Remember when some of you blasted people for saying Covid is just like the flu? Prepare to eat crow....

I'm sorry you can't read what's going on because you are too dumb. I'm also sorry you only go by published studies from BMJ or Lancet

I'll take BMJ and Lancet over some random dude posting things on Twitter w/o citation and explicit explanation of his methods and assumptions.
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I'll take BMJ and Lancet over some random dude posting things on Twitter w/o citation and explicit explanation of his methods and assumptions.
You're not getting that for statistical analysis of CDC data dude. All of his graphs have citation and he has explicit methods and assumptions used in detail, you just doesn't look that far because you're not very bright.
100% correct

Covid sequelae are CITED as being a major reason for increased deaths.
And the illnesses are completely in line with observed Covid symptoms and sequelae.
100% Incorrect.

If getting covid and dying later from cancer and heart issues was related to acquiring covid, you would have seen the signal in 2020 and we didn't. The excess deaths only started occurring, shocker, starting in March of 2021 coinciding with jabs. You've cited zero.
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You're not getting that for statistical analysis of CDC data dude. All of his graphs have citation and he has explicit methods and assumptions used in detail

If he has a detailed "writeup", then post it.

Otherwise, you're blowin' smoke out your ass again, here.
You're not getting that for statistical analysis of CDC data dude. All of his graphs have citation and he has explicit methods and assumptions used in detail

ONE of his posts claims a "seasonal adjustment" for cancers.
I've posted for you that, aside from sun-related cancers, this does not exist.

Ergo: He fudged the data and has posted his misinformation that you gobble down like Turkey Jizz.
And even the folks claiming they're similar are looking only at the fatality rate. Two diseases...out of 100 people, highly infectious Disease A sickens 50 and kills 5. Far less infectious Disease B sickens 10 and kills one. Same "odds of dying" for each if you're infected. Hardly the same danger.
Funny how flu deaths just disappeared there for a while due to covid. Didn't realize covid was so good at eliminating its competition
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If masks work that good to stop the flu why hasn't a single doctor through 41 years of living and 10 years of military service EVER recommended me wearing a mask during cold and flu season? Are doctors that dumb?
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If masks work that good to stop the flu why hasn't a single doctor through 41 years of living and 10 years of military service EVER recommended me wearing a mask during cold and flu season?

They do, in the hospitals. Ever been in one?

They wouldn't bother before, because you weren't gonna listen, anyway.
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Precautions taken to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including wearing masks and distancing, are likely the major reason for a steep decline of flu cases in the U.S., according to experts.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that it had logged 1,316 positive flu cases in its surveillance network between September 2020 and the end of January 2021. During that same period last year, the CDC had recorded nearly 130,000 cases.

Stephen Kissler, a research fellow in the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said in a February 11, 2021 Vox article that while more people received a flu vaccine this year, the sharp drop in cases was probably largely driven by mask-wearing and distancing. Kissler suggested that wearing masks in the future could be an effective way of helping control flu outbreaks. “Wearing masks in the wintertime, I think it’s something that might be here to stay,” he said.

(and since Covid has a FAR higher R0 value than flu, they're less effective at fully stopping Covid. But flu, with an R0 far lower, is severely limited from spreading)
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They do, in the hospitals. Ever been in one?

They wouldn't bother before, because you weren't gonna listen, anyway.
you mean controlled sterile environments where there is frequent handwashing? those hospitals? Yeah I'm sure its masks that work there.
...they've been used there for "more than 41 years".

And, aside from the ORs, they aren't "sterile environments".
I bet they're more sterile than your typical office building. And if they aren't, then its a crappy hospital run by incompetent people. By that of course I mean doctors.
What, exactly are "malignant neoplasms and lymphoma adjusted for Covid Case Historical Seasonality"?

Cancers aren't "seasonal", so it seems he may be transforming the data and CREATING the increases he's observing.

Again, if he's concerned about it, send it to a publication for review.
The presentation @your_master5 seems to be hanging his hat on appears to fall into the "lies, damn lies, and statistics" basket. If this guy has uncovered something this consequential, submitting it for peer review is the only ethical thing to do. I have a feeling I know why it hasn't occurred.
You know they viruses aren't flying around without being on a medium correct??

Even if we say that they are 100% airborne google impaction and diffusion principles of a mask.
I would imagine as small as virus particles are, they could probably fly around on the humidity of the air.
ONE of his posts claims a "seasonal adjustment" for cancers.
I've posted for you that, aside from sun-related cancers, this does not exist.

Ergo: He fudged the data and has posted his misinformation that you gobble down like Turkey Jizz.
LMAO I posted his analysis of the cancers and there is no fudging of data dimwit idiot bag who says crap he can't prove.
You know they viruses aren't flying around without being on a medium correct??

Even if we say that they are 100% airborne google impaction and diffusion principles of a mask.
Here we go again with this stupidity....
If he has a detailed "writeup", then post it.

Otherwise, you're blowin' smoke out your ass again, here.
Why? so, you can claim more BS statements and not back them up? Says the guy who posts horseshit charts from and then tells me he only accepts things from BMJ and Lancet. Awkwardly hypocritical yet again bonehead.
I would imagine as small as virus particles are, they could probably fly around on the humidity of the air.

That would be the difference between airborne and droplet. While guess that some do believe that influenza is airborne vs droplet. However, even airborne would be impacted by difussion/impaction.

Think about it... yes the holes in mask are larger than a virus. You know the thickness of a mask compared to a virus? A mask is ~1.5mm and a covid particle is 0.1 micrometers. Just doing quick math the virus would have to travel a distance 15000x it's size to get out. The virus doesn't magically go toward the light it is dispersed...additionally in those holes there is fabric "arms" that are also in the way for impaction to occur.
LMAO I posted his analysis of the cancers and there is no fudging of data

There IS fudging of the data.
He's claimed in some charts he CORRECTED cancer data for "seasonal" variation.

I've posted numerous peer-reviewed articles for you that MOST cancers follow no such "seasonal variation".

Either link a PAPER he's written that describes IN DETAIL what he's analyzing, or you have no fricking clue what you're talking about.

There IS fudging of the data.
He's claimed in some charts he CORRECTED cancer data for "seasonal" variation.

I've posted numerous peer-reviewed articles for you that MOST cancers follow no such "seasonal variation".

Either link a PAPER he's written that describes IN DETAIL what he's analyzing, or you have no fricking clue what you're talking about.
I've seen none of what you posted and you saying "claimed in some charts" is total shit.


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