yesterday. That game was Miami all the way for 3 1/2 quarters. Stupid play and called back TD's for penalties dragged Nebraska to over time.
I'm not too worried about how close the Pitt score was. We basically handed them 14 points. If we clean up the turnovers, we can beat anyone on our schedule. Obviously we'll slip up along the way, but I think we'll be in every game.
The sentiment that we barely beat a middle of the pack Pitt team or bottom end ISU team is dumb. Iowa is known for this. They play down to weaker teams and up to stronger ones. The years they are best are the years they pull out those close games. 2 straight weeks we have pulled out the close games. 2002 and 2009 we did that. 2002 ISU and 2009 Northwestern and Ohio State were the only close games we didn't win.

With the logic of basing this team on the competition they would be better than the 2009 team at this point... 2009 17-16 over UNI, 24-21 over Arkansas State... Arizona, Penn State, Michigan, Wisconsin, Michigan State, and Indiana could have easily been losses rather than wins. If you think about that season that team was 3-4 plays or bad bounces every game from not winning all season!
It's not like it was difficult last year either, I know we are better this year, but you know how these things can go. God help us if Beathard gets injured.

True, there was no excuse for last year. What a waste.

QB play makes all the difference this year.
A lot of people had low expectations for the team this season. We generally have our best seasons when expectations are low. Below I have some thoughts on how we will continue to win and where we need to improve.

1. This team has grinders that we haven't had in past seasons.
2. Desmond King needs to cover the best WR 100% of the time. Mabin is to small for the stars like Boyd.
3. Our DL isn't getting the same praise as the last few years, but if you ask me this DL is probably the best since Ballard/Clayborn days. I feel like we have 4 Mitch King/Karl Klug type of guys out there... Grinders who just get the job done.
4. Boone Myers is a huge handicap to the OL. Playing him at LT nearly got Beathard killed today. He got smoked repeatedly in the running and passing game. Boettger needs to be moved to LT or find someone else, because that is going to cost us a game eventually.
5. I love the balance of this team. You can't specifically plan for a particular player. Vandeberg has been our main WR target, but as we saw today Smith and Hillyer made the huge grabs to really set us up and build momentum. Daniels struggled to get rolling in the backfield and we are able to switch to a more agile quick hitter like Canzeri to open up Pitt in the second half.
6. I love the mentality of this defense! Like I said already this team is full of grinders! The defense doesn't particularly have a ton of speed or strength, but they don't get out of place much and they make plays! Jewell and Fisher were absolutely stellar in this game. I only saw 1 legit mistake where Fisher gave up the 4th and 15 play to the TE. Jewell was someone I felt deserved a Scholly much earlier in the recruiting process than he received it. Well he eventually got it and he has proved himself. The man can lay the wood!
7. The kicking game. Think about all the years when Iowa has impressive seasons... Great punter and great kicker. Kidd has been bombing punts and Koehn has gotten past is previous jitters. Ferentz knew he would be a stud, but he mainly showed it in practice. Today he proved it in a game winning fashion. That would have been good for 63-65 yards.

I would like to curb expectations, but I wouldn't be surprised to see 10-11 wins this year. Given the schedule we face and the fact we look better than expected. Purdue, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Indiana I would anticipate that we will be favorites. That leaves Maryland, Wisconsin, and Northwestern as the toughest games. Northwestern struggled with Duke, so I think Stanford was a bit of a fluke.

I quit reading after OP saying King is bigger than Mabin. King 5-11, 200 Mabin 6-2, 200
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Hawks have simply won the games they should've won. Win 1, FCS school, don't kid yourselves they are nothing compared to even low level FBS Schools especially on D (exception Kansas), Win 2, bottom half Big12 school and it was a toss up into the 4th quarter and Win 3, a mid to lower ACC school with a closing minute FG. Every win is a good win, but many are putting the cart before the horse. Every B1G West team is beatable, but hawks simply will not have seen anything close to what Wisky, NW, Minn or NE will bring.

Other than the FCS win, none of the wins have been dominant. At this point, Hawks are is closer to being 7-5 then they are to being 10-2 at this point. All 4 of the other schools above have been tested by top tier teams and NW looks as good as any of them so far.

I haven't seen anything real special from hawks offense. Hawks D looks pretty good, but depth is an issue. If hawks continue to let teams hang around until fourth quarter they will eventually get burned.

Wisky has a pretty solid offense, NW D is very solid, Minn is the biggest question mark and don't kid yourselves, if NE finds a way to put 4 quarters together they can play with anyone other than top 10.

Any talk of double digit wins before the Wisky game is silly.

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