Replay of Iowa/Davidson game ?

Thanks, but I was hoping there might be a replay on TV that I could DVR. Ironically, this is the first Iowa game I did not tape all year, even though I usually watch them live also.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm pretty sure the BTN doesn't have access to tournament games. At least they don't while the tournament is still going on.
I am only seeing highlights here...where do you find the entire game? Thanks
CBS Sports Network will eventually show a replay of the Iowa/Davidson game....when that will be is anyone's guess. The problem is on DirecTV they don't show who is going to be playing, just shows "Teams TBA". Next showing is at 1AM Sunday morning. This morning they replayed the Purdue/Cincy game......

I see that next Monday they start 2 hour shows entitled "Tournament Rebound" each show is 2 hours....could be replays of Thursday thru Sundays games......
This post was edited on 3/21 1:48 PM by IllQChawk
Thanks for the info...have it on the dvr at home but am in Mexico right now and trying to get anything NCAA live down here in Riviera Maya seems pretty much impossible. What a great win by our Hawkeyes. So anxious to be able to watch the game and was hoping not to have to wait! A great step forward for Fran and the whole program!